Fix inverted mirror rules - DM Descent is a mirror offset, East DM access is a mirror wrap (not in logic).
Add mirror clip to Desert East entrance (from east Mire Shed).
Add inverted mirror offset to hyrule castle ledge (placing a portal on the houlihan exit).
Add logic for superbunny access to Sahasrahla's closet (with boots)
Add logic for superbunny through Two Brother's House (with boots)
Fix superbunny logic for spiral cave and mini moldorm cave - requires a sword
Add logic for waterwalking into Waterfall Cave
Add clip to Ice Palace entrance (requires boots, pearl and flippers)
Add extra clips to inverted owg logic - PoD and Dark Lake Hylia Ledge are now in logic with just boots
Add clip to flute point 6 into inverted owg logic - some light world locations are now accessible with boots and mitts, but no pearl or mirror.