Archipelago/worlds/sm64ex/docs/en_Super Mario

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Super Mario 64 EX

Where is the settings page?

The player settings page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file. Player settings page link: SM64EX Player Settings Page.

What does randomization do to this game?

All 120 Stars, the 3 Cap Switches, the Basement and Secound Floor Key are now Location Checks and may contain Items for different games as well as different Items from within SM64.

What is the goal of SM64EX when randomized?

As in most Mario Games, save the Princess!

Which items can be in another player's world?

Any of the 120 Stars, and the two Caste Keys. Additionally, Cap Switches are also considered "Items" and the "!"-Boxes will only be active when someone collects the corresponding Cap Switch Item.

What does another world's item look like in SM64EX?

The Items are visually unchanged, though after collecting a Message will pop up to inform you what you collected, and who will receive it.

When the player receives an item, what happens?

When you receive an Item, a Message will pop up to inform you where you received the Item from, and which one it is.

NOTE: The Secret Star count in the Menu is broken.