Archipelago/worlds/spire/docs/en_Slay the

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Slay the Spire (PC)

Where is the options page?

The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.

What does randomization do to this game?

Every non-boss relic drop, every boss relic and rare card drop, and every other card draw is replaced with an archipelago item. In heart runs, the blue key is also disconnected from the Archipelago item, so you can gather both.

What items and locations get shuffled?

15 card packs, 10 relics, and 3 boss relics and rare card drops are shuffled into the item pool and can be found at any location that would normally give you these items, except for card packs, which are found at every other normal enemy encounter.

Which items can be in another player's world?

Any of the items which can be shuffled may also be placed into another player's world. It is possible to choose to limit certain items to your own world.

When the player receives an item, what happens?

When the player receives an item, you will see the counter in the top right corner with the Archipelago symbol increment by one. By clicking on this icon, it'll open a menu that lists all the items you received, but have not yet accepted. You can take any relics and card packs sent to you and add them to your current run. It is advised that you do not open this menu until you are outside an encounter or event to prevent the game from soft-locking.

What happens if a player dies in a run?

When a player dies, they will be taken back to the main menu and will need to reconnect to start climbing the spire from the beginning, but they will have access to all the items ever sent to them in the Archipelago menu in the top right. Any items found in an earlier run will not be sent again if you encounter them in the same location.