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Dark Souls III Items

Game Page | Items | Locations

Item Groups

The Dark Souls III randomizer supports a number of item group names, which can be used in YAML options like local_items to refer to many items at once:

  • Progression: Items which unlock locations.
  • Cinders: All four Cinders of a Lord. Once you have these four, you can fight Soul of Cinder and win the game.
  • Miscellaneous: Generic stackable items, such as arrows, firebombs, buffs, and so on.
  • Unique: Items that are unique per NG cycle, such as scrolls, keys, ashes, and so on. Doesn't include equipment, spells, or souls.
  • Boss Souls: Souls that can be traded with Ludleth, including Soul of Rosaria.
  • Small Souls: Soul items, not including boss souls.
  • Upgrade: Upgrade items, including titanite, gems, and Shriving Stones.
  • Healing: Undead Bone Shards and Estus Shards.