167 lines
8.8 KiB
167 lines
8.8 KiB
{% extends 'pageWrapper.html' %}
{% import 'playerOptions/macros.html' as inputs with context %}
{% block head %}
<title>{{ world_name }} Options</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename="styles/playerOptions/playerOptions.css") }}" />
<script type="application/ecmascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename="assets/md5.min.js") }}"></script>
<script type="application/ecmascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename="assets/js-yaml.min.js") }}"></script>
<script type="application/ecmascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename="assets/playerOptions.js") }}"></script>
display: none;
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% include 'header/'+theme+'Header.html' %}
<div id="player-options" class="markdown" data-game="{{ world_name }}" data-presets="{{ presets }}">
<div class="js-warning-banner">
This page has reduced functionality without JavaScript.
<div id="user-message">{{ message }}</div>
<div id="player-options-header">
<h1>{{ world_name }}</h1>
<h1>Player Options</h1>
<p>Choose the options you would like to play with! You may generate a single-player game from this page,
or download an options file you can use to participate in a MultiWorld.</p>
A more advanced options configuration for all games can be found on the
<a href="weighted-options">Weighted options</a> page.
<br />
A list of all games you have generated can be found on the <a href="/user-content">User Content Page</a>.
<br />
You may also download the
<a href="/static/generated/configs/{{ world_name }}.yaml">template file for this game</a>.
<form id="options-form" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" action="generate-yaml">
<div id="meta-options">
<label for="player-name">
Player Name: <span class="interactive" data-tooltip="This is the name you use to connect with your game. This is also known as your 'slot name'.">(?)</span>
<input id="player-name" placeholder="Player" name="name" maxlength="16" />
<div class="js-required">
<label for="game-options-preset">
Options Preset: <span class="interactive" data-tooltip="Select from a list of developer-curated presets (if any) or reset all options to their defaults.">(?)</span>
<select id="game-options-preset" name="game-options-preset" disabled>
<option value="default">Default</option>
{% for preset_name in world.web.options_presets %}
<option value="{{ preset_name }}">{{ preset_name }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<option value="custom" hidden>Custom</option>
<div id="option-groups">
{% for group_name, group_options in option_groups.items() %}
<details class="group-container" {% if not start_collapsed[group_name] %}open{% endif %}>
<summary class="h2">{{ group_name }}</summary>
<div class="game-options">
<div class="left">
{% for option_name, option in group_options.items() %}
{% if loop.index <= (loop.length / 2)|round(0,"ceil") %}
{% if issubclass(option, Options.Toggle) %}
{{ inputs.Toggle(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.TextChoice) %}
{{ inputs.TextChoice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Choice) %}
{{ inputs.Choice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.NamedRange) %}
{{ inputs.NamedRange(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Range) %}
{{ inputs.Range(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.FreeText) %}
{{ inputs.FreeText(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemDict) and option.verify_item_name %}
{{ inputs.ItemDict(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionList) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionList(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.LocationSet) and option.verify_location_name %}
{{ inputs.LocationSet(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemSet) and option.verify_item_name %}
{{ inputs.ItemSet(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionSet) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionSet(option_name, option) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="right">
{% for option_name, option in group_options.items() %}
{% if loop.index > (loop.length / 2)|round(0,"ceil") %}
{% if issubclass(option, Options.Toggle) %}
{{ inputs.Toggle(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.TextChoice) %}
{{ inputs.TextChoice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Choice) %}
{{ inputs.Choice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.NamedRange) %}
{{ inputs.NamedRange(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Range) %}
{{ inputs.Range(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.FreeText) %}
{{ inputs.FreeText(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemDict) and option.verify_item_name %}
{{ inputs.ItemDict(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionList) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionList(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.LocationSet) and option.verify_location_name %}
{{ inputs.LocationSet(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemSet) and option.verify_item_name %}
{{ inputs.ItemSet(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionSet) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionSet(option_name, option) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<div id="player-options-button-row">
<input type="submit" name="intent-export" value="Export Options" />
<input type="submit" name="intent-generate" value="Generate Single-Player Game">
{% endblock %}