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Hollow Knight

Where is the options page?

The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.

What does randomization do to this game?

Randomization swaps around the locations of items. The items being swapped around are chosen within your YAML. Shop costs are presently always randomized. Items which could be randomized, but are not, will remain unmodified in their usual locations. In particular, when the items at Grubfather and Seer are partially randomized, randomized items will be obtained from a chest in the room, while unrandomized items will be given by the NPC as normal.

What Hollow Knight items can appear in other players' worlds?

This is dependent entirely upon your YAML options. Some examples include: charms, grubs, lifeblood cocoons, geo, etc.

What does another world's item look like in Hollow Knight?

When the Hollow Knight player picks up an item from a location and it is an item for another game it will appear in that player's recent items display as an item being sent to another player. If the item is for another Hollow Knight player then the sprite will be that of the item's original sprite. If the item belongs to a player that is not playing Hollow Knight then the sprite will be the Archipelago logo.