Individual settings: goal

This commit is contained in:
Bonta-kun 2019-12-16 15:27:20 +01:00
parent 9ca755d5b2
commit c1788c070d
8 changed files with 36 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class World(object):
self.difficulty_adjustments = difficulty_adjustments
self.timer = timer = progressive
self.goal = goal
self.goal = goal.copy()
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.dungeons = []
self.regions = []

View File

@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ def parse_arguments(argv, no_defaults=False):
for player in range(1, multiargs.multi + 1):
playerargs = parse_arguments(shlex.split(getattr(ret,f"p{player}")), True)
for name in ['logic', 'mode', 'swords']:
for name in ['logic', 'mode', 'swords', 'goal']:
value = getattr(defaults, name) if getattr(playerargs, name) is None else getattr(playerargs, name)
if player == 1:
setattr(ret, name, {1: value})

View File

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def fill_restrictive(world, base_state, locations, itempool, single_player_place
def distribute_items_restrictive(world, gftower_trash_count=0, fill_locations=None):
def distribute_items_restrictive(world, gftower_trash=False, fill_locations=None):
# If not passed in, then get a shuffled list of locations to fill in
if not fill_locations:
fill_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations()
@ -224,16 +224,20 @@ def distribute_items_restrictive(world, gftower_trash_count=0, fill_locations=No
# fill in gtower locations with trash first
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
if world.ganonstower_vanilla[player]:
gtower_locations = [location for location in fill_locations if 'Ganons Tower' in and location.player == player]
trashcnt = 0
while gtower_locations and restitempool and trashcnt < gftower_trash_count:
spot_to_fill = gtower_locations.pop()
item_to_place = restitempool.pop()
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
trashcnt += 1
if not gftower_trash or not world.ganonstower_vanilla[player]:
gftower_trash_count = (random.randint(15, 50) if world.goal[player] == 'triforcehunt' else random.randint(0, 15))
gtower_locations = [location for location in fill_locations if 'Ganons Tower' in and location.player == player]
trashcnt = 0
while gtower_locations and restitempool and trashcnt < gftower_trash_count:
spot_to_fill = gtower_locations.pop()
item_to_place = restitempool.pop()
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
trashcnt += 1

View File

@ -125,19 +125,19 @@ difficulties = {
def generate_itempool(world, player):
if (world.difficulty not in ['normal', 'hard', 'expert'] or world.goal not in ['ganon', 'pedestal', 'dungeons', 'triforcehunt', 'crystals']
if (world.difficulty not in ['normal', 'hard', 'expert'] or world.goal[player] not in ['ganon', 'pedestal', 'dungeons', 'triforcehunt', 'crystals']
or world.mode[player] not in ['open', 'standard', 'inverted'] or world.timer not in ['none', 'display', 'timed', 'timed-ohko', 'ohko', 'timed-countdown'] or not in ['on', 'off', 'random']):
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported yet')
if world.timer in ['ohko', 'timed-ohko']:
world.can_take_damage = False
if world.goal in ['pedestal', 'triforcehunt']:
if world.goal[player] in ['pedestal', 'triforcehunt']:
world.push_item(world.get_location('Ganon', player), ItemFactory('Nothing', player), False)
world.push_item(world.get_location('Ganon', player), ItemFactory('Triforce', player), False)
if world.goal in ['triforcehunt']:
if world.goal[player] in ['triforcehunt']:
if world.mode[player] == 'inverted':
region = world.get_region('Light World',player)
@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ def generate_itempool(world, player):
# set up item pool
if world.custom:
(pool, placed_items, precollected_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = make_custom_item_pool(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal, world.mode[player], world.swords[player], world.retro, world.customitemarray)
(pool, placed_items, precollected_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = make_custom_item_pool(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal[player], world.mode[player], world.swords[player], world.retro, world.customitemarray)
world.rupoor_cost = min(world.customitemarray[69], 9999)
(pool, placed_items, precollected_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = get_pool_core(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal, world.mode[player], world.swords[player], world.retro)
(pool, placed_items, precollected_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = get_pool_core(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal[player], world.mode[player], world.swords[player], world.retro)
for item in precollected_items:
world.push_precollected(ItemFactory(item, player))

View File

@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
elif args.algorithm == 'freshness':
elif args.algorithm == 'vt25':
distribute_items_restrictive(world, 0)
distribute_items_restrictive(world, False)
elif args.algorithm == 'vt26':
distribute_items_restrictive(world, gt_filler(world), shuffled_locations)
distribute_items_restrictive(world, True, shuffled_locations)
elif args.algorithm == 'balanced':
distribute_items_restrictive(world, gt_filler(world))
distribute_items_restrictive(world, True)
if world.players > 1:'Balancing multiworld progression.')
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
outfilesuffix = ('%s%s_%s_%s-%s-%s-%s%s_%s-%s%s%s%s%s' % (f'_P{player}' if world.players > 1 else '',
f'_{player_names[player]}' if player in player_names else '',
world.logic[player], world.difficulty, world.difficulty_adjustments,
world.mode[player], world.goal,
world.mode[player], world.goal[player],
"" if world.timer in ['none', 'display'] else "-" + world.timer,
world.shuffle, world.algorithm, mcsb_name,
"-retro" if world.retro else "",
@ -213,11 +213,6 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
return world
def gt_filler(world):
if world.goal == 'triforcehunt':
return random.randint(15, 50)
return random.randint(0, 15)
def copy_world(world):
# ToDo: Not good yet
ret = World(world.players, world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.swords, world.difficulty, world.difficulty_adjustments, world.timer,, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.accessibility, world.shuffle_ganon, world.quickswap, world.fastmenu, world.disable_music, world.retro, world.custom, world.customitemarray, world.boss_shuffle, world.hints)

View File

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def fill_world(world, plando, text_patches):
world.logic = {1: logicstr.strip()}
elif line.startswith('!goal'):
_, goalstr = line.split(':', 1)
world.goal = goalstr.strip()
world.goal = {1: goalstr.strip()}
elif line.startswith('!light_cone_sewers'):
_, sewerstr = line.split(':', 1)
world.sewer_light_cone = {1: sewerstr.strip().lower() == 'true'}

View File

@ -943,11 +943,11 @@ def patch_rom(world, player, rom, enemized):
(0x02 if 'bombs' in world.escape_assist[player] else 0x00) |
(0x04 if 'magic' in world.escape_assist[player] else 0x00))) # Escape assist
if world.goal in ['pedestal', 'triforcehunt']:
if world.goal[player] in ['pedestal', 'triforcehunt']:
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x01) # make ganon invincible
elif world.goal in ['dungeons']:
elif world.goal[player] in ['dungeons']:
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x02) # make ganon invincible until all dungeons are beat
elif world.goal in ['crystals']:
elif world.goal[player] in ['crystals']:
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x04) # make ganon invincible until all crystals
rom.write_byte(0x18003E, 0x03) # make ganon invincible until all crystals and aga 2 are collected
@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ def write_strings(rom, world, player):
tt['sign_ganons_tower'] = ('You need %d crystal to enter.' if world.crystals_needed_for_gt == 1 else 'You need %d crystals to enter.') % world.crystals_needed_for_gt
tt['sign_ganon'] = ('You need %d crystal to beat Ganon.' if world.crystals_needed_for_ganon == 1 else 'You need %d crystals to beat Ganon.') % world.crystals_needed_for_ganon
if world.goal in ['dungeons']:
if world.goal[player] in ['dungeons']:
tt['sign_ganon'] = 'You need to complete all the dungeons.'
tt['uncle_leaving_text'] = Uncle_texts[random.randint(0, len(Uncle_texts) - 1)]
@ -1563,12 +1563,12 @@ def write_strings(rom, world, player):
tt['sahasrahla_quest_have_master_sword'] = Sahasrahla2_texts[random.randint(0, len(Sahasrahla2_texts) - 1)]
tt['blind_by_the_light'] = Blind_texts[random.randint(0, len(Blind_texts) - 1)]
if world.goal in ['triforcehunt']:
if world.goal[player] in ['triforcehunt']:
tt['ganon_fall_in_alt'] = 'Why are you even here?\n You can\'t even hurt me! Get the Triforce Pieces.'
tt['ganon_phase_3_alt'] = 'Seriously? Go Away, I will not Die.'
tt['sign_ganon'] = 'Go find the Triforce pieces... Ganon is invincible!'
tt['murahdahla'] = "Hello @. I\nam Murahdahla, brother of\nSahasrahla and Aginah. Behold the power of\ninvisibility.\n\n\n\n… … …\n\nWait! you can see me? I knew I should have\nhidden in a hollow tree. If you bring\n%d triforce pieces, I can reassemble it." % world.treasure_hunt_count
elif world.goal in ['pedestal']:
elif world.goal[player] in ['pedestal']:
tt['ganon_fall_in_alt'] = 'Why are you even here?\n You can\'t even hurt me! Your goal is at the pedestal.'
tt['ganon_phase_3_alt'] = 'Seriously? Go Away, I will not Die.'
tt['sign_ganon'] = 'You need to get to the pedestal... Ganon is invincible!'

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@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ def set_rules(world, player):
raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet')
if world.goal == 'dungeons':
if world.goal[player] == 'dungeons':
# require all dungeons to beat ganon
add_rule(world.get_location('Ganon', player), lambda state: state.can_reach('Master Sword Pedestal', 'Location', player) and state.has('Beat Agahnim 1', player) and state.has('Beat Agahnim 2', player) and state.has_crystals(7, player))
elif world.goal == 'ganon':
elif world.goal[player] == 'ganon':
# require aga2 to beat ganon
add_rule(world.get_location('Ganon', player), lambda state: state.has('Beat Agahnim 2', player))
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def item_name(state, location, player):
return (, location.item.player)
def global_rules(world, player):
if world.goal == 'triforcehunt':
if world.goal[player] == 'triforcehunt':
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.player != player:
forbid_item(location, 'Triforce Piece', player)