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Where is the options page?
The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do to this game?
There are a couple of modes of randomization currently available, and you can pick and choose which ones you would like to use.
Door shuffle: There are many doors in the game, which are opened by completing a set of panels. With door shuffle on, the doors become items and only open up once you receive the corresponding item. The panel sets that would ordinarily open the doors become locations.
Color shuffle: There are ten different colors of puzzle in the game, each representing a different mechanic. With color shuffle on, you would start with only access to white puzzles. Puzzles of other colors will require you to receive an item in order to solve them (e.g. you can't solve any red puzzles until you receive the "Red" item).
Panel shuffle: Panel shuffling replaces the puzzles on each panel with different ones. So far, the only mode of panel shuffling is "rearrange" mode, which simply shuffles the already-existing puzzles from the base game onto different panels.
Painting shuffle: This randomizes the appearance of the paintings in the game, as well as which of them are warps, and the locations that they warp you to. It is the equivalent of an entrance randomizer in another game.
What is a "check" in this game?
Most panels / panel sets that open a door are now location checks, even if door shuffle is not enabled. Various other puzzles are also location checks, including the achievement panels for each area.
What about wall snipes?
"Wall sniping" refers to the fact that you are able to solve puzzles on the other side of opaque walls. This randomizer does not change how wall snipes work, but it will never require the use of them. There are three puzzles from the base game that you would ordinarily be expected to wall snipe. The randomizer moves these panels out of the wall or otherwise reveals them so that a snipe is not necessary.
Because of this, all wall snipes are considered out of logic. This includes sniping The Bearer's MIDDLE while standing outside The Bold, sniping The Colorful without opening all of the color doors, and sniping WELCOME from next to WELCOME BACK.