These are the basic adjuster files setting up for a new feature in the next release. Already randomized ROMs can be adjusted after the fact and have quickswap, fast menu, disable music, heartbeep rate, or a custom sprite applied or removed at the user's discretion with the checksum being properly updated. For now, the validity check for a randomized ROM is simply that it is exactly 2 MiB long and has a file name that ends in .sfc (while .smc is a valid SNES ROM file extension, no existing randomizer programs use it for output). This feature will need more updating with the new v28 features before it's ready for primetime; KevinCathcart's sprite selector will be an important part of this feature, and I believe variable speed fastmenu will be supported by the v28 base ROM so I'd want to make that selectable as well. For now, this should work as building blocks.
Added a proper icon
Fix output directory for packaged builds
Added a button to open the ouput directory, and a button to open
documentation for packaged builds.
-From KevinCathcart, adds a "balanced" algorithm that, in theory, fixes the dungeon bias of the v26/v27 algorithm while maintaining the desirable amount of randomness it provides.