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Raft Randomizer Setup Guide

Required Software

Installation Procedures

  1. Install Raft. The currently-supported Raft version is Update 13: The Renovation Update. If you plan on playing Raft mainly with Archipelago, it's recommended to disable Raft auto-updating through Steam, as there is no beta channel to get old builds.

  2. Install RML.

  3. Install the Raftipelago mod from the Raft Modding website. You should open the auto-installation link on the webpage through RML. Alternatively, you can download the .rmod file and place it in the Mods folder manually.

  4. Open RML and click Play. If you've already installed it, the shortcut in the Start Menu is called "RMLLauncher.exe". Raft should start.

  5. Open the RML menu. This should open automatically when Raft first loads. If it does not, and you see RML information in the top center of the Raft main menu, press F9 to open it.

  6. Navigate to the "Mod manager" tab in the left-hand menu.

  7. Click on the plug icon for Raftipelago to load the mod.

Installation Troubleshooting

You can press F10 to open the console to view any errors when loading the mod.

DLL/Reflection/Image errors

Restart Raft and try again. These should be ephemeral errors.

RML says to start Raft through Steam

If this happens, then RML is configured to only inject into an existing instance of Raft, rather than try and start a new one.

You can either:

  • Click "Play" after Raft has loaded into the main menu
  • Uncheck the box next to the "Disable Automatic Game Start" setting in the Settings menu then click Play.

RML doesn't do anything when I click Play

If this happens, then RML is configured to only start a new instance of Raft, then inject into that specific instance. This also means that RML has detected an instance of Raft is already running, and will not start a new one.

You can either:

  • Close the existing instance of Raft then click Play
  • Check the box next to the "Disable Automatic Game Start" setting in the Settings menu then click Play.

Joining a MultiWorld Game

  1. Ensure you're on the Main Menu with Raftipelago loaded.

  2. Open the Debug Console by pressing F10.

  3. Type /connect {serverAddress} {username} {password} into the console and hit Enter.

    • Example: /connect SunnyBat
    • serverAddress must not contain spaces.
    • If your username or password contains spaces, surround that value with quotation marks ("). Adding quotation marks even when not necessary (eg "SunnyBat") is fine.
    • If your username or password starts with a quotation mark, surround the value with an additional set of quotation marks (eg the value "myP@s$w0rD would be entered as ""myP@s$w0rD").
  4. Start a new game or load an existing one.

    • Raftipelago save games are marked as incompatible with vanilla Raft. This means when Raftipelago is not loaded, saves made with Raftipelago will show as corrupt/unselectable.
    • Avoid using an existing game that was not created with your current run of Raftipelago (either vanilla or a different Raftipelago run). It will work, but if anything is unlocked, it will be automatically registered with Archipelago once the world is loaded. This is irreversible.
  5. You can disconnect from an Archipelago server by typing /disconnect confirmDisconnect into the console and hitting Enter.

Multiplayer Raft

You're able to have multiple Raft players on a single Raftipelago world. This will work, with a few notes:

  • Only the player that creates/loads the world can connect to Archipelago (this is the "host" of the Raft world). Other players do not need to connect; everything will be routed through the the host.
  • Resource Packs are only received by the host and any other players connected to the Raft world when the resource pack is received.
  • Players other than the host will be labeled as a "Raft Player (Steam name)" when using ingame chat, which will be routed through Archipelago chat.
  • Ingame chat will only work when the host is connected to the Archipelago server.

Game Troubleshooting

The "Load game" button is disabled for my world / my world is corrupt

Be sure that you click the "Load game" button after you load Raftipelago. You can click the Load Game button again to reload all of the saves in your folder (there is no need to restart Raft if the mod loaded successfully).

I'm certain I'm doing things correctly, but the world is still not loadable

You can bypass Raftipelago world verification checks by loading a backup of the world. If the backup is not loadable, the world is corrupted.

In the future, be sure that when you save the game, the Raftipelago mod is loaded.

I disconnected from the server! What do I do to reconnect?

Open the console with F10 and type the /connect command with your server/username/password in again. You do not need to save+quit to the main menu beforehand.