2.1 KiB
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Where is the options page?
The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do to this game?
Kirby will be unable to absorb Copy Abilities and meet up with his animal friends until they are sent to him. Items such as Heart Stars, 1-Ups, and Invincibility Candy will be shuffled into the pool for Kirby to receive.
What is considered a location check in Kirby's Dream Land 3?
- Completing a stage for the first time
- Completing the given task of a stage and receiving a Heart Star
- Purifying a boss after acquiring a certain number of Heart Stars (indicated by their portrait flashing in the level select)
- If enabled, 1-Ups and Maxim Tomatoes
- If enabled, every single Star Piece within a stage
When the player receives an item, what happens?
A sound effect will play, and Kirby will immediately receive the effects of that item, such as being able to receive Copy Abilities from enemies that give said Copy Ability. Animal Friends will require leaving the room you are currently in before they will appear.
What is the goal of Kirby's Dream Land 3?
Under the Zero goal, players must collect enough Heart Stars to purify the five bosses and gain access to the Hyper Zone, where Zero can be found and defeated.
Under the Boss Butch goal, players must collect enough Heart Stars to purify the five bosses and then complete the Boss Butch game mode accessible from the main menu.
Under the MG5 goal, players must collect enough Heart Stars to purify the five bosses and then perfect the Super MG5 game mode accessible from the main menu.
Under the Jumping goal, players must collect enough Heart Stars to purify the five bosses and then reach a target score in the Jumping game mode accessible from the main menu.
Why is EmuHawk resizing itself while I'm playing?
Kirby's Dream Land 3 changes the SNES's display resolution from 1x to 2x many times during gameplay (particularly in rooms with foreground effects). To counter-act this resizing, set SNES -> Options -> "Always use double-size frame buffer".