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Where is the options page?

The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file. Player options page link: VVVVVV Player Options Page.

What does randomization do to this game?

All 20 Trinkets are now Location Checks and may not actually contain Trinkets, but Items for different games.

Optionally, you may enable DoorCost, which will gate away some areas:

  • Laboratory
  • The Tower
  • Space Station 2 and
  • Warp Zone until you've collected some Trinkets. Examples:
  • If you set DoorCost at 2, then to enter Laboratory you will need Trinkets 1-2, for The Tower 3-4, etc.
  • If you set DoorCost at 3, then to enter Laboratory you will need Trinkets 1-3, for The Tower 4-6, etc.

What is the goal of VVVVVV when randomized?

Save all crew members, and finish the story.

Which items can be in another player's world?

Any of the 20 Trinkets.

What does another world's item look like in VVVVVV?

The Trinkets are visually unchanged, though after collecting a textbox will pop up to inform you what you collected, and who will receive it.

When the player receives an item, what happens?

When you receive a Trinket, the standard Animation will play. Afterwards a textbox will inform you where you received the Trinket from, and which one it is.

NOTE: You can't check your trinkets in the Spaceship. Instead, you can check them in the pause menu under 'Stats'. This is especially useful if you have DoorCost enabled.