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TUNIC Setup Guide


Required Software

Optional Software

Find Your Relevant Game Directories

Find your TUNIC game installation directory:

  • Steam: Right click TUNIC in your Steam Library, then Manage → Browse local files.
    • Steam Deck: Hold down the power button, tap "Switch to Desktop", then launch Steam from Desktop Mode to access the above option.
  • PC Game Pass: In the Xbox PC app, go to the TUNIC game page from your library, click the [...] button next to "Play", then Manage → Files → Browse...
  • Other platforms: Follow a similar pattern of steps as above to locate your specific game directory.

Install BepInEx

BepInEx is a general purpose framework for modding Unity games, and is used by the TUNIC Randomizer.

Download BepInEx.

If playing on Steam Deck, follow this guide to set up BepInEx via Proton.

Extract the contents of the BepInEx .zip file into your TUNIC game directory:

  • Steam: Steam\steamapps\common\TUNIC
  • PC Game Pass: XboxGames\Tunic\Content
  • Other platforms: Place into the same folder that the Tunic_Data/Secret Legend_Data folder is found.

Launch the game once and close it to finish the BepInEx installation.

Install The TUNIC Randomizer Archipelago Client Mod

Download the latest release of the TUNIC Randomizer Archipelago Mod.

The downloaded .zip will contain a folder called Tunic Archipelago.

Copy the Tunic Archipelago folder into BepInEx/plugins in your TUNIC game installation directory. The filepath to the mod should look like BepInEx/plugins/Tunic Archipelago/TunicArchipelago.dll

Launch the game, and if everything was installed correctly you should see Randomizer + Archipelago Mod Ver. x.y.z in the top left corner of the title screen!

Configure Archipelago Options

Configure Your YAML File

Visit the TUNIC options page to generate a YAML with your selected options.

Configure Your Mod Settings

Launch the game and click the button labeled Open AP Config on the Title Screen. In the menu that opens, fill in Player, Hostname, Port, and Password (if required) with the correct information for your room.

Once you've input your information, click on Close. If everything was configured properly, you should see Status: Connected! and your chosen game options will be shown under World Settings.

An error message will display if the game fails to connect to the server.

Be sure to also look at the in-game options menu for a variety of additional settings, such as enemy randomization!