377 lines
13 KiB
377 lines
13 KiB
import worlds.oot.Messages as Messages
# Least common multiple of all possible character widths. A line wrap must occur when the combined widths of all of the
# characters on a line reach this value.
# Attempting to display more lines in a single text box will cause additional lines to bleed past the bottom of the box.
# Attempting to display more characters in a single text box will cause buffer overflows. First, visual artifacts will
# appear in lower areas of the text box. Eventually, the text box will become uncloseable.
'LINE_BREAK': ['&', '\x01'],
'BOX_BREAK': ['^', '\x04'],
'NAME': ['@', '\x0F'],
'COLOR': ['#', '\x05\x00'],
TEXT_END = '\x02'
def line_wrap(text, strip_existing_lines=False, strip_existing_boxes=False, replace_control_chars=True):
# Replace stand-in characters with their actual control code.
if replace_control_chars:
for char in CONTROL_CHARS.values():
text = text.replace(char[0], char[1])
# Parse the text into a list of control codes.
text_codes = Messages.parse_control_codes(text)
# Existing line/box break codes to strip.
strip_codes = []
if strip_existing_boxes:
if strip_existing_lines:
# Replace stripped codes with a space.
if strip_codes:
index = 0
while index < len(text_codes):
text_code = text_codes[index]
if text_code.code in strip_codes:
# Check for existing whitespace near this control code.
# If one is found, simply remove this text code.
if index > 0 and text_codes[index-1].code == 0x20:
if index + 1 < len(text_codes) and text_codes[index+1].code == 0x20:
# Replace this text code with a space.
text_codes[index] = Messages.Text_Code(0x20, 0)
index += 1
# Split the text codes by current box breaks.
boxes = []
start_index = 0
end_index = 0
for text_code in text_codes:
end_index += 1
if text_code.code == 0x04:
start_index = end_index
# Split the boxes into lines and words.
processed_boxes = []
for box_codes in boxes:
line_width = NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH
icon_code = None
words = []
# Group the text codes into words.
index = 0
while index < len(box_codes):
text_code = box_codes[index]
index += 1
# Check for an icon code and lower the width of this box if one is found.
if text_code.code == 0x13:
line_width = 1441440
icon_code = text_code
# Find us a whole word.
if text_code.code in [0x01, 0x04, 0x20]:
if index > 1:
if text_code.code in [0x01, 0x04]:
# If we have ran into a line or box break, add it as a "word" as well.
box_codes = box_codes[index:]
index = 0
if index > 0 and index == len(box_codes):
box_codes = []
# Arrange our words into lines.
lines = []
start_index = 0
end_index = 0
box_count = 1
while end_index < len(words):
# Our current confirmed line.
end_index += 1
line = words[start_index:end_index]
# If this word is a line/box break, trim our line back a word and deal with it later.
break_char = False
if words[end_index-1][0].code in [0x01, 0x04]:
line = words[start_index:end_index-1]
break_char = True
# Check the width of the line after adding one more word.
if end_index == len(words) or break_char or calculate_width(words[start_index:end_index+1]) > line_width:
if line or lines:
start_index = end_index
# If we've reached the end of the box, finalize it.
if end_index == len(words) or words[end_index-1][0].code == 0x04 or len(lines) == LINES_PER_BOX:
# Append the same icon to any wrapped boxes.
if icon_code and box_count > 1:
lines[0][0] = [icon_code] + lines[0][0]
lines = []
box_count += 1
# Construct our final string.
# This is a hideous level of list comprehension. Sorry.
return '\x04'.join('\x01'.join(' '.join(''.join(code.get_string() for code in word) for word in line) for line in box) for box in processed_boxes)
def calculate_width(words):
words_width = 0
for word in words:
index = 0
while index < len(word):
character = word[index]
index += 1
if character.code in Messages.CONTROL_CODES:
if character.code == 0x06:
words_width += character.data
words_width += get_character_width(chr(character.code))
spaces_width = get_character_width(' ') * (len(words) - 1)
return words_width + spaces_width
def get_character_width(character):
return character_table[character]
except KeyError:
if ord(character) < 0x20:
if character in control_code_width:
return sum([character_table[c] for c in control_code_width[character]])
return 0
# A sane default with the most common character width
return character_table[' ']
control_code_width = {
'\x0F': '00000000',
'\x16': '00\'00"',
'\x17': '00\'00"',
'\x18': '00000',
'\x19': '100',
'\x1D': '00',
'\x1E': '00000',
'\x1F': '00\'00"',
# Tediously measured by filling a full line of a gossip stone's text box with one character until it is reasonably full
# (with a right margin) and counting how many characters fit. OoT does not appear to use any kerning, but, if it does,
# it will only make the characters more space-efficient, so this is an underestimate of the number of letters per line,
# at worst. This ensures that we will never bleed text out of the text box while line wrapping.
# Larger numbers in the denominator mean more of that character fits on a line; conversely, larger values in this table
# mean the character is wider and can't fit as many on one line.
character_table = {
'\x0F': 655200,
'\x16': 292215,
'\x17': 292215,
'\x18': 300300,
'\x19': 145860,
'\x1D': 85800,
'\x1E': 300300,
'\x1F': 265980,
'a': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'b': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'c': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'd': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'e': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'f': 34650, # LINE_WIDTH / 52
'g': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'h': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'i': 25740, # LINE_WIDTH / 70
'j': 34650, # LINE_WIDTH / 52
'k': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'l': 25740, # LINE_WIDTH / 70
'm': 81900, # LINE_WIDTH / 22
'n': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'o': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'p': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'q': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'r': 42900, # LINE_WIDTH / 42
's': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
't': 42900, # LINE_WIDTH / 42
'u': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'v': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'w': 81900, # LINE_WIDTH / 22
'x': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'y': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'z': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'A': 81900, # LINE_WIDTH / 22
'B': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'C': 72072, # LINE_WIDTH / 25
'D': 72072, # LINE_WIDTH / 25
'E': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'F': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'G': 81900, # LINE_WIDTH / 22
'H': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'I': 25740, # LINE_WIDTH / 70
'J': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'K': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'L': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'M': 81900, # LINE_WIDTH / 22
'N': 72072, # LINE_WIDTH / 25
'O': 81900, # LINE_WIDTH / 22
'P': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'Q': 81900, # LINE_WIDTH / 22
'R': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'S': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'T': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'U': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'V': 72072, # LINE_WIDTH / 25
'W': 100100, # LINE_WIDTH / 18
'X': 72072, # LINE_WIDTH / 25
'Y': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'Z': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
' ': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'1': 25740, # LINE_WIDTH / 70
'2': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'3': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'4': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'5': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'6': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'7': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'8': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'9': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'0': 60060, # LINE_WIDTH / 30
'!': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'?': 72072, # LINE_WIDTH / 25
'\'': 17325, # LINE_WIDTH / 104
'"': 34650, # LINE_WIDTH / 52
'.': 25740, # LINE_WIDTH / 70
',': 25740, # LINE_WIDTH / 70
'/': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'-': 34650, # LINE_WIDTH / 52
'_': 51480, # LINE_WIDTH / 35
'(': 42900, # LINE_WIDTH / 42
')': 42900, # LINE_WIDTH / 42
'$': 51480 # LINE_WIDTH / 35
# To run tests, enter the following into a python3 REPL:
# >>> import Messages
# >>> from TextBox import line_wrap_tests
# >>> line_wrap_tests()
def line_wrap_tests():
def test_wrap_simple_line():
words = 'Hello World! Hello World! Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello World! Hello World! Hello\x01World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Wrap Simple Line" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Wrap Simple Line" test passed!')
def test_honor_forced_line_wraps():
words = 'Hello World! Hello World!&Hello World! Hello World! Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello World! Hello World!\x01Hello World! Hello World! Hello\x01World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Honor Forced Line Wraps" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Honor Forced Line Wraps" test passed!')
def test_honor_box_breaks():
words = 'Hello World! Hello World!^Hello World! Hello World! Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello World! Hello World!\x04Hello World! Hello World! Hello\x01World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Honor Box Breaks" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Honor Box Breaks" test passed!')
def test_honor_control_characters():
words = 'Hello World! #Hello# World! Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello World! \x05\x00Hello\x05\x00 World! Hello\x01World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Honor Control Characters" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Honor Control Characters" test passed!')
def test_honor_player_name():
words = 'Hello @! Hello World! Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello \x0F! Hello World!\x01Hello World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Honor Player Name" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Honor Player Name" test passed!')
def test_maintain_multiple_forced_breaks():
words = 'Hello World!&&&Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello World!\x01\x01\x01Hello World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Maintain Multiple Forced Breaks" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Maintain Multiple Forced Breaks" test passed!')
def test_trim_whitespace():
words = 'Hello World! & Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello World!\x01Hello World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Trim Whitespace" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Trim Whitespace" test passed!')
def test_support_long_words():
words = 'Hello World! WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Hello World!'
expected = 'Hello World!\x01WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW\x01Hello World!'
result = line_wrap(words)
if result != expected:
print('"Support Long Words" test failed: Got ' + result + ', wanted ' + expected)
print('"Support Long Words" test passed!')
# AP additions
rom_safe_lambda = lambda c: c if c in character_table else '?'
def rom_safe_text(text):
return ''.join(map(rom_safe_lambda, text))