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Kingdom Hearts (PC)

Where is the options page?

The player options page for this game contains most of the options you need to configure and export a config file.

What does randomization do to this game?

The Kingdom Hearts AP Randomizer randomizes most rewards in the game and adds several items which are used to unlock worlds, Olympus Coliseum cups, and world progression.

Worlds can only be accessed by finding the corresponding item. For example, you need to find the Monstro item to enter Monstro.

The default goal is to enter End of the World and defeat Final Ansem.

What items and locations get shuffled?


Any weapon, accessory, spell, trinity, summon, world, key item, stat up, consumable, or ability can be found in any location.


Locations the player can find items include chests, event rewards, Atlantica clams, level up rewards, 101 Dalmatian rewards, and postcard rewards.

Which items can be in another player's world?

Any of the items which can be shuffled may also be placed into another player's world. It is possible to choose to limit certain items to your own world.

When the player receives an item, what happens?

When the player receives an item, your client will display a message displaying the item you have obtained. You will also see a notification in the "LEVEL UP" box.

What do I do if I encounter a bug with the game?

Please reach out to Gicu#7034 on Discord.

How do I progress in a certain world?

The evidence boxes aren't spawning in Wonderland.

Find Footprints in the multiworld.

I can't enter any cups in Olympus Coliseum.

Firstly, find Entry Pass in the multiworld. Additionally, Phil Cup, Pegasus Cup, and Hercules Cup are all multiworld items. Finding all 3 grant you access to the Hades Cup and the Platinum Match. Clearing all cups lets you challenge Ice Titan.

The slides aren't spawning in Deep Jungle.

Find Slides in the multiworld.

I can't progress in Atlantica.

Find Crystal Trident in the multiworld.

I can't progress in Halloween Town.

Find Forget-Me-Not and Jack-in-the-Box in the multiworld.

The Hollow Bastion Library is missing a book.

Find Theon Vol. 6 in the multiworld.

How do I enter the End of the World?

You can enter End of the World by obtaining a number of Ansem's Reports or by finding End of the World in the multiworld, depending on your options.


This is a collaborative effort from several individuals in the Kingdom Hearts community, but most of all, denhonator.

Denho's original KH rando laid the foundation for the work here and makes everything here possible, so thank you Denho for such a blast of a randomizer.

Other credits include:

Sonicshadowsilver2 for their work finding many memory addresses, working to identify and resolve bugs, and converting the code base to the latest EGS update.

Shananas and the rest of the OpenKH team for providing such an amazing tool for us to utilize on this project.

TopazTK for their work on the Show Prompt method and Krujo for their implementation of the method in AP.

JaredWeakStrike for helping clean up my mess of code.

KSX for their Interact in Battle code.

RavSpect for their title screen image edit.

SunCatMC for their work on ChecksFinder, which I used as a basis for game-to-client communication.

ThePhar for their work on Rogue Legacy AP, which I used as a basis for the apworld creation.