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Terraria for Archipelago Setup Guide

Required Software

Download and install Terraria and TModLoader on Steam

Installing the Archipelago Mod

Subscribe to the mod on Steam.

This mod might not work with mods that significantly alter progression or vanilla features. It is highly recommended to use utility mods and features to speed up gameplay, such as:

  • Journey Mode
  • Ore Excavator
  • Magic Storage
  • Alchemist NPC Lite
    • (May be used to break progression)
  • Reduced Grinding
  • Upgraded Research

Configuring your YAML File

What is a YAML and why do I need one?

You can see the basic multiworld setup guide here on the Archipelago website to learn about why Archipelago uses YAML files and what they're for.

Where do I get a YAML?

You can use the game settings page for Terraria here on the Archipelago website to generate a YAML using a graphical interface.

Joining an Archipelago Game in Terraria

  1. Launch TModLoader
  2. In Workshop > Manage Mods, edit Archipelago Randomizer's settings
    • "Name" should be the player name you set when creating your YAML file
    • "Port" should be the port number associated with the Archipelago server. It will be a 4 or 5 digit number.
    • If you're not hosting your game on the Archipelago website, change "Address" to the server's URL or IP address
  3. Create a new character and world as normal (or use an existing one if you prefer). Terraria is usually significantly more difficult with this mod, so it is recommended to choose a lower difficulty than you normally would.
  4. Open the world in single player or multiplayer
  5. When you're ready, open chat, and enter /apstart to start the game.


While playing Archipelago, you can interact with the server using the commands listed in the commands guide. To send a command, open chat, and enter /ap, followed by the command you want to send. For example, /ap !help.