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Overcooked! 2
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How Does Randomizer Work in the Kitchen?
The Overcooked! 2 Randomizer completely transforms the game into a metroidvania with items and item locations. Many of the Chefs' inherent abilities have been temporarily removed such that your scoring potential is limited at the start of the game. The more your inventory grows, the easier it will be to earn 2 and 3 Stars on each level.
The game takes place entirely in the "Story" campaign on a fresh save file. The ultimate goal is to reach and complete level 6-6. In order to do this you must regain enough of your abilities to complete all levels in World 6 and obtain enough stars to purchase 6-6*.
Randomizer can be played alone (one player switches between controlling two chefs) or up to 4 local/online friends. Player count can be changed at any time during the Archipelago game.
*Note: 6-6 is excluded from "Shuffle Level Order", so it will always be the standard final boss stage.
The first time a level is completed, a random item is given to the chef(s). If playing in a MultiWorld, completing a level may instead give another Archipelago user their item. The item found is displayed as text at the top of the results screen.
Once all items have been obtained, the game will play like the original experience.
The following items were invented for Randomizer:
Player Abilities
- Dash/Dash Cooldown
- Throw/Catch
- Sharp Knife
- Dish Scrubber
- Control Stick Batteries
- Lightweight Backpack
- Faster Respawn Time
- Emote (x6)
- Spare Plate
- Clean Dishes
- Wood
- Coal Bucket
- Bellows
- Fire Extinguisher
- Larger Tip Jar
- Guest Patience
- Burn Leniency
- Faster Condiment & Drink Switch
- Wok Wheels
- Coin Purse
- Calmer Unbread
- Unlock Kevin Level (x8)
- Ramp Buttons (x7)
- Bonus Star (Filler Item*)
*Note: Bonus star count varies with options
Other Game Modifications
In addition to shuffling items, the following changes are applied to the game:
Quality of Life
- Tutorial is skipped
- Non-linear level order
- "Auto-Complete" feature to finish a level early when a target score is obtained
- Bugfixes for issues present in the base game (including "Sink Bug" and "Double Serving")
- All chef avatars automatically unlocked
- Optionally, level time can be reduced to make progression faster paced
Randomization Options
- Shuffle Level Order
- Replaces each level on the overworld with a random level
- DLC levels can show up on the Story Overworld
- Optionally exclude "Horde" Levels
- Optionally exclude "Prep" Levels
Difficulty Adjustments
- Stars required to unlock levels have been rebalanced
- Points required to earn stars have been rebalanced
- Based off of the current World Record on the game's Leaderboard
- 1-Star/2-Star scores are much closer to the 3-Star Score
- Significantly reduced the time allotted to beat the final level
- Reduced penalty for expired order
Difficulty Table
Before generating your first seed, you can use the following table to determine what difficulty is appropriate for your personal Overcooked! journey.
Vanilla Game | Star Difficulty % |
First Playthrough | 10-25% |
3-Star | 25-40% |
4-Star | 40-55% |
Community-Optimized Strats | 55%+ |