2022-10-25 17:54:43 +00:00
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
2024-10-30 23:16:02 +00:00
import logging
2024-11-27 02:28:00 +00:00
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Any, Optional, Union, TypeGuard
2024-03-07 09:18:22 +00:00
from worlds.LauncherComponents import Component, SuffixIdentifier, Type, components
2022-10-25 17:54:43 +00:00
from SNIClient import SNIContext
2024-03-07 09:18:22 +00:00
component = Component('SNI Client', 'SNIClient', component_type=Type.CLIENT, file_identifier=SuffixIdentifier(".apsoe"))
def valid_patch_suffix(obj: object) -> TypeGuard[Union[str, Iterable[str]]]:
""" make sure this is a valid value for the class variable `patch_suffix` """
def valid_individual(one: object) -> TypeGuard[str]:
""" check an individual suffix """
# TODO: decide: len(one) > 3 and one.startswith(".ap") ?
# or keep it more general?
return isinstance(one, str) and len(one) > 1 and one.startswith(".")
if isinstance(obj, str):
return valid_individual(obj)
if not isinstance(obj, Iterable):
return False
obj_it: Iterable[object] = obj
return all(valid_individual(each) for each in obj_it)
2022-10-25 17:54:43 +00:00
class AutoSNIClientRegister(abc.ABCMeta):
game_handlers: ClassVar[Dict[str, SNIClient]] = {}
def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoSNIClientRegister:
# construct class
new_class = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
if "game" in dct:
AutoSNIClientRegister.game_handlers[dct["game"]] = new_class()
2024-03-07 09:18:22 +00:00
if "patch_suffix" in dct:
patch_suffix = dct["patch_suffix"]
assert valid_patch_suffix(patch_suffix), f"class {name} defining invalid {patch_suffix=}"
existing_identifier = component.file_identifier
assert isinstance(existing_identifier, SuffixIdentifier), f"{existing_identifier=}"
new_suffixes = [*existing_identifier.suffixes]
if isinstance(patch_suffix, str):
component.file_identifier = SuffixIdentifier(*new_suffixes)
2022-10-25 17:54:43 +00:00
return new_class
async def get_handler(ctx: SNIContext) -> Optional[SNIClient]:
for _game, handler in AutoSNIClientRegister.game_handlers.items():
2024-10-30 23:16:02 +00:00
if await handler.validate_rom(ctx):
return handler
except Exception as e:
text_file_logger = logging.getLogger()
2022-10-25 17:54:43 +00:00
return None
class SNIClient(abc.ABC, metaclass=AutoSNIClientRegister):
2024-03-07 09:18:22 +00:00
patch_suffix: ClassVar[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = ()
"""The file extension(s) this client is meant to open and patch (e.g. ".aplttp")"""
2022-10-25 17:54:43 +00:00
async def validate_rom(self, ctx: SNIContext) -> bool:
""" TODO: interface documentation here """
async def game_watcher(self, ctx: SNIContext) -> None:
""" TODO: interface documentation here """
async def deathlink_kill_player(self, ctx: SNIContext) -> None:
""" override this with implementation to kill player """