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Using the Archipelago Website

This guide encompasses the use cases for rolling and hosting multiworld games on the Archipelago website. This guide should only take a couple of minutes to read.

Rolling the Seed On the Website

  1. After gathering the YAML files together in one location, select all the files and compress them into a .ZIP file.
  2. Next go to the "Generate Game" page. Generate game page: Archipelago Seed Generation Page. Here, you can adjust some server settings such as forfeit rules and the cost for a player to use a hint before generation.
  3. After adjusting the host settings to your liking click on the Upload File button and using the explorer window that opens, navigate to the location where you zipped the player files and upload this zip. The page will generate your game and refresh multiple times to check on completion status.
  4. After the generation completes you will be on a Seed Info page that provides the seed, the date/time of creation, a link to the spoiler log, if available, and links to any rooms created from this seed.
  5. To begin playing, click on "Create New Room", which will take you to the room page. From here you can navigate back to the Seed Info page or to the Tracker page. Sharing the link to the room page with your friends will provide them with the necessary info and files for them to connect to the multiworld.

Hosting a Pre-Generated Multiworld on the Website

The easiest and most recommended method is to generate the game on the website which will allow you to create a private room with all the necessary files you can share, as well as hosting the game and supporting item trackers for various games.

If for some reason the seed was rolled on a machine, then either the resulting zip file or the resulting AP_XXXXX.archipelago inside the zip file can be uploaded to the host game page. Host game page: Archipelago Seed Upload Page

This will give a page with the seed info and a link to the spoiler log, if it exists. Click on "Create New Room" and then share the link to the resulting page the other players so that they can download their patches or mods. The room will also have a link to a Multiworld Tracker and tell you what the players need to connect to from their clients.