Update documentation for new options.

This commit is contained in:
alwaysintreble 2021-09-07 17:50:43 -05:00
parent 062615b6b1
commit bd4f24844b
2 changed files with 37 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -46,6 +46,28 @@ Risk of Rain 2:
start_with_revive: true
item_pickup_step: 1
enable_lunar: true
default: 50
new: 0
uncommon: 0
legendary: 0
lunartic: 0
chaos: 0
no_scraps: 0
even: 0
scraps_only: 0
item_pool_presets: true
# custom item weights
green_scrap: 16
red_scrap: 4
yellow_scrap: 1
white_scrap: 32
common_item: 64
uncommon_item: 32
legendary_item: 8
boss_item: 4
lunar_item: 16
equipment: 32
| Name | Description | Allowed values |
@ -55,6 +77,10 @@ Risk of Rain 2:
| start_with_revive | Starts the player off with a `Dio's Best Friend`. Functionally equivalent to putting a `Dio's Best Friend` in your `starting_inventory`. | true/false |
| item_pickup_step | The number of item pickups which you are allowed to claim before they become an Archipelago location check. | 0 - 5 |
| enable_lunar | Allows for lunar items to be shuffled into the item pool on behalf of the Risk of Rain player. | true/false |
| item_weights | Each option here is a preset item weight that can be used to customize your generate item pool with certain settings. | default, new, uncommon, legendary, lunartic, chaos, no_scraps, even, scraps_only |
| item_pool_presets | A simple toggle to determine whether the item_weight presets are used or the custom item pool as defined below | true/false |
| custom item weights | Each defined item here is a single item in the pool that will have a weight against the other items when the item pool gets generated. These values can be modified to adjust how frequently certain items appear | 0-100|
Using the example YAML above: the Risk of Rain 2 player will have 15 total items which they can pick up for other players. (total_locations = 15)
@ -66,4 +92,6 @@ They will have 4 of the items which other players can grant them replaced with `
The player will also start with a `Dio's Best Friend`. (start_with_revive = true)
The player will have lunar items shuffled into the item pool on their behalf. (enable_lunar = true)
The player will have lunar items shuffled into the item pool on their behalf. (enable_lunar = true)
The player will have the default preset generated item pool with the custom item weights being ignored. (item_weights: default and item_pool_presets: true)

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@ -124,7 +124,14 @@ class ItemPoolPresetToggle(DefaultOnToggle):
class ItemWeights(Choice):
"""Preset choices for determining the weights of the item pool.
Only used if custom weights are unmodified or deleted."""
New is a test for a potential adjustment to the default weights.
Uncommon puts a large number of uncommon items in the pool.
Legendary puts a large number of legendary items in the pool.
lunartic makes everything a lunar item.
chaos generates the pool completely at random with rarer items having a slight cap to prevent this option being too easy.
no_scraps removes all scrap items from the item pool.
even generates the item pool with every item having an even weight.
scraps_only removes all non scrap items from the item pool."""
displayname = "Item Weights"
option_default = 0
option_new = 1