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Final Fantasy 1 (NES)
Where is the settings page?
Unlike most games on Archipelago.gg, Final Fantasy 1's settings are controlled entirely by the original randomzier. You can find an exhaustive list of documented settings on the FFR website: FF1R Website
What does randomization do to this game?
Enemy stats and spell, boss stats and spells, character spells, and shop inventories are all commonly randomized. Unlike most other randomizers, it is standard to shuffle progression items and non-progression items into separate pools and then redistribute them to their respective locations. For example, Princess Sarah may have the CANOE instead of the LUTE; however, she will never have a Heal Pot or armor.
Plenty of other things to be randomized can be found on the main randomizer site: FF1R Website
What Final Fantasy items can appear in other players' worlds?
All items can appear in other players worlds, including consumables, shards, weapons, armor, and key items.
What does another world's item look like in Final Fantasy
All local and remote items appear the same. Final Fantasy will say that you received an item, then BOTH the client log and the emulator will display what was found external to the in-game text box.