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Stardew Valley
Where is the settings page?
The player settings page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do to this game?
A vast number of objectives in Stardew Valley can be shuffled around the multiworld. Most of these are optional, and the player can customize their experience in their YAML file.
For these objectives, if they have a vanilla reward, this reward will instead be an item in the multiworld. For the remaining number of such objectives, there are a number of "Resource Pack" items, which are simply an item or a stack of items that may be useful to the player.
What is the goal of Stardew Valley?
The player can choose from a number of goals, using their YAML settings.
- Complete the Community Center
- Succeed Grandpa's Evaluation with 4 lit candles
- Reach the bottom of the Pelican Town Mineshaft
- Complete the Cryptic Note quest, by meeting Mr Qi on floor 100 of the Skull Cavern
- Get the achievement Master Angler, which requires catching every fish in the game
- Get the achievement A Complete Collection, which requires donating all the artifacts and minerals to the museum
- Get the achievement Full House, which requires getting married and having two kids.
- Get recognized as the Greatest Walnut Hunter by Mr Qi, which requires finding all 130 golden walnuts on ginger island
- Achieve Perfection in your save file
What are location checks in Stardew Valley?
Location checks in Stardew Valley always include:
- Community Center Bundles
- Mineshaft Chest Rewards
- Story Quests
- Traveling Merchant Items
- Isolated objectives such as the beach bridge, Old Master Cannoli, Grim Reaper Statue, etc
There also are a number of location checks that are optional, and individual players choose to include them or not in their shuffling:
- Tools and Fishing Rod Upgrades
- Carpenter Buildings
- Backpack Upgrades
- Mine Elevator Levels
- Skill Levels
- Arcade Machines
- Help Wanted Quests
- Participating in Festivals
- Special Orders from the town board, or from Mr Qi
- Cropsanity: Growing and Harvesting individual crop types
- Fishsanity: Catching individual fish
- Museumsanity: Donating individual items, or reaching milestones for museum donations
- Friendsanity: Reaching specific friendship levels with NPCs
Which items can be in another player's world?
Every normal reward from the above locations can be in another player's world. For the locations which do not include a normal reward, Resource Packs and traps are instead added to the pool. Traps are optional.
A player can enable some settings that will add some items to the pool that are relevant to progression
- Seasons Randomizer:
- All 4 seasons will be items, and one of them will be selected randomly and be added to the player's start inventory
- At the end of each month, the player can choose the next season, instead of following the vanilla season order. On Seasons Randomizer, they can only choose from the seasons they have received.
- Cropsanity:
- Every single seed in the game starts off locked and cannot be purchased from any merchant. Their unlocks are received as multiworld items. Growing each seed and harvesting the resulting crop sends a location check
- The way merchants sell seeds is considerably changed. Pierre sells fewer seeds at a high price, while Joja sells unlimited seeds but in huge discount packs, not individually.
- Museumsanity:
- The items that are normally obtained from museum donation milestones are added to the item pool. Some items, like the magic rock candy, are duplicated for convenience.
- The Traveling Merchant now sells artifacts and minerals, with a bias towards undonated ones, to mitigate randomness. She will sell these items as the player receives "Traveling Merchant Metal Detector" items.
- TV Channels
- Babies
There are a few extra vanilla items, which are added to the pool for convenience, but do not have a matching location. These include
And lastly, some Archipelago-exclusive items exist in the pool, which are designed around game balance and QoL. These include:
- Arcade Machine buffs (Only if the arcade machines are randomized)
- Journey of the Prairie King has drop rate increases, extra lives, and equipment
- Junimo Kart has extra lives.
- Permanent Movement Speed Bonuses (customizable)
- Permanent Luck Bonuses (customizable)
- Traveling Merchant buffs
When the player receives an item, what happens?
Since Pelican Town is a remote area, it takes one business day for every item to reach the player. If an item is received while online, it will appear in the player's mailbox the next morning, with a message from the sender telling them where it was found. If an item is received while offline, it will be in the mailbox as soon as the player logs in.
Some items will be directly attached to the letter, while some others will instead be a world-wide unlock, and the letter only serves to tell the player about it.
In some cases, like receiving Carpenter and Wizard buildings, the player will still need to go ask Robin to construct the building that they have received, so they can choose its position. This construction will be completely free.
Starting in version 4.x.x, some Stardew Valley mods unrelated to Archipelago are officially "supported". This means that, for these specific mods, if you decide to include them in your yaml settings, the multiworld will be generated with the assumption that you will install and play with these mods. The multiworld will contain related items and locations for these mods, the specifics will vary from mod to mod
List of supported mods:
- General
- Skills
- NPCs
You cannot play an Archipelago Slot in multiplayer at the moment. There are no short-term plans to support that feature.
You can, however, send Stardew Valley objects as gifts from one Stardew Player to another Stardew player, using in-game Joja Prime delivery, for a fee. This exclusive feature can be turned off if you don't want to send and receive gifts.