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Super Metroid

Where is the options page?

The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.

What does randomization do to this game?

Items which the player would normally acquire throughout the game have been moved around. Logic remains, so the game is always able to be completed, but because of the item shuffle the player may need to access certain areas before they would in the vanilla game.

What items and locations get shuffled?

All power-ups and ammunition can be shuffled, and all locations in the game which could contain any of those items may have their contents changed.

Which items can be in another player's world?

Any of the items which can be shuffled may also be placed into another player's world. It is possible to choose to limit certain items to your own world.

What does another world's item look like in Super Metroid?

Two unique item sprites have been added to the game to represent items belonging to another world. Progression items have a small up arrow on the sprite and non-progression don't.

When the player receives an item, what happens?

When the player receives an item, a text box will appear to show which item was received, and from whom.

I can't get back to my starting position with a required item (softlocked), what can I do?

It can happen that a required item is in a place where you cant get back from. While in normal gameplay state, by holding Start+Select+L+R at the same time, the game will save your progress and put you back at your original starting position. This can be required by the logic. Since the addition of that feature, VARIA's automatic backup saves are disabled since you can't softlock anymore.