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Minecraft Randomizer Setup Guide

Required Software

Configuring your YAML file

What is a YAML file and why do I need one?

See the guide on setting up a basic YAML at the Archipelago setup guide: Basic Multiworld Setup Guide

Where do I get a YAML file?

You can customize your settings by visiting the Minecraft Player Settings Page

Joining a MultiWorld Game

Obtain Your Minecraft Data File

Only one yaml file needs to be submitted per minecraft world regardless of how many players play on it.

When you join a multiworld game, you will be asked to provide your YAML file to whoever is hosting. Once that is done, the host will provide you with either a link to download your data file, or with a zip file containing everyone's data files. Your data file should have a .apmc extension.

Double-click on your .apmc file to have the Minecraft client auto-launch the installed forge server. Make sure to leave this window open as this is your server console.

Connect to the MultiServer

Open Minecraft, go to Multiplayer > Direct Connection, and join the localhost server address.

If you are using the website to host the game then it should auto-connect to the AP server without the need to /connect

otherwise once you are in game type /connect <AP-Address> (Port) (Password) where <AP-Address> is the address of the Archipelago server. (Port) is only required if the Archipelago server is not using the default port of 38281. Note that there is no colon between <AP-Address> and (Port). (Password) is only required if the Archipelago server you are using has a password set.

Play the game

When the console tells you that you have joined the room, you're all set. Congratulations on successfully joining a multiworld game! At this point any additional minecraft players may connect to your forge server. To start the game once everyone is ready use the command /start.

Non-Windows Installation

The Minecraft Client will install forge and the mod for other operating systems but Java has to be provided by the user. Head to minecraft_versions.json on the MC AP GitHub to see which java version is required. New installations will default to the topmost "release" version.

  • Install the matching Amazon Corretto JDK
  • Open your host.yaml and add the path to your Java below the minecraft_options key
    • java: "path/to/java-xx-amazon-corretto/bin/java"
  • Run the Minecraft Client and select your .apmc file

Full Manual Installation

It is highly recommended to ues the Archipelago installer to handle the installation of the forge server for you. Support will not be given for those wishing to manually install forge. For those of you who know how, and wish to do so, the following links are the versions of the software we use.