Fabian Dill 3c1ac134f2 Options: add a way to get all option names (for selection menus or such) 2021-08-03 19:09:37 +02:00
alttp round of post-test fixes 2021-07-23 20:04:51 +02:00
factorio clean up some spoiler display names 2021-08-03 19:03:41 +02:00
generic update exclusion procedure for clarity 2021-07-23 18:18:32 +00:00
hk AutoWorld: automate item_names and location_names 2021-07-29 20:27:41 +02:00
minecraft Options: add a way to get all option names (for selection menus or such) 2021-08-03 19:09:37 +02:00
oribf AutoWorld: automate item_names and location_names 2021-07-29 20:27:41 +02:00
subnautica AutoWorld: automate item_names and location_names 2021-07-29 20:27:41 +02:00 AutoWorld: automate item_names and location_names 2021-07-29 20:27:41 +02:00 RIP: MultiMystery and Mystery, now there's just Generate 2021-07-21 18:08:15 +02:00