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Secret of Evermore Setup Guide

Required Software

  • SNI from: SNI Releases Page
    • v0.0.59 or newer (included in Archipelago 0.2.1 setup)
  • Hardware or software capable of loading and playing SNES ROM files
  • Your legally obtained Secret of Evermore US ROM file, probably named Secret of Evermore (USA).sfc

Create a Config (.yaml) File

What is a config file and why do I need one?

See the guide on setting up a basic YAML at the Archipelago setup guide: Basic Multiworld Setup Guide

Where do I get a config file?

The Player Settings page on the website allows you to configure your personal settings and export a config file from them. Player settings page: Secret of Evermore Player Settings PAge

Verifying your config file

If you would like to validate your config file to make sure it works, you may do so on the YAML Validator page: YAML Validation page

Generating a Single-Player Game

Stand-alone "Evermizer" has a way of balancing single-player games, but may not always be on par feature-wise. Head over to the Evermizer Website if you want to try the official stand-alone, otherwise read below.

  1. Navigate to the Player Settings page, configure your options, and click the "Generate Game" button.
  2. You will be presented with a "Seed Info" page.
  3. Click the "Create New Room" link.
  4. You will be presented with a server page, from which you can download your patch file.
  5. Run your patch file through the apbpatch on and load it in your emulator or console.

Joining a MultiWorld Game

Obtain your patch file and create your ROM

When you join a multiworld game, you will be asked to provide your config file to whoever is hosting. Once that is done, the host will provide you with either a link to download your patch file, or with a zip file containing everyone's patch files. Your patch file should have a .apsoe extension.

Put your patch file on your desktop or somewhere convenient, open the apbpatch page on and generate your ROM from it. Load the ROM file in your emulator or console. apbpatch page: Evermizer apbpatch Page

Connect to SNI

With an emulator

Start SNI either from the Archipelago install folder or the stand-alone version. If this is its first time launching, you may be prompted to allow it to communicate through the Windows Firewall.

  1. Load your ROM file if it hasn't already been loaded.
  2. Click on the File menu and hover on Lua Scripting
  3. Click on New Lua Script Window...
  4. In the new window, click Browse...
  5. Select the Connector.lua file from your SNI installation:
    • SNI/lua/x86/Connector.lua for 32bit snes9x-rr or
    • SNI/lua/x64/Connector.lua for "x64" snes9x-rr
  6. Leave the Lua window open while you are playing.
  • If the script window complains about missing socket.dll make sure it is in the lua directory.
  • If the script window complains about "Bad EXE format", use the other Connector above (x86 <-> x64)
  1. Ensure you have the BSNES core loaded. You may do this by clicking on the Tools menu in BizHawk and following these menu options:
    Config --> Cores --> SNES --> BSNES
    Once you have changed the loaded core, you must restart BizHawk.
  2. Load your ROM file if it hasn't already been loaded.
  3. Click on the Tools menu and click on Lua Console
  4. Click the button to open a new Lua script.
  5. Select any Connector.lua file from your SNI installation

This should automatically connect to SNI. If this is its first time launching, you may be prompted to allow it to communicate through the Windows Firewall.


You only have to do these steps once.

  1. Enter the RetroArch main menu screen.
  2. Go to Settings --> User Interface. Set "Show Advanced Settings" to ON.
  3. Go to Settings --> Network. Set "Network Commands" to ON. (It is found below Request Device 16.) Leave the default Network Command Port at 55355. Screenshot of Network Commands setting
  4. Go to Main Menu --> Online Updater --> Core Downloader. Scroll down and select "Nintendo - SNES / SFC (bsnes-mercury Performance)".

When loading a ROM, be sure to select a bsnes-mercury core. These are the only cores that allow external tools to read ROM data.

With hardware

This guide assumes you have downloaded the correct firmware for your device. If you have not done so already, please do this now. SD2SNES and FXPak Pro users may download the appropriate firmware on the SD2SNES releases page. SD2SNES releases page: SD2SNES Releases Page

Other hardware may find helpful information on the usb2snes platforms page: usb2snes Supported Platforms Page

  1. Copy the ROM file to your SD card.
  2. Load the ROM file from the menu.

Open the client

Open ap-soeclient (Evermizer Archipelago Client Page) in a modern browser. Do not switch tabs, open it in a new window if you want to use the browser while playing. Do not minimize the window with the client.

The client should automatically connect to SNI, the "SNES" status should change to green.

Connect to the Archipelago Server

Enter /connect server:port in the client's command prompt and press enter. You'll find server:port on the same page that had the patch file.

Play the game

When the game is loaded but not yet past the intro cutscene, the "Game" status is yellow. When the client shows "AP" as green and "Game" as yellow, you're ready to play. The intro can be skipped pressing the START button and "Game" should change to green. Congratulations on successfully joining a multiworld game!

Hosting a MultiWorld game

The recommended way to host a game is to use our hosting service on the seed generation page. Or check out the Archipelago website guide for more information: Archipelago Website Guide