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The Messenger Randomizer Setup Guide


  1. Read the Game Info Page for how the game works, caveats and known issues
  2. Download and install Courier Mod Loader using the instructions on the release page
  3. Download and install the randomizer mod
    1. Download the latest from The Messenger Randomizer Mod AP releases page
    2. Extract the zip file to TheMessenger/Mods/ of your game's install location
      • You cannot have both the non-AP randomizer and the AP randomizer installed at the same time. The AP randomizer is backwards compatible, so the non-AP mod can be safely removed, and you can still play seeds generated from the non-AP randomizer.
    3. Optionally, Backup your save game
      • On Windows
        1. Press Windows Key + R to open run
        2. Type %appdata% to access AppData
        3. Navigate to AppData/locallow/SabotageStudios/The Messenger
        4. Rename SaveGame.txt to any name of your choice
      • On Linux
        1. Navigate to steamapps/compatdata/764790/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/Sabotage Studio/The Messenger
        2. Rename SaveGame.txt to any name of your choice

Joining a MultiWorld Game

  1. Launch the game
  2. Navigate to Options > Third Party Mod Options
  3. Select Reset Randomizer File Slots
    • This will set up all of your save slots with new randomizer save files. You can have up to 3 randomizer files at a time, but must do this step again to start new runs afterward.
  4. Enter connection info using the relevant option buttons
    • The game is limited to alphanumerical characters, ., and -.
    • This defaults to and does not need to be manually changed if connecting to a game hosted on the website.
    • If using a name that cannot be entered in the in game menus, there is a config file (APConfig.toml) in the game directory. When using this, all connection information must be entered in the file.
  5. Select the Connect to Archipelago button
  6. Navigate to save file selection
  7. Select a new valid randomizer save

Continuing a MultiWorld Game

At any point while playing, it is completely safe to quit. Returning to the title screen or closing the game will disconnect you from the server. To reconnect to an in progress MultiWorld, simply load the correct save file for that MultiWorld.

If the reconnection fails, the message on screen will state you are disconnected. If this happens, you can return to the main menu and connect to the server as in Joining a Multiworld Game, then load the correct save file.