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Dark Souls III Locations

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Location Groups

The Dark Souls III randomizer supports a number of location group names, which can be used in YAML options like exclude_locations to refer to many locations at once:

  • Prominent: A small number of locations that are in very obvious locations. Mostly boss drops. Ideal for setting as priority locations.

  • Progression: Locations that contain items in vanilla which unlock other locations.

  • Boss Rewards: Boss drops. Does not include soul transfusions or shop items.

  • Miniboss Rewards: Miniboss drops. Minibosses are large enemies that don't respawn after being killed and usually drop some sort of treasure, such as Boreal Outrider Knights and Ravenous Crystal Lizards. Only includes enemies considered minibosses by the enemy randomizer.

  • Mimic Rewards: Drops from enemies that are mimics in vanilla.

  • Hostile NPC Rewards: Drops from NPCs that are hostile to you. This includes scripted invaders and initially-friendly NPCs that must be fought as part of their quest.

  • Friendly NPC Rewards: Items given by friendly NPCs as part of their quests or from non-violent interaction.

  • Small Crystal Lizards: Drops from small crystal lizards.

  • Upgrade: Locations that contain upgrade items in vanilla, including titanite, gems, and Shriving Stones.

  • Small Souls: Locations that contain soul items in vanilla, not including boss souls.

  • Boss Souls: Locations that contain boss souls in vanilla, as well as Soul of Rosaria.

  • Unique: Locations that contain items in vanilla that are unique per NG cycle, such as scrolls, keys, ashes, and so on. Doesn't cover equipment, spells, or souls.

  • Healing: Locations that contain Undead Bone Shards and Estus Shards in vanilla.

  • Miscellaneous: Locations that contain generic stackable items in vanilla, such as arrows, firebombs, buffs, and so on.

  • Hidden: Locations that are particularly difficult to find, such as behind illusory walls, down hidden drops, and so on. Does not include large locations like Untended Graves or Archdragon Peak.

  • Weapons: Locations that contain weapons in vanilla.

  • Shields: Locations that contain shields in vanilla.

  • Armor: Locations that contain armor in vanilla.

  • Rings: Locations that contain rings in vanilla.

  • Spells: Locations that contain spells in vanilla.

Understanding Location Names

All locations begin with an abbreviation indicating their general region. Most locations have a set of landmarks that are used in location names to keep them short.

General notes:

  • "Lizard" always refers to a small crystal lizard.

  • "Miniboss" are large enemies that don't respawn after being killed and usually drop some sort of treasure, such as Boreal Outrider Knights and Ravenous Crystal Lizards.

  • NPC quest items are always in the first location you can get them without killing the NPC or ending the quest early.

High Wall of Lothric

  • Back tower: The tower behind the High Wall of Lothric bonfire, past the path to the shortcut elevator.

  • Corpse tower: The first tower after the High Wall of Lothric bonfire, with a dead Wyvern on top of it.

  • Fire tower: The second tower after the High Wall of Lothric bonfire, where a living Wyvern lands and breathes fire at you.

  • Flame plaza: The open area with many items where the Wyvern breathes fire.

  • Wall tower: The third tower after the High Wall of Lothric bonfire, with the Tower on the Wall bonfire.

  • Fort: The large building after the Tower on the Wall bonfire, with the transforming hollow on top.

    • "Entry": The first room you enter after descending the ladder from the roof.

    • "Walkway": The top floor of the tall room, with a path around the edge hidden by a large wheel.

    • "Mezzanine": The middle floor of the tall room, with a chest.

    • "Ground": The bottom floor of the tall room, with an anvil and many mobs.

  • Fountain: The large fountain with many dead knights around it, where the Winged Knight patrols in vanilla.

  • Shortcut: The unlockable path between the promenade and the High Wall of Lothric bonfire, including both the elevator and the area at its base.

  • Promenade: The long, wide path between the two boss arenas.

Undead Settlement

  • Foot: The area where you first appear, around the Foot of the High Wall bonfire.

  • Burning tree: The tree near the beginning of the region, with the Cathedral Evangelist in front of it in vanilla.

  • Hanging corpse room: The dark room to the left of the burning tree with many hanging corpses inside, on the way to the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.

  • Back alley: The path between buildings leading to the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.

  • Stable: The building complex across the bridge to the right of the burning tree.

  • White tree: The birch tree by the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, where the giant shoots arrows.

  • Sewer: The underground passage between the chasm and the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.

  • Chasm: The chasm underneath the bridge on the way to the tower. It's possible to get into the chasm without a key by dropping down next to Eygon of Carim with a full health bar.

  • Tower: The tower at the end of the region with the giant archer at the top.

  • Tower village: The village reachable from the tower, where the Fire Demon patrols in vanilla.

Road of Sacrifices

The area after the Crystal Sage is considered part of the Cathedral of the Deep region.

  • Road: The path from the Road of Sacrifices bonfire to the Halfway Fortress bonfire.

  • Woods: The wooded area on land, after the Halfway Fortress bonfire and surrounding the Crucifixion Woods bonfire.

  • Water: The watery area, covered in crabs in vanilla.

  • Deep water: The area in the water near the ladder to Farron Keep, where your walking is slowed.

  • Stronghold: The stone building complex on the way to Crystal Sage.

    • "Left room" is the room whose entrance is near the Crucifixion Woods bonfire.

    • "Right room" is the room up the stairs closer to Farron Keep.

  • Keep perimeter: The building with the Black Knight and the locked door to the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire.

Cathedral of the Deep

  • Path: The path from Road of Sacrifices to the cathedral proper.

  • Moat: The circular path around the base of the front of the cathedral, with the Ravenous Crystal Lizard and Corpse-Grubs in vanilla.

  • Graveyard: The area with respawning enemies up the hill from the Cleansing Chapel bonfire.

  • White tree: The birch tree below the front doors of the chapel and across the moat from the graveyard, where the giant shoots arrows if he's still alive.

  • Lower roofs: The roofs, flying buttresses, and associated areas to the right of the front door, which must be traversed before entering the cathedral.

  • Upper roofs: The roofs, flying buttresses, and rafters leading to the Rosaria's Bedchamber bonfire.

  • Main hall: The central and largest room in the cathedral, with the muck that slows your movement. Divided into the south (with the sleeping giant in vanilla) and east (with many items) wings, with north pointing towards the door to the boss.

  • Side chapel: The room with rows of pews and the patrolling Cathedral Knight in vanilla, to the side of the main hall.

Farron Keep

  • Left island: The large island with the ritual flame, to the left as you leave the Farron Keep bonfire.

  • Right island: The large island with the ritual flame, to the right as you leave the Farron Keep bonfire.

  • Hidden cave: A small cave in the far corner of the map, closest to the right island. Near a bunch of basilisks in vanilla.

  • Keep ruins: The following two islands:

    • "Bonfire island": The island with the Keep Ruins bonfire.
    • "Ritual island": The island with one of the three ritual fires.
  • White tree: The birch tree by the ramp down from the keep ruins bonfire island, where the giant shoots arrows if he's still alive.

  • Keep proper: The building with the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire.

  • Upper keep: The area on top of the keep proper, reachable from the elevator from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire.

  • Perimeter: The area from near the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire, including the stone building and the path to the boss.

Catacombs of Carthus

All the area up to the Small Doll wall into Irithyll is considered part of the Catacombs of Carthus region.

  • Atrium: The large open area you first enter and the rooms attached to it.

    • "Upper" is the floor you begin on.
    • "Lower" is the floor down the short stairs but at the top of the long stairway that the skeleton ball rolls down.
  • Crypt: The enclosed area at the bottom of the long stairway that the skeleton ball rolls down.

    • "Upper" is the floor the long stairway leads to that also contains the Catacombs of Carthus bonfire.
    • "Lower" is the floor with rats and bonewheels in vanilla.
    • "Across" is the area reached by going up the set of stairs across from the entrance downstairs.
  • Cavern: The even larger open area past the crypt with the rope bridge to the boss arena.

  • Tomb: The area on the way to Smouldering Lake, reachable by cutting down the rope bridge and climbing down it.

  • Irithyll Bridge: The outdoor bridge leading to Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.

Smouldering Lake

  • Lake: The watery area you enter initially, where you get shot at by the ballista.

  • Side lake: The small lake accessible via a passage from the larger one, in which you face Horace the Hushed as part of his quest.

  • Ruins main: The area you first enter after the Demon Ruins bonfire.

    • "Upper" is the floor you begin on.
    • "Lower" is the floor down the stairs.
  • Antechamber: The area up the flight of stairs near the Old King's Antechamber bonfire.

  • Ruins basement: The area further down from ruins main lower, with many basilisks and Knight Slayer Tsorig in vanilla.

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley

This region starts after the Small Doll wall and ends with Pontiff Sulyvahn. Everything after that, including the contents of Sulyvahn's cathedral is considered part of Anor Londo.

  • Central: The beginning of the region, from the Central Irithyll bonfire up to the plaza.

  • Dorhys: The sobbing mob (a Cathedral Evangelist in vanilla) behind the locked door opening onto central. Accessed through an illusory railing by the crystal lizard just before the plaza.

  • Plaza: The area in front of and below the cathedral, with a locked door up to the cathedral and a locked elevator to the Ascent.

  • Descent: The path from the Church of Yorshka bonfire down to the lake.

  • Lake: The open watery area outside the room with the Distant Manor bonfire.

  • Sewer: The room between the lake and the beginning of the ascent, filled with Sewer Centipedes in vanilla.

  • Ascent: The path up from the lake to the cathedral, through several buildings and some open stairs.

  • Great hall: The building along the ascent with a large picture of Gwynevere and several Silver Knights in vanilla.

Irithyll Dungeon

In Irithyll Dungeon locations, "left" and "right" are always oriented as though "near" is where you stand and "far" is where you're facing. (For example, you enter the dungeon from the bonfire on the near left.)

  • B1: The floor on which the player enters the dungeon, with the Irithyll Dungeon bonfire.

    • "Near" is the side of the dungeon with the bonfire.
    • "Far" is the opposite side.
  • B2: The floor directly below B1, which can be reached by going down the stairs or dropping.

    • "Near" is the same side of the dungeon as the bonfire.
    • "Far" is the opposite side.
  • Pit: The large room with the Giant Slave and many Rats in vanilla.

  • Pit lift: The elevator from the pit up to B1 near, right to the Irithyll Dungeon bonfire.

  • B3: The lowest floor, with Karla's cell, a lift back to B2, and the exit onwards to the Profaned Capital.

    • "Near" is the side with Karla's cell and the path from the pit.
    • "Far" is the opposite side with the mimic.
  • B3 lift: The elevator from B3 (near where you can use Path of the Dragon to go to Archdragon Peak) up to B2.

Profaned Capital

  • Tower: The tower that contains the Profaned Capital bonfire.

  • Swamp: The pool of toxic liquid accessible by falling down out of the lower floor of the tower, going into the corridor to the left, and falling down a hole.

  • Chapel: The building in the swamp containing Monstrosities of Sin in vanilla.

  • Bridge: The long bridge from the tower into the palace.

  • Palace: The large building carved into the wall of the cavern, full of chalices and broken pillars.

Anor Londo

This region includes everything after Sulyvahn's cathedral, including its upper story.

  • Light cathedral: The cathedral in which you fight Pontiff Sulyvahn in vanilla.

  • Plaza: The wide open area filled with Giant Slaves in vanilla.

  • Walkway: The path above the plaza leading to the second floor of the light cathedral, with Deacons in vanilla.

  • Buttresses: The flying buttresses that you have to climb to get to the spiral staircase. "Near" and "far" are relative to the light cathedral, so the nearest buttress is the one that leads back to the walkway.

  • Tomb: The area past the illusory wall just before the spiral staircase, in which you marry Anri during Yoel and Yuria's quest.

  • Dark cathedral: The darkened cathedral just before the Aldrich fight in vanilla.

Lothric Castle

This region covers everything up the ladder from the Dancer of the Boreal Valley bonfire up to the door into Grand Archives, except the area to the left of the ladder which is part of Consumed King's Garden.

  • Lift: The elevator from the room straight after the Dancer of the Boreal Valley bonfire up to just before the boss fight.

  • Ascent: The set of stairways and turrets leading from the Lothric Castle bonfire to the Dragon Barracks bonfire.

  • Barracks: The large building with two fire-breathing wyverns across from the Dragon Barracks bonfire.

  • Moat: The ditch beneath the bridge leading to the barracks.

    • The "right path" leads to the right as you face the barracks, around and above the stairs up to the Dragon Barracks bonfire.
  • Plaza: The open area in the center of the barracks, where the two wyverns breathe fire.

    • "Left" is the enclosed area on the left as you're coming from the Dragon Barracks bonfire, with the stairs down to the basement.
  • Basement: The room beneath plaza left, with the Boreal Outrider in vanilla.

  • Dark room: The large darkened room on the right of the barracks as you're coming from the Dragon Barracks bonfire, with firebomb-throwing Hollows in vanilla.

    • "Lower" is the bottom floor that you enter onto from the plaza.
    • "Upper" is the top floor with the door to the main hall.
    • "Mid" is the middle floor accessible by climbing a ladder from lower or going down stairs from upper.
  • Main hall: The central room of the barracks, behind the gate.

  • Chapel: The building to the right just before the stairs to the boss, with a locked elevator to Grand Archives.

  • Wyvern room: The room where you can fight the Pus of Man infecting the left wyvern, accessible by dropping down to the left of the stairs to the boss.

  • Altar: The building containing the Altar of Sunlight, accessible by climbing up a ladder onto a roof around the corner from the stairs to the boss.

Consumed King's Garden

This region covers everything to the left of the ladder up from the Dancer of the Boreal Valley bonfire up to the illusory wall into Untended Graves.

  • Balcony: The walkway accessible by getting off the first elevator halfway down.

  • Rotunda: The building in the center of the toxic pool, with a Cathedral Knight on it in vanilla.

  • Lone stairway: A set of stairs leading nowhere in the far left of the main area as you enter from the first elevator.

  • Shortcut: The path from the locked door into Lothric Castle, through the room filled with thralls in vanilla, and down a lift.

  • Tomb: The area after the boss room.

Grand Archives

  • 1F: The first floor of the Grand Archives, including the first wax pool.

  • Dark room: The unlit room on 1F to the right of the wax pool.

  • 2F: The second floor of the grand archives. It's split into two sections that are separated by retractable bookshelves.

    • "Early" is the first part you reach and has an outdoor balcony with a ladder to 3F and a wax pool up a short set of stairs.
    • "Late" is the part you can only reach by climbing down from F3, where you encounter the teleporting miniboss for the final time.
  • 3F: The third floor of the grand archives, where you encounter the teleporting miniboss for the second time. Includes the area with a hidden room with another miniboss.

  • 4F: The topmost and most well-lit section of bookshelves, overlooking the rest of the archives.

  • Rooftops: The outer rooftop area between 4F and 5F, with Gargoyles in vanilla.

    • "Lower" is the balcony you can reach by dropping off the rooftops, as well as the further rooftops leading down to the 2F early balcony.
  • 5F: The topmost floor of the archives interior, accessible from the rooftops, with a ladder down to 4F.

  • Dome: The domed roof of the Grand Archives, with Ascended Winged Knights in vanilla.

  • Rafters: The narrow walkways above the Grand Archives, accessible by dropping down from the dome.

Untended Graves

  • Swamp: The watery area immediately after the Untended graves bonfire, up to the cemetery.

  • Cemetery: The area past where the Cemetery of Ash bonfire would be, up to the boss arena.

  • Environs: The area after the boss and outside the abandoned Firelink Shrine.

  • Shrine: The area inside the abandoned Firelink Shrine.

Archdragon Peak

"Gesture" always means the Path of the Dragon gesture.

  • Intro: The first section, from where you warp in from Irithyll Dungeon up to the first boss fight.

    • "Archway": The large stone archway in front of the boss door.
  • Fort: The arena where you fight Ancient Wyvern in vanilla.

    • "Overlook": The area down the stairs from where the Ancient Wyvern first lands in vanilla, overlooking the fog.

    • "Rotunda": The top of the spiral staircase building, to the left before the bridge with the chain-axe Man-Serpent in vanilla.

  • Mausoleum: The building with the Dragon-Kin Mausoleum bonfire, where you're warped after the first boss fight.

  • Walkway: The path from the mausoleum to the belfry, looking out over clouds.

    • "Building": The building along the walkway, just before the wyvern in vanilla.
  • Belfry: The building with the Great Belfry bonfire, including the room with the summoner.

  • Plaza: The arena that appears after you defeat Nameless King in vanilla.

  • Summit: The path up from the belfry to the final altar at the top of the mountain.

Painted World of Ariandel (Before Contraption)

This region covers the Ashes of Ariandel DLC up to the point where you must use the Contraption Key to ascend to the second level of the building and first meet the painter.

  • Snowfield: The area around the Snowfield bonfire,

    • "Upper": The area immediately after the Snowfield bonfire, before the collapsing overhang, with the Followers in vanilla.

    • "Lower": The snowy tree-filled area after the collapsing overhang, with the Wolves in vanilla.

    • "Village": The area with broken-down buildings and Millwood Knights in vanilla.

    • "Tower": The tower by the village, with Millwood Knights in Vanilla.

  • Bridge: The rope bridge to the chapel.

    • "Near": The side of the bridge by the Rope Bridge Cave bonfire.

    • "Far": The side of the bridge by the Ariandel Chapel bonfire.

  • Chapel: The building with the Ariandel Chapel bonfire and Lady Friede.

  • Depths: The area reachable by cutting down the bridge and descending on the far side, with the Depths of the Painting bonfire.

  • Settlement: The area reachable by cutting down the bridge and descending on the near side, with the Corvian Settlement bonfire. Everything after the slide down the hill is considered part of the settlement.

    • "Courtyard": The area in front of the settlement, immediately after the slide.

    • "Main": The main road of the settlement leading up to the locked gate to the library. Also includes the buildings that are immediately accessible from this road.

    • "Loop": A side path that loops left from the main road and goes up and behind the building with the bonfire.

    • "Back": The back alley of the settlement, accessible by dropping down to the right of the locked gate to the library. Also includes the buildings that are immediately accessible from this alley.

    • "Roofs": The village rooftops, first accessible by climbing a ladder from the back alley. Also includes the buildings and items that are first accessible from the roofs.

    • "Hall": The largest building in the settlement, with two Corvian Knights in vanilla.

  • Library: The building where you use the contraption key, where Vilhelm appears in vanilla.

Painted World of Ariandel (After Contraption)

This region covers the Ashes of Ariandel DLC past the point where you must use the Contraption Key to ascend to the second level of the building and first meet the painter, including the basement beneath the chapel.

  • Pass: The mountainous area past the Snowy Mountain Pass bonfire.

  • Pit: The area with a large tree and numerous Millwood Knights in vanilla, reached by a collapsing overhang in the pass.

  • B1: The floor immediately below the chapel, first accessible from the pass. Filled with Giant Flies in vanilla.

  • B2: The floor below B1, with lots of fly eggs. Filled with even more Giant Flies than B1 in vanilla.

  • B3: The floor below B2, accessible through an illusory wall.

  • Rotunda: The round arena out in the open, accessible by platforming down tree roots from B3.

Dreg Heap

  • Shop: Items sold by the Stone-Humped Hag by The Dreg Heap bonfire.

  • Castle: The building with The Dreg Heap bonfire, up to the large fall into the library.

  • Library: The building with the stained-glass window that you fall into from the castle.

  • Church: The building below and to the right of the library, which the pillar falls into to make a bridge.

  • Pantry: The set of rooms entered through a door near the fountain just past the church, with boxes and barrels.

    • "Upstairs": The room with an open side, accessible through an illusory wall in the furthest pantry room.
  • Parapets: The area with balconies and Overgrown Lothric Knights in vanilla, accessible by taking the pillar bridge from the church, following that path to the end, and dropping down to the right.

  • Ruins: The area around the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, up to the swamp.

  • Swamp: The area in and above the poisonous water, up to the point the branches deposit you back on the ruins.

    • "Left": Left as you enter from the ruins, towards the cliff edge.

    • "Right": Right as you enter from the ruins, towards higher ground.

    • "Upper": The path up and over the swamp towards the Within Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire.

Ringed City

The "mid boss", "end boss", and "hidden boss" are the bosses who take the place of Halflight, Gael, and Midir, respectively.

  • Wall: The large wall in which you spawn when you first enter the area, with the Mausoleum Lookout bonfire.

    • "Top": The open-air top of the wall, where you first spawn in.

    • "Upper": The upper area of the wall, with the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire.

    • "Tower": The tiered tower leading down from the upper area to the stairs.

    • "Lower": The lower rooms of the wall, accessible from the lower cliff, with an elevator back to upper.

    • "Hidden": The hidden floor accessible from the elevator from lower to upper, from which you can reach Midir in vanilla.

  • Streets: The streets and skyways of the city proper. "Left" and "right" are relative to the main staircase as you head down towards the swamp, "near" and "far" are relative to Shira's chamber at the top of the stairs.

    • "Garden": The flower-filled back alley accessible from the left side of the nearest bridge over the stairs.

    • "High": The higher areas in the far left where you can find the Locust Preacher, accessible from a long ladder in the swamp.

    • "Monument": The area around the purging monument, which can only be accessed by solving the "Show Your Humanity" puzzle.

  • Swamp: The wet area past the city streets. "Left" and "right" are relative to heading out from the Ringed City Streets bonfire, and "near" and "far" are relative to that bonfire as well.

  • Lower cliff: The cliffside path leading from the swamp into the shared grave, where Midir breathes fire.

  • Grave: The cylindrical chamber with spiral stairs around the edges, connecting the two cliffs, containing the Shared Grave bonfire.

  • Upper cliff: The cliffside path leading out of the grave to the lower wall.

  • Church path: The sunlit path from the lower cliff up to the Church of Filianore where you fight Halflight in vanilla.

  • Ashes: The final area, where you fight Gael in vanilla.

Detailed Location Descriptions

These location descriptions were originally written by Matt Gruen for the static Dark Souls III randomizer.

Location nameDetailed description
AL: Aldrich Faithful - water reserves, talk to McDonnelGiven by Archdeacon McDonnel in Water Reserves.
AL: Aldrich's Ruby - dark cathedral, minibossDropped by the Deep Accursed who drops down when you open the Anor Londo Cathedral shortcut
AL: Anri's Straight Sword - Anri questDropped by Anri of Astora upon death or completing quest. In the Darkmoon Tomb with Lord of Hollows route, or given by Ludleth if summoned to defeat Aldrich.
AL: Blade of the Darkmoon - Yorshka with Darkmoon LoyaltyGiven by Yorshka after learning the Darkmoon Loyalty gesture from Sirris, or by killing her
AL: Brass Armor - tombBehind the illusory statue in the hallway leading to the Darkmoon Tomb
AL: Brass Gauntlets - tombBehind the illusory statue in the hallway leading to the Darkmoon Tomb
AL: Brass Helm - tombBehind the illusory statue in the hallway leading to the Darkmoon Tomb
AL: Brass Leggings - tombBehind the illusory statue in the hallway leading to the Darkmoon Tomb
AL: Chameleon - tomb after marrying AnriDropped by the Stone-humped Hag assassin after Anri reaches the Church of Yorshka, either in the church or after marrying Anri
AL: Cinders of a Lord - AldrichDropped by Aldrich
AL: Crescent Moon Sword - Leonhard dropDrop by Ringfinger Leonhard upon death. Includes Soul of Rosaria if invaded in Anor Londo.
AL: Dark Stoneplate Ring - by dark stairs up from plazaAfter the Pontiff fight, in the dark hallways to the left of the area with the Giant Slaves
AL: Deep Gem - water reservesIn the open in the Water Reserves
AL: Dragonslayer Greatarrow - drop from nearest buttressDropping down from about halfway down the flying buttress closest to the entrance to the Darkmoon Tomb
AL: Dragonslayer Greatbow - drop from nearest buttressDropping down from about halfway down the flying buttress closest to the entrance to the Darkmoon Tomb
AL: Drang Twinspears - plaza, NPC dropDropped by Drang Twinspears-wielding knight on the stairs leading up to the Anor Londo Silver Knights
AL: Easterner's Ashes - below top of furthest buttressDropping down from the rightmost flying buttress, or the rightmost set of stairs
AL: Ember - plaza, furtherAfter the Pontiff fight, in the middle of the area with the Giant Slaves
AL: Ember - plaza, right sideAfter the Pontiff fight, next to one of the Giant Slaves on the right side
AL: Ember - spiral staircase, bottomNext to the lever that summons the rotating Anor Londo stairs at the bottom
AL: Estus Shard - dark cathedral, by left stairsIn a chest on the floor of the Anor Londo cathedral
AL: Giant's Coal - by giant near dark cathedralOn the Giant Blacksmith's corpse in Anor Londo
AL: Golden Ritual Spear - light cathedral, mimic upstairsDrop from a mimic in the higher levels of Pontiff's cathedral, accessible from the Deacons after the Pontiff fight
AL: Havel's Ring+2 - prison tower, raftersOn the rafters dropping down from Yorshka's Prison Tower to the Church of Yorshka
AL: Human Dregs - water reservesIn the open in the Water Reserves
AL: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - left of dark cathedral entranceIn front of the Anor Londo cathedral, slightly to the left
AL: Large Titanite Shard - balcony by dead giantsAfter the Pontiff fight, on the balcony to the right of the area with the Giant Slaves
AL: Large Titanite Shard - bottom of the furthest buttressAt the base of the rightmost flying buttress leading up to Anor Londo
AL: Large Titanite Shard - bottom of the nearest buttressOn the tower leading back from Anor Londo to the shortcut to Irithyll, down the flying buttress closest to the Darkmoon Tomb entrance.
AL: Large Titanite Shard - right after light cathedralAfter Pontiff's cathedral, hugging the wall to the right
AL: Large Titanite Shard - walkway, side path by cathedralAfter the Pontiff fight, going back from the Deacons area to the original cathedral, before a dropdown
AL: Moonlight Arrow - dark cathedral, up right stairsIn the Anor Londo cathedral, up the stairs on the right side
AL: Painting Guardian Gloves - prison tower, raftersOn the rafters dropping down from Yorshka's Prison Tower to the Church of Yorshka
AL: Painting Guardian Gown - prison tower, raftersOn the rafters dropping down from Yorshka's Prison Tower to the Church of Yorshka
AL: Painting Guardian Hood - prison tower, raftersOn the rafters dropping down from Yorshka's Prison Tower to the Church of Yorshka
AL: Painting Guardian Waistcloth - prison tower, raftersOn the rafters dropping down from Yorshka's Prison Tower to the Church of Yorshka
AL: Painting Guardian's Curved Sword - prison tower raftersOn the rafters dropping down from Yorshka's Prison Tower to the Church of Yorshka
AL: Proof of a Concord Kept - dark cathedral, up left stairsIn the Anor Londo cathedral, halfway down the stairs on the left side next to some Deacons
AL: Reversal Ring - tomb, chest in cornerIn a chest in Darkmoon Tomb
AL: Ring of Favor - water reserves, both minibossesDropped after killing both of Sulyvahn's Beasts in the Water Reserves
AL: Ring of Favor+1 - light cathedral, upstairsIn the higher levels of Pontiff's cathedral, accessible from the Deacons after the Pontiff fight
AL: Silver Mask - Leonhard dropDrop by Ringfinger Leonhard upon death. Includes Soul of Rosaria if invaded in Anor Londo.
AL: Simple Gem - light cathedral, lizard upstairsDropped by a Crystal Lizard in the higher levels of Pontiff's cathedral, accessible from the Deacons after the Pontiff fight
AL: Soul of AldrichDropped by Aldrich
AL: Soul of Rosaria - Leonhard dropDrop by Ringfinger Leonhard upon death. Includes Soul of Rosaria if invaded in Anor Londo.
AL: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - right of dark cathedral entranceTo the right of the Anor Londo cathedral entrance, past the red-eyed Silver Knight
AL: Soul of a Weary Warrior - plaza, nearerAfter the Pontiff fight, in the middle of the area with the Giant Slaves
AL: Sun Princess Ring - dark cathedral, after bossIn the Anor Londo cathedral after defeating Aldrich, up the elevators in Gwynevere's Chamber
AL: Titanite Scale - top of ladder up to buttressesOn the platform after the stairs leading up to Anor Londo from the Water Reserves building
AL: Twinkling Titanite - lizard after light cathedral #1Dropped a Crystal Lizard straight after the Pontiff fight
AL: Twinkling Titanite - lizard after light cathedral #2Dropped a Crystal Lizard straight after the Pontiff fight
AL: Yorshka's Chime - kill YorshkaDropped by Yorshka upon death.
AP: Ancient Dragon Greatshield - intro, on archwayAfter the Archdragon Peak bonfire, on top of the arch in front of the Ancient Wyvern fight
AP: Calamity Ring - mausoleum, gesture at altarReceived using Path of the Dragon at the Altar by the Mausoleum bonfire
AP: Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2 - plazaIn the Nameless King boss arena after he is defeated
AP: Dragon Chaser's Ashes - summit, side pathIn the run-up to the Dragon Altar after the Belfry bonfire, in a side path to the left side
AP: Dragon Head Stone - fort, boss dropDropped by Ancient Wyvern
AP: Dragon Tooth - belfry roof, NPC dropDropped from any of the Havel Knights
AP: Dragonslayer Armor - plazaIn the Nameless King boss arena after he is defeated
AP: Dragonslayer Gauntlets - plazaIn the Nameless King boss arena after he is defeated
AP: Dragonslayer Helm - plazaIn the Nameless King boss arena after he is defeated
AP: Dragonslayer Leggings - plazaIn the Nameless King boss arena after he is defeated
AP: Dragonslayer Spear - gate after mausoleumIn the gate connecting the Dragon-Kin Mausoleum area to the bridge where the Nameless King fight takes place
AP: Drakeblood Greatsword - mausoleum, NPC dropDropped by the Drakeblood Knight summoned by the Serpent-Man Summoner
AP: Dung Pie - fort, landing after second roomOn a landing going up the stairs from the Ancient Wyvern to the chainaxe Man-Serpent area
AP: Ember - belfry, below bellIn the area below the bell lever, either dropping down near the lever or going down the stairs from the open fountain area after the Belfry bonfire
AP: Ember - fort overlook #1From the right of where Ancient Wyvern first lands
AP: Ember - fort overlook #2From the right of where Ancient Wyvern first lands
AP: Ember - intro, by bonfireNext to the Archdragon Peak bonfire
AP: Great Magic Barrier - drop off belfry roofDropping down to the left from the area with the Havel Knight and the dead Wyvern
AP: Havel's Greatshield - belfry roof, NPC dropDropped from any of the Havel Knights
AP: Havel's Ring+1 - summit, after buildingJust past the building with all of the Man-Serpents on the way to the Dragon Altar, on the left side
AP: Homeward Bone - intro, path to bonfireFrom the start of the area, along the left path leading to the first bonfire
AP: Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - summit, by fountainIn the middle of the open fountain area after the Belfry bonfire
AP: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - fort, by stairs to first roomto the left of where the Ancient Wyvern lands
AP: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - fort, centerWhere the Ancient Wyvern lands
AP: Lightning Bolt - rotundaOn top of the ruined dome found going up spiral stairs to the left before the bridge with the chainaxe Man-Serpent
AP: Lightning Clutch Ring - intro, left of boss doorTo the left of gate leading to Ancient Wyvern, past the Rock Lizard
AP: Lightning Gem - intro, side riseFrom the start of the area, up a ledge in between two forked paths toward the first bonfire
AP: Lightning Urn - fort, left of first room entranceOn the path to the left of where the Ancient Wyvern lands, left of the building entrance
AP: Ricard's Rapier - belfry, NPC dropDropped by the Richard Champion summoned by the Serpent-Man Summoner
AP: Ring of Steel Protection - fort overlook, beside stairsTo the right of the area where the Ancient Wyvern lands, dropping down onto the ledge
AP: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - mausoleum, upstairsFrom the Mausoleum bonfire, up the second set of stairs to the right
AP: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - intro, right before archwayFrom the Archdragon Peak bonfire, going right before the arch before Ancient Wyvern
AP: Soul of a Weary Warrior - intro, first cliff edgeAt the very start of the area on the left cliff edge
AP: Soul of a Weary Warrior - walkway, building windowOn the way to the Belfry bonfire after the sagging wooden bridge, on a ledge visible in a room with a Crystal Lizard, accessible by a tricky jump or just going around the other side
AP: Soul of the Nameless KingDropped by Nameless King
AP: Stalk Dung Pie - fort overlookFrom the right of where Ancient Wyvern first lands
AP: Thunder Stoneplate Ring - walkway, up ladderAfter the long hallway after the Mausoleum bonfire, before the rope bridge, up the long ladder
AP: Titanite Chunk - fort, second room balconyAfter going left of where Ancient Wyvern lands and left again, rather than going up the stairs to the right, go to the open area to the left
AP: Titanite Chunk - intro, archway cornerFrom the Archdragon Peak bonfire, under the arch, immediately to the right
AP: Titanite Chunk - intro, behind rockAlmost at the Archdragon Peak bonfire, behind a rock in the area with many Man-Serpents
AP: Titanite Chunk - intro, left before archwayAfter the Archdragon Peak bonfire, going left before the arch before Ancient Wyvern
AP: Titanite Chunk - rotundaOn top of the ruined dome found going up spiral stairs to the left before the bridge with the chainaxe Man-Serpent
AP: Titanite Chunk - walkway, miniboss dropDropped by the second Ancient Wyvern patrolling the path up to the Belfry
AP: Titanite Scale - mausoleum, downstairs balcony #1From the Mausoleum bonfire, up the stairs to the left, past the Rock Lizard
AP: Titanite Scale - mausoleum, downstairs balcony #2From the Mausoleum bonfire, up the stairs to the left, past the Rock Lizard
AP: Titanite Scale - mausoleum, upstairs balconyFrom the Mausoleum bonfire, up the first stairs to the right, going around toward the Man-Serpent Summoner, on the balcony on the side
AP: Titanite Scale - walkway buildingIn a chest after the sagging wooden bridge on the way to the Belfry, in the building with the Crystal Lizard
AP: Titanite Scale - walkway, miniboss dropDropped by the second Ancient Wyvern patrolling the path up to the Belfry
AP: Titanite Slab - belfry roofNext to the Havel Knight by the dead Wyvern
AP: Titanite Slab - plazaIn the Nameless King boss arena after he is defeated
AP: Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone - summit, gesture at altarReceived using Path of the Dragon at the Altar after the Belfry bonfire. Hawkwood also uses the gesture there when summoned.
AP: Twinkling Titanite - belfry, by ladder to roofIn the chest before the ladder climbing up to the Havel Knight
AP: Twinkling Titanite - fort, down second room balcony ladderAfter going left of where Ancient Wyvern lands and left again, rather than going up the stairs to the right, go to the open area to the left and then down the ladder
AP: Twinkling Titanite - fort, end of raftersDropping down to the left of the Mausoleum bonfire, all the way down the wooden rafters
AP: Twinkling Titanite - walkway building, lizardDropped by Crystal Lizard in the building after the sagging wooden bridge toward the Belfry
AP: Twinkling Titanite - walkway, miniboss dropDropped by the second Ancient Wyvern patrolling the path up to the Belfry
CA: Coiled Sword - boss dropDropped by Iudex Gundyr
CA: Firebomb - down the cliff edgeAlong the cliff edge before the Iudex Gundyr fight, to the right
CA: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - right of spawnAt the very start of the game
CA: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - by minibossIn the area with the Ravenous Crystal Lizard
CA: Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1 - by minibossIn the area with the Ravenous Crystal Lizard, along the right wall
CA: Titanite Scale - miniboss dropDropped by Ravenous Crystal Lizard
CA: Titanite Shard - jump to coffinMaking a jump to a coffin after the Cemetery of Ash bonfire
CC: Black Blade - tomb, mimicDropped by the mimic before Smouldering Lake
CC: Black Bug Pellet - cavern, before bridgeIn the area where many many skeletons are before the bridge you can cut
CC: Bloodred Moss Clump - atrium lower, down more stairsTo the left before going down the main stairwell in the Catacombs, past the skeleton ambush and where Anri is standing, near the Crystal Lizard
CC: Carthus Bloodring - crypt lower, end of side hallAt the very end of the Bonewheel Skeleton area
CC: Carthus Milkring - crypt upper, among potsAfter the first Skeleton Ball, in the hallway alcove with the many dark-exploding pots
CC: Carthus Pyromancy Tome - atrium lower, jump from bridgeDown the hallway to the right before going down the main stairwell in the Catacombs and through an illusory wall on the left, or making a difficult dropdown from the top-level platform
CC: Carthus Rouge - atrium upper, left after entranceTo the right after first entering the Catacombs
CC: Carthus Rouge - crypt across, cornerMaking a difficult jump between the hallway after the first Skeleton Ball and the area at the same level on the opposite side, or going up the stairs from the main hall
CC: Dark Gem - crypt lower, skeleton ball dropDropped by second Skeleton Ball after killing its sorcerer skeleton
CC: Ember - atrium, on long stairwayOn the main stairwell in Catacombs
CC: Ember - crypt lower, shortcut to cavernIn the short hallway with the level shortcut where Knight Slayer Tsorig invades
CC: Ember - crypt upper, end of hall past holeGoing right from the Catacombs bonfire, down the hall to the left, then to the right. After a hole that drops down into the Bonewheel Skeleton area.
CC: Fire Gem - cavern, lizardDropped by a Crystal Lizard found between the Catacombs main halls and the ledge overlooking the bridge you can cut down
CC: Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome - boss arenaIn Wolnir's arena, or in the back left of the room containing his bonfire if not picked up in the arena
CC: Grave Warden's Ashes - crypt across, cornerFrom the Catacombs bonfire, down the stairs into the main hall and up the stairs to the other side, on the far left side. Stairwell past the illusory wall is most direct.
CC: Homeward Bone - Irithyll bridgeFound right before the wall blocking access to Irithyll
CC: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - cavern, before bridgeIn the area where many many skeletons are before the bridge you can cut
CC: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - tomb lowerDown the ramp from the Fire Demon, where all the skeletons are
CC: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - crypt upper, hall middleGoing right from the Catacombs bonfire, then down the long hallway after the hallway to the left
CC: Large Titanite Shard - crypt across, middle hallFrom the Catacombs bonfire, down the stairs into the main hall and up the stairs to the other side, in a middle hallway
CC: Large Titanite Shard - crypt upper, skeleton ball hallGoing right from the Catacombs bonfire, to the end of the hallway where second Skeleton Ball rolls
CC: Large Titanite Shard - tomb lowerDown the ramp from the Fire Demon, where all the skeletons are
CC: Old Sage's Blindfold - tomb, hall before bonfireDown the ramp from the Fire Demon, straight down the hallway past the room with the Abandoned Tomb bonfire
CC: Pontiff's Right Eye - Irithyll bridge, miniboss dropDropped by killing Sulyvahn's Beast on the bridge to Irithyll or in the lake below
CC: Ring of Steel Protection+2 - atrium upper, drop onto pillarFrom the first bridge in Catacombs where the first skeletons are encountered, parallel to the long stairwell, walk off onto a pillar on the left side.
CC: Sharp Gem - atrium lower, right before exitDown the hallway to the right before going down the main stairwell in the Catacombs
CC: Soul of High Lord WolnirDropped by High Lord Wolnir
CC: Soul of a Demon - tomb, miniboss dropDropped by the Fire Demon before Smouldering Lake
CC: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - atrium lower, down hallAll the way down the hallway to the right before going down the main stairwell in the Catacombs
CC: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - atrium upper, up more stairsFrom the room before the Catacombs main stairwell, up the two ramps and to the end of the long hallway crossing the room
CC: Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1 - crypt upper, among potsAfter the first Skeleton Ball, in the hallway alcove with the many dark-exploding pots, behind one of the pillars
CC: Titanite Shard - atrium lower, corner by stairsTo the left before going down the main stairwell in the Catacombs, behind the pensive Carthus Cursed Sword Skeleton
CC: Titanite Shard - crypt lower, left of entranceIn the main hall after the Catacombs bonfire, down the stairs and to the left
CC: Titanite Shard - crypt lower, start of side hallIn the Bonewheel Skeleton area, on the left side under a Writhing Flesh
CC: Twinkling Titanite - atrium lower, lizard down more stairsDropped by a Crystal Lizard found to the left before going down the main stairwell in the Catacombs, past the skeleton ambush and past where Anri is standing
CC: Undead Bone Shard - crypt upper, skeleton ball dropDropped by first Skeleton Ball after killing its sorcerer skeleton
CC: Witch's Ring - tomb, hall before bonfireDown the ramp from the Fire Demon, straight down the hallway past the room with the Abandoned Tomb bonfire
CC: Yellow Bug Pellet - cavern, on overlookTo the right of the Carthus Curved Sword Skeleton overlooking the pit Horace falls into
CD: Aldrich's Sapphire - side chapel, miniboss dropDropped by the Deep Accursed
CD: Arbalest - upper roofs, end of furthest buttressBefore the rafters on the way to Rosaria, up a flying buttress, past a halberd-wielding Large Hollow Soldier to the right, and down another flying buttress to the right
CD: Archdeacon Holy Garb - boss room after killing bossNear the Deacons of the Deep bonfire, found after resting at it
CD: Archdeacon Skirt - boss room after killing bossNear the Deacons of the Deep bonfire, found after resting at it
CD: Archdeacon White Crown - boss room after killing bossNear the Deacons of the Deep bonfire, found after resting at it
CD: Armor of Thorns - Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing KirkFound in Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing Longfinger Kirk
CD: Astora Greatsword - graveyard, left of entranceDown one of the side paths to the left in the Reanimated Corpse area
CD: Barbed Straight Sword - Kirk dropDropped by Longfinger Kirk when he invades in the cathedral central room
CD: Black Eye Orb - Rosaria from Leonhard's questOn Rosaria's corpse after joining Rosaria's Fingers, exhausting Leonhard's dialogue there and reaching the Profaned Capital bonfire.
CD: Blessed Gem - upper roofs, raftersIn the rafters leading to Rosaria, guarded by a Cathedral Knight to the right
CD: Crest Shield - path, drop down by Cathedral of the Deep bonfireOn a grave near the Cathedral of the Deep bonfire, accessed by dropping down to the right
CD: Curse Ward Greatshield - by ladder from white tree to moatTaking a right after the Infested Corpse graveyard, before the shortcut ladder down to the Ravenous Crystal Lizard area
CD: Deep Braille Divine Tome - mimic by side chapelDropped by the Mimic before the room with the patrolling Cathedral Knight and Deep Accursed
CD: Deep Gem - down stairs by first elevatorComing from the room where you first see deacons, go down instead of continuing to the main cathedral room. Guarded by a pensive Cathedral Evangelist.
CD: Deep Ring - upper roofs, passive mob drop in first towerDropped by the passive Deacon on the way to Rosaria
CD: Drang Armor - main hall, eastIn the Giant Slave muck pit leading up to Deacons
CD: Drang Gauntlets - main hall eastIn the Giant Slave muck pit leading up to Deacons
CD: Drang Hammers - main hall eastIn the Giant Slave muck pit leading up to Deacons, underneath the stairwell
CD: Drang Shoes - main hall eastIn the Giant Slave muck pit leading up to Deacons
CD: Duel Charm - by first elevatorAfter opening the cathedral's backdoor, where the Deacon enemies are first seen, under a fountain that spouts poison
CD: Duel Charm - next to Patches in onion armorTo the right of the bridge leading to Rosaria, from the Deacons side. Patches will lower the bridge if you try to cross from this side.
CD: Ember - PatchesSold by Patches in Firelink Shrine
CD: Ember - by back doorPast the pair of Grave Wardens and the Cathedral backdoor against a wall, guarded by a greataxe-wielding Large Hollow Soldier
CD: Ember - edge of platform before bossOn the edge of the chapel before Deacons overlooking the Giant Slaves
CD: Ember - side chapel upstairs, up ladderUp a ladder and past the Cathedral Evangelist from the top level of the room with the patrolling Cathedral Knight and Deep Accursed
CD: Ember - side chapel, miniboss roomIn the room with the Deep Accursed
CD: Estus Shard - monument outside Cleansing ChapelRight outside of the Cleansing Chapel. Requires killing praying hollows.
CD: Executioner's Greatsword - graveyard, far endIn an open area down one of the side paths to the left in the Reanimated Corpse area
CD: Exploding Bolt - ledge above main hall southOn the ledge where the Giant Slave slams his arms down
CD: Fading Soul - graveyard, far endIn an open area down one of the side paths to the left in the Reanimated Corpse area, next to the Executioner's Greatsword
CD: Gauntlets of Thorns - Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing KirkFound in Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing Longfinger Kirk
CD: Helm of Thorns - Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing KirkFound in Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing Longfinger Kirk
CD: Herald Armor - path, by fireGuarded by the Cathedral Evangelist after the Crystal Sage fight
CD: Herald Gloves - path, by fireGuarded by the Cathedral Evangelist after the Crystal Sage fight
CD: Herald Helm - path, by fireGuarded by the Cathedral Evangelist after the Crystal Sage fight
CD: Herald Trousers - path, by fireGuarded by the Cathedral Evangelist after the Crystal Sage fight
CD: Heysel Pick - Heysel Corpse-Grub in Rosaria's Bed ChamberDropped by the Heysel Corpse-grub in Rosaria's Bed Chamber
CD: Homeward Bone - outside main hall south doorPast the cathedral doors guarded by the Giant Slave opposite to the Deacons fight
CD: Horsehoof Ring - PatchesSold or dropped by Patches after he mentions Greirat
CD: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - by white tree #1In the graveyard with the White Birch and Infested Corpses
CD: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - by white tree #2In the graveyard with the White Birch and Infested Corpses
CD: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - lower roofs, semicircle balconyOn the cathedral roof after climbing up the flying buttresses, on the edge of the semicircle platform balcony
CD: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - main hall eastIn the Giant Slave muck pit leading up to Deacons
CD: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - main hall south, side pathDown a side path with poison-spouting fountains in the main cathedral room, accessible from the Cleansing Chapel shortcut, patrolled by a Cathedral Knight
CD: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - path, against outer wallFrom the Cathedral of the Deep bonfire after the Brigand, against the wall in the area with the dogs and crossbowmen
CD: Leggings of Thorns - Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing KirkFound in Rosaria's Bed Chamber after killing Longfinger Kirk
CD: Lloyd's Sword Ring - ledge above main hall southOn the ledge where the Giant Slave slams his arms down
CD: Maiden Gloves - main hall southIn the muck pit with the Giant Slave that can attack with his arms
CD: Maiden Hood - main hall southIn the muck pit with the Giant Slave that can attack with his arms
CD: Maiden Robe - main hall southIn the muck pit with the Giant Slave that can attack with his arms
CD: Maiden Skirt - main hall southIn the muck pit with the Giant Slave that can attack with his arms
CD: Notched Whip - Cleansing ChapelIn a corner of the Cleansing Chapel
CD: Paladin's Ashes - path, guarded by lower NPCAt the very start of the area, guarded by the Fallen Knight
CD: Pale Tongue - main hall eastIn the Giant Slave muck pit leading up to Deacons
CD: Pale Tongue - upper roofs, outdoors far endBefore the rafters on the way to Rosaria, up a flying buttress and straight right, passing a halberd-wielding Large Hollow Soldier
CD: Poisonbite Ring - moat, hall past minibossIn the pit with the Infested Corpse, accessible from the Ravenous Crystal Lizard area or from dropping down near the second Cleansing Chapel shortcut
CD: Red Bug Pellet - lower roofs, up stairs between buttressesIn the area after the cathedral roof against the wall of the cathedral, down the path from the Cathedral Evangelist.
CD: Red Bug Pellet - right of cathedral front doorsUp the stairs past the Infested Corpse graveyard and the left, toward the roof path to the right of the cathedral doors
CD: Red Sign Soapstone - passive mob drop by Rosaria's Bed ChamberDropped by passive Corpse-grub against the wall near the entrance to Rosaria's Bed Chamber
CD: Repair Powder - by white treeIn the graveyard with the White Birch and Infested Corpses
CD: Ring of Favor+2 - upper roofs, on buttressBefore the rafters on the way to Rosaria, up a flying buttress, behind a greataxe-wielding Large Hollow Soldier to the left
CD: Ring of the Evil Eye+1 - by stairs to bossBefore the stairs leading down into the Deacons fight
CD: Rosaria's Fingers - RosariaGiven by Rosaria.
CD: Rusted Coin - don't forgive PatchesGiven by Patches after not forgiving him after he lowers the bridge in Cathedral of the Deep.
CD: Rusted Coin - left of cathedral front doors, behind cratesUp the stairs past the Infested Corpse graveyard and to the left, hidden behind some crates to the left of the cathedral door
CD: Saint Bident - outside main hall south doorPast the cathedral doors guarded by the Giant Slave opposite to the Deacons fight
CD: Saint-tree Bellvine - moat, by waterIn the Infested Corpse moat beneath the Cathedral
CD: Seek Guidance - side chapel upstairsAbove the room with the patrolling Cathedral Knight and Deep Accursed, below a writhing flesh on the ceiling.
CD: Shotel - PatchesSold by Patches
CD: Small Doll - boss dropDropped by Deacons of the Deep
CD: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - ledge above main hall southOn the ledge where the Giant Slave slams his arms down
CD: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - lower roofs, side roomComing from the cathedral roof, past the three crossbowmen to the path patrolled by the halberd-wielding Large Hollow Soldier, in a room to the left with many thralls.
CD: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - main hall southIn the muck pit with the Giant Slave that can attack with his arms
CD: Soul of the Deacons of the DeepDropped by Deacons of the Deep
CD: Spider Shield - NPC drop on pathDropped by the brigand at the start of Cathedral of the Deep
CD: Spiked Shield - Kirk dropDropped by Longfinger Kirk when he invades in the cathedral central room
CD: Titanite Scale - moat, miniboss dropDropped by the Ravenous Crystal Lizard outside of the Cathedral
CD: Titanite Shard - Cleansing Chapel windowsill, by minibossOn the ledge dropping back down into Cleansing Chapel from the area with the Ravenous Crystal Lizard
CD: Titanite Shard - moat, far endBehind the cathedral near the Infested Corpse moat, going from the Ravenous Crystal Lizard
CD: Titanite Shard - moat, up a slopeUp one of the slopes in the Ravenous Crystal Lizard area
CD: Titanite Shard - outside building by white treePast the Infested Corpse graveyard to the left, hidden along the left wall of the building with the shortcut ladder and Curse Ward Greatshield
CD: Titanite Shard - path, side path by Cathedral of the Deep bonfireUp a path to the left after the Cathedral of the Deep bonfire, after the Fallen Knight and before the Brigand
CD: Twinkling Titanite - moat, lizard #1Dropped by the Crystal Lizard behind the cathedral near the Infested Corpse moat, going from the Ravenous Crystal Lizard
CD: Twinkling Titanite - moat, lizard #2Dropped by the Crystal Lizard under the cathedral near the Infested Corpse moat, going from the Ravenous Crystal Lizard
CD: Twinkling Titanite - path, lizard #1Dropped by the first Crystal Lizard after the Crystal Sage fight
CD: Twinkling Titanite - path, lizard #2Dropped by the second Crystal Lizard after the Crystal Sage fight
CD: Undead Bone Shard - gravestone by white treeIn the graveyard with the Infested Corpses, on a coffin partly hanging off of the ledge
CD: Undead Hunter Charm - lower roofs, up stairs between buttressesIn the area after the cathedral roof guarded by a Cathedral Evangelist. Can be jumped to from a flying buttress or by going around and back
CD: Winged Spear - kill PatchesDropped by Patches when killed in his own armor.
CD: Xanthous Crown - Heysel Corpse-Grub in Rosaria's Bed ChamberDropped by the Heysel Corpse-grub in Rosaria's Bed Chamber
CD: Young White Branch - by white tree #1By the White Birch tree in the Infested Corpse graveyard
CD: Young White Branch - by white tree #2By the White Birch tree in the Infested Corpse graveyard
CKG: Black Firebomb - under rotundaUnder the platform in the middle of the garden, in the toxic pool
CKG: Claw - under rotundaUnder the platform in the middle of the garden, in the toxic pool
CKG: Dark Gem - under lone stairwayFollowing the left wall, behind the standalone set of stairs
CKG: Dragonscale Ring - shortcut, leave halfway down liftFrom the middle level of the second elevator, toward the Oceiros boss fight
CKG: Drakeblood Armor - tomb, after killing AP mausoleum NPCOn the Drakeblood Knight after Oceiros fight, after defeating the Drakeblood Knight from the Serpent-Man Summoner
CKG: Drakeblood Gauntlets - tomb, after killing AP mausoleum NPCOn the Drakeblood Knight after Oceiros fight, after defeating the Drakeblood Knight from the Serpent-Man Summoner
CKG: Drakeblood Helm - tomb, after killing AP mausoleum NPCOn the Drakeblood Knight after Oceiros fight, after defeating the Drakeblood Knight from the Serpent-Man Summoner
CKG: Drakeblood Leggings - tomb, after killing AP mausoleum NPCOn the Drakeblood Knight after Oceiros fight, after defeating the Drakeblood Knight from the Serpent-Man Summoner
CKG: Estus Shard - balconyFrom the middle level of the first Consumed King's Gardens elevator, out the balcony and to the right
CKG: Human Pine Resin - pool by liftOn the right side of the garden, following the wall past the entrance to the shortcut elevator building, in a toxic pool
CKG: Human Pine Resin - toxic pool, past rotundaIn between two platforms near the middle of the garden, by a tree in a toxic pool
CKG: Magic Stoneplate Ring - mob drop before bossDropped by the Cathedral Knight closest to the Oceiros fog gate
CKG: Ring of Sacrifice - under balconyAlong the right wall of the garden, next to the first elevator building
CKG: Sage Ring+2 - balcony, drop onto rubble, jump backFrom the middle platform of the first elevator in the target, going out and dropping off to the left, and then running off onto the ruined arch behind.
CKG: Shadow Garb - under rotundaUnder the platform in the middle of the garden, in the toxic pool
CKG: Shadow Gauntlets - under rotundaUnder the platform in the middle of the garden, in the toxic pool
CKG: Shadow Leggings - under rotundaUnder the platform in the middle of the garden, in the toxic pool
CKG: Shadow Mask - under center platformUnder the platform in the middle of the garden, in the toxic pool
CKG: Soul of Consumed OceirosDropped by Consumed King Oceiros
CKG: Soul of a Weary Warrior - before first liftOn the path leading to the first elevator from Lothric Castle
CKG: Titanite Chunk - balcony, drop onto rubbleFrom the middle platform of the first elevator, dropping down to the left
CKG: Titanite Chunk - right of shortcut lift bottomOn the right side of the garden, following the wall past the entrance to the shortcut elevator building, all the way to the end
CKG: Titanite Chunk - shortcutRight inside of the shortcut door leading to Oceiros from Lothric/Dancer bonfire
CKG: Titanite Chunk - up lone stairwayFollowing the left wall of the garden, in and up the standalone set of stairs
CKG: Titanite Scale - shortcutIn the room leading to the Oceiros shortcut elevator from Lothric/Dancer, in the first floor alcove.
CKG: Titanite Scale - tomb, chest #1Chest after Oceiros fight
CKG: Titanite Scale - tomb, chest #2Chest after Oceiros fight
CKG: Wood Grain Ring+1 - by first elevator bottomBehind the first elevator going down into the garden, in the toxic pool
DH: Aquamarine Dagger - castle, up stairsUp the second flight of stairs to the left of the starting area with the murkmen, before the long drop
DH: Black Firebomb - ruins, up windmill from bonfireTo the left of the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, past the ruined windmill, next to many Poisonhorn bugs.
DH: Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3 - pantry upstairs, drop downAfter exiting the building with the Lothric Knights where the front crumbles, to the last room of the building to the right, up stairs past an illusory wall to the left, then dropping down after exiting the building from the last room.
DH: Desert Pyromancer Garb - ruins, by shack near cliffBehind a shack near the edge of the cliff of the area targeted by the second angel.
DH: Desert Pyromancer Gloves - swamp, far rightAfter dropping down in the poison swamp area, against the wall straight to the right.
DH: Desert Pyromancer Hood - swamp upper, tunnel endAt the end of the tunnel with Desert Pyromancy Zoey, to the right of the final branches.
DH: Desert Pyromancer Skirt - swamp right, by rootsIn the poison swamp, against a tree guarded by a few Poisonhorn bugs in the front right.
DH: Divine Blessing - library, after dropAfter the dropdown where an angel first targets you, behind you
DH: Divine Blessing - shopSold by Stone-humped Hag, or in her ashes
DH: Divine Blessing - swamp upper, building roofOn a rooftop of one of the buildings bordering the poison swamp. Can be reached by dropping down from the final tree branch and accessing the roof to the right.
DH: Ember - castle, behind spireAt the start of the area, behind a spire to the right of first drop down
DH: Ember - pantry, behind crates just before upstairsAfter exiting the building with the Lothric Knights where the front crumbles, to the last room end of the building to the right, up stairs past an illusory wall to the left, in the second-to-last room of the sequence, behind some crates to the left.
DH: Ember - ruins, alcove before swampIn an alcove providing cover from the second angel's projectiles, before dropping down in the poison swamp area.
DH: Ember - ruins, alcove on cliffIn the area with the pilgrim responsible for the second angel, below the Within Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire. Can be accessed by dropping down from a cliff edge, dropping down to the right of the bonfire.
DH: Ember - shopSold by Stone-humped Hag, or in her ashes
DH: Flame Fan - swamp upper, NPC dropDropped by Desert Pyromancer Zoey
DH: Giant Door Shield - ruins, path below far shackDescending down a path from the edge of the cliff of the area targeted by the second angel, to the very end of the cliff.
DH: Great Soul Dregs - pantry upstairsAfter exiting the building with the Lothric Knights where the front crumbles, to the last room of the building to the right, up stairs past an illusory wall to the left, then all the way to the end of the last room.
DH: Harald Curved Greatsword - swamp left, under rootIn the back leftmost area of the poison swamp, underneath the tree branch leading up and out, guarded by a stationary Harald Legion Knight.
DH: Hidden Blessing - shopSold by Stone-humped Hag, or in her ashes
DH: Homeward Bone - end of path from churchImmediately before dropping into the area with the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, next to Gael's flag.
DH: Homeward Bone - swamp left, on rootAll the way to the end of a short path in the back leftmost area of the poison swamp, where you can plunge attack the stationary Harald Legion Knight.
DH: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - parapets, hallAfter crossing the spire bridge that crashes into the building with the Lothric Knights, past Lapp's initial location, dropping down behind the murkman and dropping down again, in a corner to the left.
DH: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - swamp centerIn the middle of the poison swamp.
DH: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - swamp, under overhangIn the cavern adjacent to the poison swamp, surrounded by a few Poisonhorn bugs.
DH: Lightning Urn - wall outside churchAfter the dropdown where an angel first targets you, against the wall on the left.
DH: Loincloth - swamp, left edgeIn the leftmost edge of the poison swamp after dropping down, guarded by 6 Poisonhorn bugs.
DH: Lothric War Banner - parapets, end of hallAfter crossing the spire bridge that crashes into the building with the Lothric Knights, past Lapp's initial location, dropping down behind the murkman and dropping down again, at the end of the hallway to the right.
DH: Murky Hand Scythe - library, behind bookshelvesAfter the first long drop into the building which looks like Grand Archives, to the left up the bookshelf stairs and behind the bookshelves
DH: Murky Longstaff - pantry, last roomAfter exiting the building with the Lothric Knights where the front crumbles, in the third-furthest room in the building to the right.
DH: Prism Stone - swamp upper, tunnel startNear the start of the tunnel with Desert Pyromancer Zoey.
DH: Projected Heal - parapets balconyAfter crossing the spire bridge that crashes into the building with the Lothric Knights, past Lapp's initial location, dropping down behind the murkman, against a wall in the area with the Lothric War Banner Knight and many murkmen.
DH: Purple Moss Clump - swamp shackIn the ruined shack with Poisonhorn bugs straight ahead of the dropdown into the poison swamp area.
DH: Ring of Favor+3 - swamp right, up rootUp the long branch close to the dropdown into the poison swamp area, in front of the cavern.
DH: Ring of Steel Protection+3 - ledge before churchAfter the dropdown where an angel first targets you, on an exposed edge to the left. Difficult to get without killing the angel.
DH: Rusted Coin - behind fountain after churchAfter exiting the building with the Lothric Knights where the front crumbles, behind the fountain on the right side.
DH: Rusted Gold Coin - shopSold by Stone-humped Hag, or in her ashes
DH: Siegbräu - LappGiven by Lapp after collecting the Titanite Slab in Earthen Peak Ruins, or left after Demon Princes fight, or dropped upon death if not given.
DH: Small Envoy Banner - boss dropFound in the small room after beating Demon Prince.
DH: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - church, altarIn the building where the front crumbles, guarded by the two Lothric Knights at the front of the chapel.
DH: Soul of a Weary Warrior - castle overhangThe bait item at the start of the area which falls down with you into the ruined building below.
DH: Soul of the Demon PrinceDropped by Demon Prince
DH: Splitleaf Greatsword - shopSold by Stone-humped Hag, or in her ashes
DH: Titanite Chunk - castle, up stairsUp first flight of stairs to the left of the starting area with the murkmen, before the long drop
DH: Titanite Chunk - pantry, first roomAfter exiting the building with the Lothric Knights where the front crumbles, on a ledge in the first room of the building to the right.
DH: Titanite Chunk - path from church, by pillarBefore dropping into the area with the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, behind a pillar in front of a murkman pool.
DH: Titanite Chunk - ruins, by far shackIn front of a shack at the far edge of the cliff of the area targeted by the second angel. There is a shortcut dropdown to the left of the building.
DH: Titanite Chunk - ruins, path from bonfireAt the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, straight a bit then all the way left, near the edge of the cliff in the area targeted by the second angel.
DH: Titanite Chunk - swamp right, drop partway up rootPartway up the long branch close to the dropdown into the poison swamp area, in front of the cavern, dropping down to a branch to the left.
DH: Titanite Chunk - swamp, along buildingsAfter dropping down into the poison swamp, along the buildings on the left side.
DH: Titanite Chunk - swamp, path to upperPartway up the branch that leads out of the poison swamp, on a very exposed branch jutting out to the left.
DH: Titanite Scale - library, back of roomAfter the first long drop into the building which looks like Grand Archives, behind you at the back of the room
DH: Titanite Scale - swamp upper, drop and jump into towerAt the very end of the last tree branch before dropping down toward the Within Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, drop down to the left instead. Make a jump into the interior of the overturned tower to the left.
DH: Titanite Slab - swamp, path under overhangDeep within the cavern adjacent to the poison swamp, to the back and then left. Alternatively, given by Lapp after exhausting dialogue near the bonfire and dying, or left after he moves on, or dropped upon death if not given.
DH: Twinkling Titanite - library, chandelierAfter the first long drop into the building which looks like Grand Archives, straight ahead hanging from a chandelier on the ground
DH: Twinkling Titanite - path after church, mob dropDropped the pilgrim responsible for the first angel encountered, below the spire bridge that forms by crashing into the building.
DH: Twinkling Titanite - ruins, alcove on cliff, mob dropDropped by the pilgrim responsible for the second angel, below the Within Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire. Can be accessed by dropping down from a cliff edge, or dropping down to the right of the bonfire.
DH: Twinkling Titanite - ruins, root near bonfireTreasure visible straight ahead of the Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire on a branch. Can be accessed by following the right wall from the bonfire until a point of access onto the branch is found.
DH: Twinkling Titanite - swamp upper, drop onto rootOn the final tree branches before dropping down toward the Within Earthen Peak Ruins bonfire, drop down on a smaller branch to the right. This loops back to the original branch.
DH: Twinkling Titanite - swamp upper, mob drop on roofDropped by the pilgrim responsible for the third angel in the swamp. Rather than heading left into the tunnel with Desert Pyromancy Zoey, go right onto a shack roof. Drop down onto a tree branch at the end, then drop down to another roof.
FK: Antiquated Dress - hidden caveIn a chest in the cave found along the keep wall in the basilisk area, with the Elizabeth corpse
FK: Antiquated Gloves - hidden caveIn a chest in the cave found along the keep wall in the basilisk area, with the Elizabeth corpse
FK: Antiquated Skirt - hidden caveIn a chest in the cave found along the keep wall in the basilisk area, with the Elizabeth corpse
FK: Atonement - perimeter, drop down into swampDropping down from the Farron Keep Perimeter building, to the right past the bonfire, before the stairs going up
FK: Black Bow of Pharis - miniboss drop, by keep ruins near wallDropped the Elder Ghru on the left side of the group of three to the left of the Keep Ruins bonfire, as approached from the ritual fire.
FK: Black Bug Pellet - perimeter, hill by boss doorOn the small hill to the right of the Abyss Watchers entrance, guarded by a spear-wielding Ghru Grunt
FK: Cinders of a Lord - Abyss WatcherDropped by Abyss Watchers
FK: Crown of Dusk - by white treeNear the swamp birch tree patrolled by the greater crab, where the Giant shoots arrows
FK: Dark Stoneplate Ring+2 - keep ruins ritual island, behind wallHidden behind the right wall of the ritual fire before Keep Ruins
FK: Dragon Crest Shield - upper keep, far side of the wallUp the elevator from Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, and dropping down to Crystal Lizard area, in the open.
FK: Dreamchaser's Ashes - keep proper, illusory wallNear the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, behind an illusory wall near the Crystal Lizard
FK: Ember - by white treeNear the swamp birch tree patrolled by the greater crab, where the Giant shoots arrows
FK: Ember - perimeter, path to bossGuarded by a spear-wielding Ghru Grunt to the right of the main path leading up to Abyss Watchers
FK: Ember - upper keep, by miniboss #1Guarded by Stray Demon, up from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Ember - upper keep, by miniboss #2Guarded by Stray Demon, up from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Estus Shard - between Farron Keep bonfire and left islandStraight ahead from the Farron Keep bonfire to the ritual fire stairs, guarded by a slug
FK: Gold Pine Bundle - by white treeNear the swamp birch tree patrolled by the greater crab, where the Giant shoots arrows
FK: Golden Scroll - hidden caveIn a cave found along the keep wall in the basilisk area, with the Elizabeth corpse
FK: Great Magic Weapon - perimeter, by door to Road of SacrificesNext to the shortcut leading from Farron Keep Perimeter back into Crucifixion Woods, past the Ravenous Crystal Lizard
FK: Greataxe - upper keep, by minibossGuarded by Stray Demon, up from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Greatsword - ramp by keep ruins ritual islandIn the middle of the swamp, on the pair of long ramps furthest from the Farron Keep bonfire, going out forward and slightly right from the bonfire.
FK: Havel's Armor - upper keep, after killing AP belfry roof NPCAppears by Stray Demon, up from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, after the Havel Knight guarding the Titanite Slab in Archdragon Peak has been killed
FK: Havel's Gauntlets - upper keep, after killing AP belfry roof NPCAppears by Stray Demon, up from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, after the Havel Knight guarding the Titanite Slab in Archdragon Peak has been killed
FK: Havel's Helm - upper keep, after killing AP belfry roof NPCAppears by Stray Demon, up from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, after the Havel Knight guarding the Titanite Slab in Archdragon Peak has been killed
FK: Havel's Leggings - upper keep, after killing AP belfry roof NPCAppears by Stray Demon, up from the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, after the Havel Knight guarding the Titanite Slab in Archdragon Peak has been killed
FK: Heavy Gem - upper keep, lizard on stairsDropped by the Crystal Lizard that scurries up the stairs in the area dropping down from near Stray Demon, up from Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Hollow Gem - perimeter, drop down into swampDropping down from the Farron Keep Perimeter building, to the right past the bonfire, before the stairs going up
FK: Homeward Bone - right island, behind fireBehind the ritual fire with stairs guarded by Elder Ghrus/basilisks
FK: Iron Flesh - Farron Keep bonfire, right after exitIn the open in the swamp, heading straight right from Farron Keep bonfire
FK: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - corner of keep and right islandHidden in a corner to the right of the stairs leading up to the ritual fire from the basilisk area
FK: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - near wall by right islandTo the left of the stairs leading up to the ritual fire from the Basilisk area, by the keep wall
FK: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - by white treeOn a tree close to the swamp birch tree patrolled by the greater crab, where the Giant shoots arrows
FK: Large Titanite Shard - upper keep, lizard by wyvernDropped by the farther Crystal Lizard in the area dropping down from near Stray Demon, up from Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Large Titanite Shard - upper keep, lizard in openDropped by the closer Crystal Lizard in the area dropping down from near Stray Demon, up from Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Lightning Spear - upper keep, far side of the wallUp the elevator from Old Wolf of Farron bonfire, and dropping down to Crystal Lizard area, in the open.
FK: Lingering Dragoncrest Ring - by white tree, miniboss dropDropped by the Greater Crab patrolling the birch tree where the Giant shoots arrows
FK: Magic Stoneplate Ring+1 - between right island and wallBehind a tree in the basilisk area, heading directly right from Farron Keep bonfire
FK: Manikin Claws - Londor Pale Shade dropDropped by Londor Pale Shade when he invades near the basilisks, if Yoel or Yuria have been betrayed
FK: Nameless Knight Armor - corner of keep and right islandFrom the Keep Ruins bonfire to the ritual fire stairs patrolled by Elder Ghrus, along the edge of the ritual fire hill
FK: Nameless Knight Gauntlets - corner of keep and right islandFrom the Keep Ruins bonfire to the ritual fire stairs patrolled by Elder Ghrus, along the edge of the ritual fire hill
FK: Nameless Knight Helm - corner of keep and right islandFrom the Keep Ruins bonfire to the ritual fire stairs patrolled by Elder Ghrus, along the edge of the ritual fire hill
FK: Nameless Knight Leggings - corner of keep and right islandFrom the Keep Ruins bonfire to the ritual fire stairs patrolled by Elder Ghrus, along the edge of the ritual fire hill
FK: Pharis's Hat - miniboss drop, by keep ruins near wallDropped the Elder Ghru in the back of the group of three to the left of the Keep Ruins bonfire, as approached from the ritual fire.
FK: Poison Gem - near wall by keep ruins bridgeFrom the left of the bridge leading from the ritual fire to the Keep Ruins bonfire, guarded by the three Elder Ghru
FK: Prism Stone - by left island stairsOn an island to the left of the stairs leading up to the ritual fire straight ahead of the Farron Keep bonfire
FK: Purple Moss Clump - Farron Keep bonfire, around right cornerAlong the inner wall of the keep, making an immediate right from Farron Keep bonfire
FK: Purple Moss Clump - keep ruins, ritual islandClose to the ritual fire before the Keep Ruins bonfire
FK: Purple Moss Clump - ramp directly in front of Farron Keep bonfireIn the middle of the swamp, on the pair of long ramps closest to the Farron Keep bonfire, going out forward and slightly right from the bonfire.
FK: Ragged Mask - Farron Keep bonfire, around left cornerAlong the inner wall of the keep, making an immediate left from Farron Keep bonfire, guarded by slugs
FK: Repair Powder - outside hidden caveAlong the keep wall in the basilisk area, outside of the cave with the Elizabeth corpse and Golden Scroll
FK: Rotten Pine Resin - left island, behind fireIn the area behind the ritual fire which is straight ahead of the Farron Keep bonfire
FK: Rotten Pine Resin - outside pavilion by left islandFrom the Farron Keep bonfire straight ahead to the pavilion guarded by the Darkwraith, just to the left of the ritual fire stairs
FK: Rusted Gold Coin - right island, behind wallHidden behind the right wall of the ritual fire with stairs guarded by Elder Ghrus/basilisks
FK: Sage's Coal - pavilion by left islandIn the pavilion guarded by a Darkwraith, straight ahead from the Farron Keep bonfire to the left of the ritual fire stairs
FK: Sage's Scroll - near wall by keep ruins bonfire islandAlong the keep inner wall, heading left from the stone doors past the crab area, surrounded by many Ghru enemies
FK: Shriving Stone - perimeter, just past stone doorsPast the stone doors, on the path leading up to Abyss Watchers by the Corvians
FK: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - by white treeNear the swamp birch tree patrolled by the greater crab, where the Giant shoots arrows
FK: Soul of a Stray Demon - upper keep, miniboss dropDropped by Stray Demon on the bridge above Farron Keep
FK: Soul of the Blood of the WolfDropped by Abyss Watchers
FK: Stone Parma - near wall by left islandAlong the inner wall of the keep, making a left from Farron Keep bonfire but before the area with the Darkwraith, guarded by a slug
FK: Sunlight Talisman - estus soup island, by ladder to keep properBy the pot of estus soup to the left of the stairs leading up to Old Wolf of Farron
FK: Titanite Scale - perimeter, miniboss dropDropped by Ravenous Crystal Lizard near the shortcut from Farron Keep back to Road of Sacrifices
FK: Titanite Shard - Farron Keep bonfire, left after exitAlong the inner wall of the keep, making a left from Farron Keep bonfire, by the second group of four slugs
FK: Titanite Shard - between left island and keep ruinsIn the swamp area with the Ghru Leaper between the Keep Ruins ritual fire and ritual fire straight ahead of Farron Keep bonfire, opposite from the keep wall
FK: Titanite Shard - by keep ruins ritual island stairsBy the stairs leading up to the Keep Ruins ritual fire from the middle of the swamp
FK: Titanite Shard - by ladder to keep properIn the swamp area close to the foot of the ladder leading to Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Titanite Shard - by left island stairsIn front of the stairs leading up to the ritual fire straight ahead of the Farron Keep bonfire
FK: Titanite Shard - keep ruins bonfire island, under rampUnder the ramp leading down from the Keep Ruins bonfire
FK: Titanite Shard - swamp by right islandBehind a tree patrolled by an Elder Ghru close to the ritual fire stairs
FK: Twinkling Dragon Head Stone - Hawkwood dropDropped by Hawkwood after killing him in the Abyss Watchers arena, after running up to the altar in Archdragon Peak. Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone needs to be acquired first.
FK: Twinkling Titanite - keep proper, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard on the balcony behind the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Undead Bone Shard - pavilion by keep ruins bonfire islandIn a standalone pavilion down the ramp from Keep Ruins bonfire and to the right
FK: Watchdogs of Farron - Old WolfGiven by Old Wolf of Farron.
FK: Wolf Ring+1 - keep ruins bonfire island, outside buildingTo the right of the building with the Keep Ruins bonfire, when approached from the ritual fire
FK: Wolf's Blood Swordgrass - by ladder to keep properTo the left of the ladder leading up to the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire
FK: Young White Branch - by white tree #1Near the swamp birch tree patrolled by the greater crab, where the Giant shoots arrows
FK: Young White Branch - by white tree #2Near the swamp birch tree patrolled by the greater crab, where the Giant shoots arrows
FS: Acid Surge - Cornyx for Carthus TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him the Carthus Pyromancy Tome
FS: Affinity - KarlaSold by Karla after recruiting her, or in her ashes
FS: Alluring Skull - Mortician's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Mortician's Ashes
FS: Arstor's Spear - Ludleth for GreatwoodBoss weapon for Curse-Rotted Greatwood
FS: Aural Decoy - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Billed Mask - shop after killing YuriaDropped by Yuria upon death or quest completion.
FS: Black Dress - shop after killing YuriaDropped by Yuria upon death or quest completion.
FS: Black Fire Orb - Karla for Grave Warden TomeSold by Karla after giving her the Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome
FS: Black Flame - Karla for Grave Warden TomeSold by Karla after giving her the Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome
FS: Black Gauntlets - shop after killing YuriaDropped by Yuria upon death or quest completion.
FS: Black Hand Armor - shop after killing GA NPCSold by Handmaid after killing Black Hand Kumai
FS: Black Hand Hat - shop after killing GA NPCSold by Handmaid after killing Black Hand Kumai
FS: Black Iron Armor - shop after killing TsorigSold by Handmaid after killing Knight Slayer Tsorig in Smouldering Lake
FS: Black Iron Gauntlets - shop after killing TsorigSold by Handmaid after killing Knight Slayer Tsorig in Smouldering Lake
FS: Black Iron Helm - shop after killing TsorigSold by Handmaid after killing Knight Slayer Tsorig in Smouldering Lake
FS: Black Iron Leggings - shop after killing TsorigSold by Handmaid after killing Knight Slayer Tsorig in Smouldering Lake
FS: Black Leggings - shop after killing YuriaDropped by Yuria upon death or quest completion.
FS: Black Serpent - Ludleth for WolnirBoss weapon for High Lord Wolnir
FS: Blessed Weapon - Irina for Tome of LothricSold by Irina after giving her the Braille Divine Tome of Lothric
FS: Blue Tearstone Ring - GreiratGiven by Greirat upon rescuing him from the High Wall cell
FS: Boulder Heave - Ludleth for Stray DemonBoss weapon for Stray Demon
FS: Bountiful Light - Irina for Tome of LothricSold by Irina after giving her the Braille Divine Tome of Lothric
FS: Bountiful Sunlight - Ludleth for RosariaBoss weapon for Rosaria, available after Leonhard is killed
FS: Broken Straight Sword - gravestone after bossNear the grave after Iudex Gundyr fight
FS: Budding Green Blossom - shop after killing Creighton and AL bossSold by Handmaid after receiving Silvercat Ring item lot from Sirris and defeating Aldrich
FS: Bursting Fireball - Cornyx for Great Swamp TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome
FS: Caressing Tears - IrinaSold by Irina after recruiting her, or in her ashes
FS: Carthus Beacon - Cornyx for Carthus TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him the Carthus Pyromancy Tome
FS: Carthus Flame Arc - Cornyx for Carthus TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him the Carthus Pyromancy Tome
FS: Cast Light - Orbeck for Golden ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Golden Scroll
FS: Chaos Bed Vestiges - Ludleth for Old Demon KingBoss weapon for Old Demon King
FS: Chaos Storm - Cornyx for Izalith TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him Izalith Pyromancy Tome
FS: Clandestine Coat - shop with Orbeck's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Orbeck's Ashes and reloading
FS: Cleric's Candlestick - Ludleth for DeaconsBoss weapon for Deacons of the Deep
FS: Cracked Red Eye Orb - LeonhardGiven by Ringfinger Leonhard in Firelink Shrine after reaching Tower on the Wall bonfire
FS: Crystal Hail - Ludleth for SageBoss weapon for Crystal Sage
FS: Crystal Magic Weapon - Orbeck for Crystal ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Crystal Scroll
FS: Crystal Sage's Rapier - Ludleth for SageBoss weapon for Crystal Sage
FS: Crystal Soul Spear - Orbeck for Crystal ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Crystal Scroll
FS: Dancer's Armor - shop after killing LC entry bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Dancer of the Boreal Valley
FS: Dancer's Crown - shop after killing LC entry bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Dancer of the Boreal Valley
FS: Dancer's Enchanted Swords - Ludleth for DancerBoss weapon for Dancer of the Boreal Valley
FS: Dancer's Gauntlets - shop after killing LC entry bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Dancer of the Boreal Valley
FS: Dancer's Leggings - shop after killing LC entry bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Dancer of the Boreal Valley
FS: Dark Blade - Karla for Londor TomeSold by Irina or Karla after giving one the Londor Braille Divine Tome
FS: Dark Edge - KarlaSold by Karla after recruiting her, or in her ashes
FS: Dark Hand - Yuria shopSold by Yuria
FS: Darkdrift - kill YuriaDropped by Yuria upon death or quest completion.
FS: Darkmoon Longbow - Ludleth for AldrichBoss weapon for Aldrich
FS: Dead Again - Karla for Londor TomeSold by Irina or Karla after giving one the Londor Braille Divine Tome
FS: Deep Protection - Karla for Deep Braille TomeSold by Irina or Karla after giving one the Deep Braille Divine Tome
FS: Deep Soul - Ludleth for DeaconsBoss weapon for Deacons of the Deep
FS: Demon's Fist - Ludleth for Fire DemonBoss weapon for Fire Demon
FS: Demon's Greataxe - Ludleth for Fire DemonBoss weapon for Fire Demon
FS: Demon's Scar - Ludleth for Demon PrinceBoss weapon for Demon Prince
FS: Divine Blessing - Greirat from IBVSold by Greirat after pillaging Irithyll
FS: Divine Blessing - Greirat from USSold by Greirat after pillaging Undead Settlement
FS: Dragonscale Armor - shop after killing AP bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Nameless King
FS: Dragonscale Waistcloth - shop after killing AP bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Nameless King
FS: Dragonslayer Greataxe - Ludleth for DragonslayerBoss weapon for Dragonslayer Armour
FS: Dragonslayer Greatshield - Ludleth for DragonslayerBoss weapon for Dragonslayer Armour
FS: Dragonslayer Swordspear - Ludleth for NamelessBoss weapon for Nameless King
FS: Dried Finger - shopSold by both Shrine Handmaid and Untended Graves Handmaid
FS: East-West Shield - tree by shrine entranceIn a tree to the left of the Firelink Shrine entrance
FS: Eastern Armor - Easterner's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Easterner's Ashes
FS: Eastern Gauntlets - Easterner's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Easterner's Ashes
FS: Eastern Helm - Easterner's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Easterner's Ashes
FS: Eastern Leggings - Easterner's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Easterner's Ashes
FS: Elite Knight Armor - shop after Anri questSold by Handmaid after completing Anri's questline or killing Anri
FS: Elite Knight Gauntlets - shop after Anri questSold by Handmaid after completing Anri's questline or killing Anri
FS: Elite Knight Helm - shop after Anri questSold by Handmaid after completing Anri's questline or killing Anri
FS: Elite Knight Leggings - shop after Anri questSold by Handmaid after completing Anri's questline or killing Anri
FS: Ember - Dragon Chaser's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Dragon Chaser's Ashes
FS: Ember - Grave Warden's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Grave Warden's Ashes
FS: Ember - GreiratSold by Greirat after recruiting him, or in his ashes
FS: Ember - Greirat from USSold by Greirat after pillaging Undead Settlement
FS: Ember - Mortician's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Mortician's Ashes
FS: Ember - above shrine entranceAbove the Firelink Shrine entrance, up the stairs/slope from either left or right of the entrance
FS: Ember - path right of Firelink entranceOn a cliffside to the right of the main path leading up to Firelink Shrine, guarded by a dog
FS: Ember - shopSold by Handmaid
FS: Ember - shop for Greirat's AshesSold by Handmaid after Greirat pillages Lothric Castle and handing in ashes
FS: Embraced Armor of Favor - shop after killing water reserve minibossesSold by Handmaid after killing Sulyvahn's Beasts in Water Reserve
FS: Executioner Armor - shop after killing HoraceSold by Handmaid after killing Horace the Hushed
FS: Executioner Gauntlets - shop after killing HoraceSold by Handmaid after killing Horace the Hushed
FS: Executioner Helm - shop after killing HoraceSold by Handmaid after killing Horace the Hushed
FS: Executioner Leggings - shop after killing HoraceSold by Handmaid after killing Horace the Hushed
FS: Exile Armor - shop after killing NPCs in RSSold by Handmaid after killing the exiles just before Farron Keep
FS: Exile Gauntlets - shop after killing NPCs in RSSold by Handmaid after killing the exiles just before Farron Keep
FS: Exile Leggings - shop after killing NPCs in RSSold by Handmaid after killing the exiles just before Farron Keep
FS: Exile Mask - shop after killing NPCs in RSSold by Handmaid after killing the exiles just before Farron Keep
FS: Faraam Armor - shop after killing GA NPCSold by Handmaid after killing Lion Knight Albert
FS: Faraam Boots - shop after killing GA NPCSold by Handmaid after killing Lion Knight Albert
FS: Faraam Gauntlets - shop after killing GA NPCSold by Handmaid after killing Lion Knight Albert
FS: Faraam Helm - shop after killing GA NPCSold by Handmaid after killing Lion Knight Albert
FS: Farron Dart - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Farron Dart - shopSold by Handmaid
FS: Farron Flashsword - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Farron Greatsword - Ludleth for Abyss WatchersBoss weapon for Abyss Watchers
FS: Farron Hail - Orbeck for Sage's ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Sage's Scroll
FS: Farron Ring - HawkwoodGiven by Hawkwood, or dropped upon death, after defeating Abyss Watchers.
FS: Fire Orb - Cornyx for Great Swamp TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome
FS: Fire Surge - CornyxSold by Cornyx after recruiting him, or in his ashes
FS: Fire Whip - Karla for Quelana TomeSold by Karla after giving her the Quelana Pyromancy Tome
FS: Fireball - CornyxSold by Cornyx after recruiting him, or in his ashes
FS: Firelink Armor - shop after placing all CindersSold by Handmaid after defeating Soul of Cinder
FS: Firelink Gauntlets - shop after placing all CindersSold by Handmaid after defeating Soul of Cinder
FS: Firelink Greatsword - Ludleth for CinderBoss weapon for Soul of Cinder
FS: Firelink Helm - shop after placing all CindersSold by Handmaid after defeating Soul of Cinder
FS: Firelink Leggings - shop after placing all CindersSold by Handmaid after defeating Soul of Cinder
FS: Firestorm - Karla for Quelana TomeSold by Karla after giving her the Quelana Pyromancy Tome
FS: Flash Sweat - CornyxSold by Cornyx after recruiting him, or in his ashes
FS: Force - Irina for Tome of CarimSold by Irina after giving her the Braille Divine Tome of Carim
FS: Frayed Blade - Ludleth for MidirBoss weapon for Darkeater Midir
FS: Friede's Great Scythe - Ludleth for FriedeBoss weapon for Sister Friede
FS: Gael's Greatsword - Ludleth for GaelBoss weapon for Slave Knight Gael
FS: Gauntlets of Favor - shop after killing water reserve minibossesSold by Handmaid after killing Sulyvahn's Beasts in Water Reserve
FS: Gnaw - Karla for Deep Braille TomeSold by Irina or Karla after giving one the Deep Braille Divine Tome
FS: Golden Bracelets - shop after killing AP bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Nameless King
FS: Golden Crown - shop after killing AP bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Nameless King
FS: Grave Key - Mortician's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Mortician's Ashes
FS: Great Chaos Fire Orb - Cornyx for Izalith TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him Izalith Pyromancy Tome
FS: Great Combustion - CornyxSold by Cornyx after recruiting him, or in his ashes
FS: Great Farron Dart - Orbeck for Sage's ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Sage's Scroll
FS: Great Heavy Soul Arrow - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Great Soul Arrow - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Greatsword of Judgment - Ludleth for PontiffBoss weapon for Pontiff Sulyvahn
FS: Gundyr's Armor - shop after killing UG bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Champion Gundyr
FS: Gundyr's Gauntlets - shop after killing UG bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Champion Gundyr
FS: Gundyr's Halberd - Ludleth for ChampionBoss weapon for Champion Gundyr
FS: Gundyr's Helm - shop after killing UG bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Champion Gundyr
FS: Gundyr's Leggings - shop after killing UG bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Champion Gundyr
FS: Havel's Ring - Ludleth for Stray DemonBoss weapon for Stray Demon
FS: Hawkwood's Shield - gravestone after Hawkwood leavesLeft by Hawkwood after defeating Abyss Watchers, Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Deacons of the Deep, and Crystal Sage
FS: Hawkwood's Swordgrass - Andre after gesture in AP summitGiven by Andre after praying at the Dragon Altar in Archdragon Peak, after acquiring Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone.
FS: Heal - IrinaSold by Irina after recruiting her, or in her ashes
FS: Heal Aid - shopSold by Handmaid
FS: Heavy Soul Arrow - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Heavy Soul Arrow - Yoel/Yuria shopSold by Yoel/Yuria
FS: Helm of Favor - shop after killing water reserve minibossesSold by Handmaid after killing Sulyvahn's Beasts in Water Reserve
FS: Hidden Blessing - Dreamchaser's AshesSold by Greirat after pillaging Irithyll
FS: Hidden Blessing - Greirat from IBVSold by Greirat after pillaging Irithyll
FS: Hidden Blessing - Patches after searching GASold by Handmaid after giving Dreamchaser's Ashes, saying where they were found
FS: Hidden Body - Orbeck for Golden ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Golden Scroll
FS: Hidden Weapon - Orbeck for Golden ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Golden Scroll
FS: Hollowslayer Greatsword - Ludleth for GreatwoodBoss weapon for Curse-Rotted Greatwood
FS: Homeward - IrinaSold by Irina after recruiting her, or in her ashes
FS: Homeward Bone - cliff edge after bossAlong the cliff edge straight ahead of the Iudex Gundyr fight
FS: Homeward Bone - path above shrine entranceTo the right of the Firelink Shrine entrance, up a slope and before the ledge on top of a coffin
FS: Homing Crystal Soulmass - Orbeck for Crystal ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Crystal Scroll
FS: Homing Soulmass - Orbeck for Logan's ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him Logan's Scroll
FS: Karla's Coat - Prisoner Chief's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Prisoner Chief's Ashes
FS: Karla's Coat - kill KarlaDropped from Karla upon death
FS: Karla's Gloves - Prisoner Chief's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Prisoner Chief's Ashes
FS: Karla's Gloves - kill KarlaDropped from Karla upon death
FS: Karla's Pointed Hat - Prisoner Chief's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Prisoner Chief's Ashes
FS: Karla's Pointed Hat - kill KarlaDropped from Karla upon death
FS: Karla's Trousers - Prisoner Chief's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Prisoner Chief's Ashes
FS: Karla's Trousers - kill KarlaDropped from Karla upon death
FS: Leggings of Favor - shop after killing water reserve minibossesSold by Handmaid after killing Sulyvahn's Beasts in Water Reserve
FS: Leonhard's Garb - shop after killing LeonhardSold by Handmaid after killing Leonhard
FS: Leonhard's Gauntlets - shop after killing LeonhardSold by Handmaid after killing Leonhard
FS: Leonhard's Trousers - shop after killing LeonhardSold by Handmaid after killing Leonhard
FS: Life Ring - Dreamchaser's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Dreamchaser's Ashes
FS: Lifehunt Scythe - Ludleth for AldrichBoss weapon for Aldrich
FS: Lift Chamber Key - LeonhardGiven by Ringfinger Leonhard after acquiring a Pale Tongue.
FS: Lightning Storm - Ludleth for NamelessBoss weapon for Nameless King
FS: Lloyd's Shield Ring - Paladin's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Paladin's Ashes
FS: Londor Braille Divine Tome - Yuria shopSold by Yuria
FS: Lorian's Armor - shop after killing GA bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Lothric, Younger Prince
FS: Lorian's Gauntlets - shop after killing GA bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Lothric, Younger Prince
FS: Lorian's Greatsword - Ludleth for PrincesBoss weapon for Twin Princes
FS: Lorian's Helm - shop after killing GA bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Lothric, Younger Prince
FS: Lorian's Leggings - shop after killing GA bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Lothric, Younger Prince
FS: Lothric's Holy Sword - Ludleth for PrincesBoss weapon for Twin Princes
FS: Magic Barrier - Irina for Tome of LothricSold by Irina after giving her the Braille Divine Tome of Lothric
FS: Magic Shield - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Magic Shield - Yoel/Yuria shopSold by Yoel/Yuria
FS: Magic Weapon - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Magic Weapon - Yoel/Yuria shopSold by Yoel/Yuria
FS: Mail Breaker - Sirris for killing CreightonGiven by Sirris talking to her in Firelink Shrine after invading and vanquishing Creighton.
FS: Master's Attire - NPC dropDropped by Sword Master
FS: Master's Gloves - NPC dropDropped by Sword Master
FS: Med Heal - Irina for Tome of CarimSold by Irina after giving her the Braille Divine Tome of Carim
FS: Millwood Knight Armor - Captain's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Captain's Ashes
FS: Millwood Knight Gauntlets - Captain's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Captain's Ashes
FS: Millwood Knight Helm - Captain's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Captain's Ashes
FS: Millwood Knight Leggings - Captain's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Captain's Ashes
FS: Moaning Shield - EygonDropped by Eygon of Carim
FS: Moonlight Greatsword - Ludleth for OceirosBoss weapon for Oceiros, the Consumed King
FS: Morion Blade - Yuria for Orbeck's AshesGiven by Yuria after giving Orbeck's Ashes after she asks you to assassinate him, after he moves to Firelink Shrine. Can be done without killing Orbeck, by completing his questline.
FS: Morne's Armor - shop after killing Eygon or LC bossSold by Handmaid after killing Eygon of Carim or defeating Dragonslayer Armour
FS: Morne's Gauntlets - shop after killing Eygon or LC bossSold by Handmaid after killing Eygon of Carim or defeating Dragonslayer Armour
FS: Morne's Great Hammer - EygonDropped by Eygon of Carim
FS: Morne's Helm - shop after killing Eygon or LC bossSold by Handmaid after killing Eygon of Carim or defeating Dragonslayer Armour
FS: Morne's Leggings - shop after killing Eygon or LC bossSold by Handmaid after killing Eygon of Carim or defeating Dragonslayer Armour
FS: Old King's Great Hammer - Ludleth for Old Demon KingBoss weapon for Old Demon King
FS: Old Moonlight - Ludleth for MidirBoss weapon for Darkeater Midir
FS: Ordained Dress - shop after killing PW2 bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Sister Friede
FS: Ordained Hood - shop after killing PW2 bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Sister Friede
FS: Ordained Trousers - shop after killing PW2 bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Sister Friede
FS: Pale Shade Gloves - Yoel's room, kill Londor Pale Shade twiceIn Yoel/Yuria's area after defeating both Londor Pale Shade invasions
FS: Pale Shade Robe - Yoel's room, kill Londor Pale Shade twiceIn Yoel/Yuria's area after defeating both Londor Pale Shade invasions
FS: Pale Shade Trousers - Yoel's room, kill Londor Pale Shade twiceIn Yoel/Yuria's area after defeating both Londor Pale Shade invasions
FS: Pestilent Mist - Orbeck for any scrollSold by Orbeck after giving him any scroll
FS: Poison Mist - Cornyx for Great Swamp TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome
FS: Pontiff's Left Eye - Ludleth for VordtBoss weapon for Vordt of the Boreal Valley
FS: Prisoner's Chain - Ludleth for ChampionBoss weapon for Champion Gundyr
FS: Profaned Greatsword - Ludleth for PontiffBoss weapon for Pontiff Sulyvahn
FS: Profuse Sweat - Cornyx for Great Swamp TomeSold by Cornyx after giving him the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome
FS: Rapport - Karla for Quelana TomeSold by Karla after giving her the Quelana Pyromancy Tome
FS: Refined Gem - Captain's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Captain's Ashes
FS: Repair - Orbeck for Golden ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Golden Scroll
FS: Repeating Crossbow - Ludleth for GaelBoss weapon for Slave Knight Gael
FS: Replenishment - IrinaSold by Irina after recruiting her, or in her ashes
FS: Ring of Sacrifice - Yuria shopSold by Yuria, or by Handmaid after giving Hollow's Ashes
FS: Rose of Ariandel - Ludleth for FriedeBoss weapon for Sister Friede
FS: Rusted Gold Coin - don't forgive PatchesGiven by Patches after not forgiving him after he locks you in the Bell Tower.
FS: Sage's Big Hat - shop after killing RS bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Crystal Sage
FS: Saint's Ring - IrinaSold by Irina after recruiting her, or in her ashes
FS: Seething Chaos - Ludleth for Demon PrinceBoss weapon for Demon Prince
FS: Silvercat Ring - Sirris for killing CreightonGiven by Sirris talking to her in Firelink Shrine after invading and vanquishing Creighton.
FS: Skull Ring - kill LudlethDropped by Ludleth upon death, including after placing all cinders. Note that if killed before giving Transposing Kiln, transposition is not possible.
FS: Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring - Orbeck for buying four specific spellsGiven by Orbeck after purchasing the shop items corresponding to Aural Decoy, Farron Flashsword, Spook (starting items), and Pestilent Mist (after giving one scroll).
FS: Smough's Armor - shop after killing AL bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Alrich, Devourer of Gods
FS: Smough's Gauntlets - shop after killing AL bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Alrich, Devourer of Gods
FS: Smough's Helm - shop after killing AL bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Alrich, Devourer of Gods
FS: Smough's Leggings - shop after killing AL bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Alrich, Devourer of Gods
FS: Sneering Mask - Yoel's room, kill Londor Pale Shade twiceIn Yoel/Yuria's area after defeating both Londor Pale Shade invasions
FS: Soothing Sunlight - Ludleth for DancerBoss weapon for Dancer of the Boreal Valley
FS: Soul Arrow - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Soul Arrow - Yoel/Yuria shopSold by Yoel/Yuria
FS: Soul Arrow - shopSold by Handmaid
FS: Soul Greatsword - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Soul Greatsword - Yoel/Yuria shopSold by Yoel/Yuria after using Draw Out True Strength
FS: Soul Spear - Orbeck for Logan's ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him Logan's Scroll
FS: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - bell tower doorNext to the door requiring the Tower Key
FS: Spook - OrbeckSold by Orbeck
FS: Storm Curved Sword - Ludleth for NamelessBoss weapon for Nameless King
FS: Sunless Armor - shop, Sirris quest, kill GA bossSold by Handmaid after completing Sirris' questline
FS: Sunless Gauntlets - shop, Sirris quest, kill GA bossSold by Handmaid after completing Sirris' questline
FS: Sunless Leggings - shop, Sirris quest, kill GA bossSold by Handmaid after completing Sirris' questline
FS: Sunless Talisman - Sirris, kill GA bossDropped by Sirris on death or quest completion.
FS: Sunless Veil - shop, Sirris quest, kill GA bossSold by Handmaid after completing Sirris' questline
FS: Sunlight Spear - Ludleth for CinderBoss weapon for Soul of Cinder
FS: Sunset Shield - by grave after killing Hodrick w/SirrisLeft by Sirris upon quest completion.
FS: Tears of Denial - Irina for Tome of CarimSold by Irina after giving her the Braille Divine Tome of Carim
FS: Titanite Scale - Greirat from IBVSold by Greirat after pillaging Irithyll
FS: Titanite Slab - shop after placing all CindersSold by Handmaid after placing all Cinders of a Lord on their thrones
FS: Tower Key - shopSold by both Shrine Handmaid and Untended Graves Handmaid
FS: Twinkling Titanite - Greirat from IBVSold by Greirat after pillaging Irithyll
FS: Twisted Wall of Light - Orbeck for Golden ScrollSold by Orbeck after giving him the Golden Scroll
FS: Uchigatana - NPC dropDropped by Sword Master
FS: Undead Legion Armor - shop after killing FK bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
FS: Undead Legion Gauntlet - shop after killing FK bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
FS: Undead Legion Helm - shop after killing FK bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
FS: Undead Legion Leggings - shop after killing FK bossSold by Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
FS: Untrue Dark Ring - Yuria shopSold by Yuria
FS: Untrue White Ring - Yuria shopSold by Yuria
FS: Vordt's Great Hammer - Ludleth for VordtBoss weapon for Vordt of the Boreal Valley
FS: Vow of Silence - Karla for Londor TomeSold by Irina or Karla after giving one the Londor Braille Divine Tome
FS: Washing Pole - Easterner's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Easterner's Ashes
FS: White Dragon Breath - Ludleth for OceirosBoss weapon for Oceiros, the Consumed King
FS: White Sign Soapstone - shopSold by both Shrine Handmaid and Untended Graves Handmaid
FS: Wolf Knight's Greatsword - Ludleth for Abyss WatchersBoss weapon for Abyss Watchers
FS: Wolf Ring+2 - left of boss room exitAfter Iudex Gundyr on the left
FS: Wolnir's Crown - shop after killing CC bossSold by Handmaid after defeating High Lord Wolnir
FS: Wolnir's Holy Sword - Ludleth for WolnirBoss weapon for High Lord Wolnir
FS: Wood Grain Ring - Easterner's AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Easterner's Ashes
FS: Xanthous Gloves - Xanthous AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Xanthous Ashes
FS: Xanthous Overcoat - Xanthous AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Xanthous Ashes
FS: Xanthous Trousers - Xanthous AshesSold by Handmaid after giving Xanthous Ashes
FS: Yhorm's Great Machete - Ludleth for YhormBoss weapon for Yhorm the Giant
FS: Yhorm's Greatshield - Ludleth for YhormBoss weapon for Yhorm the Giant
FS: Young Dragon Ring - Orbeck for one scroll and buying three spellsGiven by Orbeck after purchasing four sorceries from him, and giving him one scroll, as a non-sorcerer.
FSBT: Armor of the Sun - crow for SiegbräuTrade Siegbräu with crow
FSBT: Blessed Gem - crow for Moaning ShieldTrade Moaning Shield with crow
FSBT: Covetous Silver Serpent Ring - illusory wall past raftersFrom the Firelink Shrine roof, past the rafters and an illusory wall
FSBT: Estus Ring - tower baseDropping down from the Bell Tower to where Irina eventually resides
FSBT: Estus Shard - raftersIn the Firelink Shrine rafters, accessible from the roof
FSBT: Fire Keeper Gloves - partway down towerDropping down to the left after entering the Bell Tower. Align with the center of the closest floor tile row and run off the edge at full speed, aiming slightly left.
FSBT: Fire Keeper Robe - partway down towerDropping down to the left after entering the Bell Tower. Align with the center of the closest floor tile row and run off the edge at full speed, aiming slightly left.
FSBT: Fire Keeper Skirt - partway down towerDropping down to the left after entering the Bell Tower. Align with the center of the closest floor tile row and run off the edge at full speed, aiming slightly left.
FSBT: Fire Keeper Soul - tower topAt the top of the Bell Tower
FSBT: Hello Carving - crow for Alluring SkullTrade Alluring Skull with crow
FSBT: Help me! Carving - crow for any sacred chimeTrade any Sacred Chime with crow
FSBT: Hollow Gem - crow for EleonoraTrade Eleonora with crow
FSBT: Homeward Bone - roofOn Firelink Shrine roof
FSBT: I'm sorry Carving - crow for Shriving StoneTrade Shriving Stone with crow
FSBT: Iron Bracelets - crow for Homeward BoneTrade Homeward Bone with crow
FSBT: Iron Helm - crow for Lightning UrnTrade Lightning Urn with crow
FSBT: Iron Leggings - crow for Seed of a Giant TreeTrade Seed of a Giant Tree with crow
FSBT: Large Titanite Shard - crow for FirebombTrade Firebomb or Rope Firebomb with crow
FSBT: Lightning Gem - crow for Xanthous CrownTrade Xanthous Crown with crow
FSBT: Lucatiel's Mask - crow for Vertebra ShackleTrade Vertebra Shackle with crow
FSBT: Porcine Shield - crow for Undead Bone ShardTrade Undead Bone Shard with crow
FSBT: Ring of Sacrifice - crow for Loretta's BoneTrade Loretta's Bone with crow
FSBT: Sunlight Shield - crow for Mendicant's StaffTrade Mendicant's Staff with crow
FSBT: Thank you Carving - crow for Hidden BlessingTrade Hidden Blessing with crow
FSBT: Titanite Chunk - crow for Black FirebombTrade Black Firebomb or Rope Black Firebomb with crow
FSBT: Titanite Scale - crow for Blacksmith HammerTrade Blacksmith Hammer with crow
FSBT: Titanite Slab - crow for Coiled Sword FragmentTrade Coiled Sword Fragment with crow
FSBT: Twinkling Titanite - crow for Large Leather ShieldTrade Large Leather Shield with crow
FSBT: Twinkling Titanite - crow for Prism StoneTrade Prism Stone with crow
FSBT: Twinkling Titanite - lizard behind FirelinkDropped by the Crystal Lizard behind Firelink Shrine. Can be accessed with tree jump by going all the way around the roof, left of the entrance to the rafters, or alternatively dropping down from the Bell Tower.
FSBT: Very good! Carving - crow for Divine BlessingTrade Divine Blessing with crow
GA: Avelyn - 1F, drop from 3F onto bookshelvesOn top of a bookshelf on the Archive first floor, accessible by going halfway up the stairs to the third floor, dropping down past the Grand Archives Scholar, and then dropping down again
GA: Blessed Gem - raftersOn the rafters high above the Archives, can be accessed by dropping down from the Winged Knight roof area
GA: Chaos Gem - dark room, lizardDropped by a Crystal Lizard on the Archives first floor in the dark room past the large wax pool
GA: Cinders of a Lord - Lothric PrinceDropped by Twin Princes
GA: Crystal Chime - 1F, path from wax poolOn the Archives first floor, in the room with the Lothric Knight, to the right
GA: Crystal Gem - 1F, lizard by dropDropped by the Crystal Lizard on the Archives first floor along the left wall
GA: Crystal Scroll - 2F late, miniboss dropDropped by the Grand Archives Crystal Sage
GA: Divine Blessing - rafters, down lower level ladderIn a chest reachable after dropping down from the Archives rafters and down a ladder near the Corpse-grub
GA: Divine Pillars of Light - cage above raftersIn a cage above the rafters high above the Archives, can be accessed by dropping down from the Winged Knight roof area
GA: Ember - 5F, by entranceOn a balcony high in the Archives overlooking the area with the Grand Archives Scholars with a shortcut ladder, on the opposite side from the wax pool
GA: Estus Shard - dome, far balconyOn the Archives roof near the three Winged Knights, in a side area overlooking the ocean.
GA: Fleshbite Ring - up stairs from 4FFrom the first shortcut elevator with the movable bookshelf, past the Scholars right before going outside onto the roof, in an alcove to the right with many Clawed Curse bookshelves
GA: Golden Wing Crest Shield - outside 5F, NPC dropDropped by Lion Knight Albert before the stairs leading up to Twin Princes
GA: Heavy Gem - rooftops, lizardDropped by one of the pair of Crystal Lizards, on the right side, found going up a slope past the gargoyle on the Archives roof
GA: Hollow Gem - rooftops lower, in hallGoing onto the roof and down the first ladder, dropping down on either side from the ledge facing the ocean, in a tunnel underneath the ledge
GA: Homeward Bone - 2F early balconyOn the Archives second floor, on the balcony with the ladder going up to the Crystal Sage
GA: Hunter's Ring - dome, very topAt the top of the ladder in roof the area with the Winged Knights
GA: Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - 4F, backIn the back of a Clawed Curse-heavy corridor of bookshelves, in the area with the Grand Archives Scholars and dropdown ladder, after the first shortcut elevator with the movable bookshelf
GA: Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - outside 5FIn the middle of the area with the three human NPCs attacking you, before the Grand Archives bonfire shortcut elevator
GA: Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2 - dome, room behind spireNear the tower with the Winged Knights, up the stairs on the opposite side from the ladder leading up to the Hunter's Ring
GA: Onikiri and Ubadachi - outside 5F, NPC dropDropped by Black Hand Kamui before the stairs leading up to Twin Princes
GA: Outrider Knight Armor - 3F, behind illusory wall, miniboss dropDropped by an Outrider Knight past the Crystal Sage's third floor location and an illusory wall
GA: Outrider Knight Gauntlets - 3F, behind illusory wall, miniboss dropDropped by an Outrider Knight past the Crystal Sage's third floor location and an illusory wall
GA: Outrider Knight Helm - 3F, behind illusory wall, miniboss dropDropped by an Outrider Knight past the Crystal Sage's third floor location and an illusory wall
GA: Outrider Knight Leggings - 3F, behind illusory wall, miniboss dropDropped by an Outrider Knight past the Crystal Sage's third floor location and an illusory wall
GA: Power Within - dark room, behind retractable bookshelfBehind a bookshelf in the dark room with the Crystal Lizards, moved by a lever in the same room
GA: Refined Gem - up stairs from 4F, lizardDropped by a Crystal Lizard found heading from the first elevator shortcut with the movable bookshelf, on the right side up the stairs before exiting to the roof
GA: Sage Ring+1 - rafters, second level downOn the rafters high above the Grand Archives, dropping down from the cage to the high rafters to the rafters below with the Corpse-grub
GA: Sage's Crystal Staff - outside 5F, NPC dropDropped by Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild before the stairs leading up to Twin Princes
GA: Scholar Ring - 2F, between late and earlyOn the corpse of a sitting Archives Scholar between two bookshelves, accessible by activating a lever before crossing the bridge that is the Crystal Sage's final location
GA: Sharp Gem - rooftops, lizardDropped by one of the pair of Crystal Lizards, on the left side, found going up a slope past the gargoyle on the Archives roof
GA: Shriving Stone - 2F late, by ladder from 3FGoing from the Crystal Sage's location on the third floor to its location on the bridge, after descending the ladder
GA: Soul Stream - 3F, behind illusory wallPast the Crystal Sage's third floor location, an illusory wall, and an Outrider Knight, on the corpse of a sitting Archives Scholar
GA: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - 1F, loop left after dropOn the Archives first floor, hugging the left wall, on a ledge that loops back around to the left wall
GA: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - path to domeOn balcony of the building with the second shortcut elevator down to the bonfire, accessible by going up the spiral stairs to the left
GA: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - dark roomOn the Archives first floor, after the wax pool, against a Clawed Curse bookshelf
GA: Soul of a Weary Warrior - rooftops, by lizardsOn the Archives roof, going up the first rooftop slope where a Gargoyle always attacks you
GA: Soul of the Twin PrincesDropped by Twin Princes
GA: Titanite Chunk - 1F, balconyOn the Archives first floor, on balcony overlooking the entrance opposite from the Grand Archives Scholars wax pool
GA: Titanite Chunk - 1F, path from wax poolOn the Archives first floor, toward the Lothric Knight, turning right to a ledge leading back to the entrance area
GA: Titanite Chunk - 1F, up right stairsGoing right after entering the Archives entrance and up the short flight of stairs
GA: Titanite Chunk - 2F, by wax poolUp the stairs from the Archives second floor on the right side from the entrance, in a corner near the small wax pool
GA: Titanite Chunk - 2F, right after dark roomExiting from the dark room with the Crystal Lizards on the first floor onto the second floor main room, then taking an immediate right
GA: Titanite Chunk - 5F, far balconyOn a balcony outside where Lothric Knight stands on the top floor of the Archives, accessing by going right from the final wax pool or by dropping down from the gargoyle area
GA: Titanite Chunk - rooftops lower, ledge by buttressGoing onto the roof and down the first ladder, dropping down on either side from the ledge facing the ocean, on a roof ledge to the right
GA: Titanite Chunk - rooftops, balconyGoing onto the roof and down the first ladder, all the way down the ledge facing the ocean to the right
GA: Titanite Chunk - rooftops, just before 5FOn the Archives roof, after a short dropdown, in the small area where the two Gargoyles attack you
GA: Titanite Scale - 1F, drop from 2F late onto bookshelves, lizardDropped by a Crystal Lizard on first floor bookshelves. Can be accessed by dropping down to the left at the end of the bridge which is the Crystal Sage's final location
GA: Titanite Scale - 1F, up stairs on bookshelfOn the Archives first floor, up a movable set of stairs near the large wax pool, on top of a bookshelf
GA: Titanite Scale - 2F, titanite scale atop bookshelfOn top of a bookshelf on the Archive second floor, accessible by going halfway up the stairs to the third floor and dropping down near a Grand Archives Scholar
GA: Titanite Scale - 3F, by ladder to 2F lateGoing from the Crystal Sage's location on the third floor to its location on the bridge, on the left side of the ladder you descend, behind a table
GA: Titanite Scale - 3F, corner up stairsFrom the Grand Archives third floor up past the thralls, in a corner with bookshelves to the left
GA: Titanite Scale - 4F, chest by exitIn a chest after the first elevator shortcut with the movable bookshelf, in the area with the Grand Archives Scholars, to the left of the stairwell leading up to the roof
GA: Titanite Scale - dark room, upstairsRight after going up the stairs to the Archives second floor, on the left guarded by a Grand Archives Scholar and a sequence of Clawed Curse bookshelves
GA: Titanite Scale - rooftops lower, path to 2FGoing onto the roof and down the first ladder, dropping down on either side from the ledge facing the ocean, then going past the corvians all the way to the left and making a jump
GA: Titanite Slab - 1F, after pulling 2F switchIn a chest on the Archives first floor, behind a bookshelf moved by pulling a lever in the middle of the second floor between two cursed bookshelves
GA: Titanite Slab - dome, kill all mobsDropped by killing all three Winged Knights on top of the Archives
GA: Titanite Slab - final elevator secretAt the bottom of the shortcut elevator right outside the Twin Princes fight. Requires sending the elevator up to the top from the middle, and then riding the lower elevator down.
GA: Twinkling Titanite - 1F, lizard by dropDropped by the Crystal Lizard on the Archives first floor along the left wall
GA: Twinkling Titanite - 2F, lizard by entranceDropped by the Crystal Lizard on the Archives second floor, going toward the stairs/balcony
GA: Twinkling Titanite - dark room, lizard #1Dropped by a Crystal Lizard on the Archives first floor in the dark room past the large wax pool
GA: Twinkling Titanite - dark room, lizard #2Dropped by a Crystal Lizard on the Archives first floor in the dark room past the large wax pool
GA: Twinkling Titanite - rafters, down lower level ladderIn a chest reachable after dropping down from the Archives rafters and down a ladder near the Corpse-grub
GA: Twinkling Titanite - rooftops, lizard #1Dropped by one of the pair of Crystal Lizards, on the right side, found going up a slope past the gargoyle on the Archives roof
GA: Twinkling Titanite - rooftops, lizard #2Dropped by one of the pair of Crystal Lizards, on the left side, found going up a slope past the gargoyle on the Archives roof
GA: Twinkling Titanite - up stairs from 4F, lizardDropped by a Crystal Lizard found heading from the first elevator shortcut with the movable bookshelf, on the right side up the stairs before exiting to the roof
GA: Undead Bone Shard - 5F, by entranceOn the corpse of a sitting Archives Scholar on a balcony high in the Archives overlooking the area with the Grand Archives Scholars with a shortcut ladder, near the final wax pool
GA: Witch's Locks - dark room, behind retractable bookshelfBehind a bookshelf in the dark room with the Crystal Lizards, moved by a lever in the same room
HWL: Astora Straight Sword - fort walkway, drop downIn the building with the Pus of Man on the roof, past the Lothric Knight down a hallway obscured by a wooden wheel, dropping down past the edge
HWL: Basin of Vows - EmmaDropped by Emma upon killing her. This is possible to do at any time
HWL: Battle Axe - flame tower, mimicDropped by mimic in the building guarded by the fire-breathing wyvern
HWL: Binoculars - corpse tower, upper platformIn the area with the dead wyvern, at the top of a set of stairs past a Hollow Soldier
HWL: Black Firebomb - small roof over fountainAfter roof with Pus of Man, on the edge of another rooftop to the left where you can drop down into Winged Knight area
HWL: Broadsword - fort, room off walkwayIn the building with the Pus of Man on the roof, past the Lothric Knight in an alcove to the left
HWL: Cell Key - fort ground, down stairsIn the basement of the building with Pus of Man on the roof, down the stairs guarded by a dog
HWL: Claymore - flame plazaIn the area where the wyvern breathes fire, farthest away from the door
HWL: Club - flame plazaIn the area where the wyvern breathes fire, in the open
HWL: Ember - back tower, transforming hollowDropped by the Pus of Man on the tower to the right of the High Wall bonfire after transformation
HWL: Ember - flame plazaIn the area where the wyvern breathes fire, in the open
HWL: Ember - fort roof, transforming hollowDropped by the Pus of Man on the roof after the Tower on the Wall bonfire after transformation
HWL: Ember - fountain #1In the area with the Winged Knight
HWL: Ember - fountain #2In the area with the Winged Knight
HWL: Estus Shard - fort ground, on anvilIn the basement of the building with the Pus of Man on the roof, on the blacksmith anvil
HWL: Firebomb - corpse tower, under tableIn the building near the dead wyvern, behind a table near the ladder you descend
HWL: Firebomb - fort roofNext to the Pus of Man on the roof
HWL: Firebomb - top of ladder to fountainBy the long ladder leading down to the area with the Winged Knight
HWL: Firebomb - wall tower, beamIn the building with the Tower on the Wall bonfire, on a wooden beam overhanging the lower levels
HWL: Fleshbite Ring+1 - fort roof, jump to other roofJumping from the roof with the Pus of Man to a nearby building with a fenced roof
HWL: Gold Pine Resin - corpse tower, dropDropping past the dead wyvern, down the left path from the High Wall bonfire
HWL: Green Blossom - fort walkway, hall behind wheelIn the building with the Pus of Man on the roof, past the Lothric Knight down a hallway obscured by a wooden wheel
HWL: Green Blossom - shortcut, lower courtyardIn the courtyard at the bottom of the shortcut elevator
HWL: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - flame plazaIn the area where the wyvern breathes fire, behind one of the praying statues
HWL: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - fort roofOn the edge of the roof with the Pus of Man
HWL: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - platform by fountainComing from the elevator shortcut, on a side path to the left (toward Winged Knight area)
HWL: Longbow - back towerDown the path from the right of the High Wall bonfire, where the Pus of Man and crossbowman are
HWL: Lucerne - promenade, side pathOn one of the side paths from the main path connecting Dancer and Vordt fights, patrolled by a Lothric Knight
HWL: Mail Breaker - wall tower, path to GreiratIn the basement of the building with the Tower on the Wall bonfire on the roof, before Greirat's cell
HWL: Rapier - fountain, cornerIn a corner in the area with the Winged Knight
HWL: Raw Gem - fort roof, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard on the rooftop after the Tower on the Wall bonfire
HWL: Red Eye Orb - wall tower, minibossDropped by the Darkwraith past the Lift Chamber Key
HWL: Refined Gem - promenade minibossDropped by the red-eyed Lothric Knight to the left of the Dancer's room entrance
HWL: Ring of Sacrifice - awning by fountainComing from the elevator shortcut, on a side path to the left (toward Winged Knight area), jumping onto a wooden support
HWL: Ring of the Evil Eye+2 - fort ground, far wallIn the basement of the building with the Pus of Man on the roof, on the far wall past the stairwell, behind some barrels
HWL: Silver Eagle Kite Shield - fort mezzanineIn the chest on the balcony overlooking the basement of the building with the Pus of Man on the roof
HWL: Small Lothric Banner - EmmaGiven by Emma, or dropped upon death
HWL: Soul of Boreal Valley VordtDropped by Vordt of the Boreal Valley
HWL: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - by wall tower doorRight before the entrance to the building with the Tower on the Wall bonfire
HWL: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - corpse tower, bottom floorDown the ladder of the building near the dead wyvern, on the way to the living wyvern
HWL: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - fort entry, cornerIn the corner of the room with a Lothric Knight, with the Pus of Man on the roof
HWL: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - fountain, path to promenadeIn between the Winged Knight area and the Dancer/Vordt corridor
HWL: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - path to back tower, by lift doorWhere the Greataxe Hollow Soldier patrols outside of the elevator shortcut entrance
HWL: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - path to corpse towerAt the very start, heading left from the High Wall bonfire
HWL: Soul of a Deserted Corpse - wall tower, right of exitExiting the building with the Tower on the Wall bonfire on the roof, immediately to the right
HWL: Soul of the DancerDropped by Dancer of the Boreal Valley
HWL: Standard Arrow - back towerDown the path from the right of the High Wall bonfire, where the Pus of Man and crossbowman are
HWL: Throwing Knife - shortcut, lift topAt the top of the elevator shortcut, opposite from the one-way door
HWL: Throwing Knife - wall tower, path to GreiratIn the basement of the building with the Tower on the Wall bonfire, in the room with the explosive barrels
HWL: Titanite Shard - back tower, transforming hollowDropped by the Pus of Man on the tower to the right of the High Wall bonfire after transformation
HWL: Titanite Shard - fort ground behind cratesBehind some wooden crates in the basement of the building with the Pus of Man on the roof
HWL: Titanite Shard - fort roof, transforming hollowDropped by the Pus of Man on the roof after the Tower on the Wall bonfire after transformation
HWL: Titanite Shard - fort, room off entryIn the building with the Pus of Man on the roof, in a room to the left and up the short stairs
HWL: Titanite Shard - wall tower, corner by bonfireOn the balcony with the Tower on the Wall bonfire
HWL: Undead Hunter Charm - fort, room off entry, in potIn the building with the Pus of Man on the roof, in a room to the left, in a pot you have to break
HWL: Way of Blue - EmmaGiven by Emma or dropped upon death.
IBV: Blood Gem - descent, platform before lakeIn front of the tree in the courtyard before going down the stairs to the lake leading to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Blue Bug Pellet - ascent, in last buildingIn the final building before Pontiff's cathedral, coming from the sewer, on the first floor
IBV: Blue Bug Pellet - descent, dark roomIn the dark area with the Irithyllian slaves, to the left of the staircase
IBV: Budding Green Blossom - central, by second fountainNext to the fountain up the stairs from the Central Irithyll bonfire
IBV: Chloranthy Ring+1 - plaza, behind altarIn the area before and below Pontiff's cathedral, behind the central structure
IBV: Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1 - descent, drop after dark roomAfter the dark area with the Irithyllian slaves, drop down to the right
IBV: Creighton's Steel Mask - bridge after killing CreightonFollowing Sirris' questline, found on the bridge to Irithyll after being invaded by Creighton the Wanderer in the graveyard after the Church of Yorshka.
IBV: Divine Blessing - great hall, chestIn a chest up the stairs in the room with the Silver Knight staring at the painting
IBV: Divine Blessing - great hall, mob dropOne-time drop from the Silver Knight staring at the painting in Irithyll
IBV: Dorhys' Gnawing - Dorhys dropDropped by Cathedral Evangelist Dorhys, past an illusory railing past the Central Irithyll Fire Witches and to the left
IBV: Dragonslayer's Axe - Creighton dropFollowing Sirris' questline, dropped by Creighton the Wanderer when he invades in the graveyard after the Church of Yorshka.
IBV: Dung Pie - sewer #1In the area with the sewer centipedes
IBV: Dung Pie - sewer #2In the area with the sewer centipedes
IBV: Ember - shortcut from church to cathedralAfter the gate shortcut from Church of Yorshka to Pontiff's cathedral
IBV: Emit Force - SiegwardGiven by Siegward meeting him in the Irithyll kitchen after the Sewer Centipedes.
IBV: Excrement-covered Ashes - sewer, by stairsIn the area with the sewer centipedes, before going up the stairs to the kitchen
IBV: Fading Soul - descent, cliff edge #1In the graveyard down the stairs from the Church of Yorshka, at the cliff edge
IBV: Fading Soul - descent, cliff edge #2In the graveyard down the stairs from the Church of Yorshka, at the cliff edge
IBV: Great Heal - lake, dead Corpse-GrubOn the Corpse-grub at the edge of the lake leading to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Green Blossom - lake wallOn the wall of the lake leading to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Green Blossom - lake, by Distant ManorIn the lake close to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Green Blossom - lake, by stairs from descentGoing down the stairs into the lake leading to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Homeward Bone - descent, before gravestoneIn the graveyard down the stairs from the Church of Yorshka, in front of the grave with the Corvian
IBV: Kukri - descent, side pathDown the stairs from the graveyard after Church of Yorshka, before the group of dogs in the left path
IBV: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - ascent, after great hallBy the tree near the stairs from the sewer leading up to Pontiff's cathedral, where the first dogs attack you
IBV: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - central, by bonfireBy the Central Irithyll bonfire
IBV: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - central, by second fountainNext to the fountain up the stairs from the Central Irithyll bonfire
IBV: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - lake islandOn an island in the lake leading to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - path to plazaOn the path from Central Irithyll bonfire, before making the left toward Church of Yorshka
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - Distant Manor, under overhangUnder overhang next to second set of stairs leading from Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - ascent, by elevator doorOn the path from the sewer leading up to Pontiff's cathedral, to the right of the statue surrounded by dogs
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - ascent, down ladder in last buildingOutside the final building before Pontiff's cathedral, coming from the sewer, dropping down to the left before the entrance
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - central, balcony just before plazaFrom the Central Irithyll bonfire, on the balcony with the second Fire Witch.
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - central, side path after first fountainUp the stairs from the Central Irithyll bonfire, on a railing to the right
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - great hall, main floor mob dropOne-time drop from the Silver Knight staring at the painting in Irithyll
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - great hall, upstairs mob drop #1One-time drop from the Silver Knight on the balcony of the room with the painting
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - great hall, upstairs mob drop #2One-time drop from the Silver Knight on the balcony of the room with the painting
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - path to DorhysBefore the area with Cathedral Evangelist Dorhys, past an illusory railing past the Central Irithyll Fire Witches
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - plaza, balcony overlooking ascentOn the path from Central Irithyll bonfire, instead of going left toward the Church of Yorshka, going right, on the balcony
IBV: Large Titanite Shard - plaza, by stairs to churchTo the left of the stairs leading up to the Church of Yorshka from Central Irithyll
IBV: Leo Ring - great hall, chestIn a chest up the stairs in the room with the Silver Knight staring at the painting
IBV: Lightning Gem - plaza centerIn the area before and below Pontiff's cathedral, in the center guarded by the enemies
IBV: Magic Clutch Ring - plaza, illusory wallIn the area before and below Pontiff's cathedral, behind an illusory wall to the right
IBV: Mirrah Chain Gloves - bridge after killing CreightonFollowing Sirris' questline, found on the bridge to Irithyll after being invaded by Creighton the Wanderer in the graveyard after the Church of Yorshka.
IBV: Mirrah Chain Leggings - bridge after killing CreightonFollowing Sirris' questline, found on the bridge to Irithyll after being invaded by Creighton the Wanderer in the graveyard after the Church of Yorshka.
IBV: Mirrah Chain Mail - bridge after killing CreightonFollowing Sirris' questline, found on the bridge to Irithyll after being invaded by Creighton the Wanderer in the graveyard after the Church of Yorshka.
IBV: Proof of a Concord Kept - Church of Yorshka altarAt the altar in the Church of Yorshka
IBV: Rime-blue Moss Clump - central, by bonfireBy the Central Irithyll bonfire
IBV: Rime-blue Moss Clump - central, past second fountainFrom the Central Irithyll bonfire, to the left before the first Fire Witch.
IBV: Ring of Sacrifice - lake, right of stairs from descentNear the sewer centipede at the start of the lake leading to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Ring of the Evil Eye - AnriGiven by Anri of Astora in the Church of Yorshka, or if told of Horace's whereabouts in the Catacombs
IBV: Ring of the Sun's First Born - fall from in front of cathedralDropping down from in front of Pontiff Sulyvahn's church toward the Church of Yorshka
IBV: Roster of Knights - descent, first landingOn the landing going down the stairs from Church of Yorshka to the graveyard
IBV: Rusted Gold Coin - Distant Manor, drop after stairsDropping down after the first set of stairs leading from Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Rusted Gold Coin - descent, side pathDown the stairs from the graveyard after Church of Yorshka, guarded by the group of dogs in the left path
IBV: Shriving Stone - descent, dark room raftersOn the rafters in the dark area with the Irithyllian slaves
IBV: Siegbräu - SiegwardGiven by Siegward meeting him in the Irithyll kitchen after the Sewer Centipedes.
IBV: Smough's Great Hammer - great hall, chestIn a chest up the stairs in the room with the Silver Knight staring at the painting
IBV: Soul of Pontiff SulyvahnDropped by Pontiff Sulyvahn
IBV: Soul of a Weary Warrior - ascent, by final staircaseToward the end of the path from the sewer leading up to Pontiff's cathedral, to the left of the final staircase
IBV: Soul of a Weary Warrior - central, by first fountainBy the Central Irithyll bonfire
IBV: Soul of a Weary Warrior - central, railing by first fountainOn the railing overlooking the Central Irithyll bonfire, at the very start
IBV: Soul of a Weary Warrior - plaza, side room lowerDropping down from the path from Church of Yorshka to Pontiff, guarded by the pensive Fire Witch
IBV: Soul of a Weary Warrior - plaza, side room upperIn the path from Church of Yorshka to Pontiff's cathedral, at the broken ledge you can drop down onto the Fire Witch
IBV: Twinkling Titanite - central, lizard before plazaDropped by a Crystal Lizard past the Central Irithyll Fire Witches and to the left
IBV: Twinkling Titanite - descent, lizard behind illusory wallDropped by a Crystal Lizard behind an illusory wall before going down the stairs to the lake leading to the Distant Manor bonfire
IBV: Undead Bone Shard - descent, behind gravestoneIn the graveyard down the stairs from the Church of Yorshka, behind the grave with the Corvian
IBV: Witchtree Branch - by DorhysIn the area with Cathedral Evangelist Dorhys, past an illusory railing past the Central Irithyll Fire Witches
IBV: Wood Grain Ring+2 - ascent, right after great hallLeaving the building with the Silver Knight staring at the painting, instead of going left up the stairs, go right
IBV: Yorshka's Spear - descent, dark room rafters chestIn a chest in the rafters of the dark area with the Irithyllian slaves
ID: Alva Armor - B3 near, by Karla's cell, after killing AlvaIn the main Jailer cell block on the floor close to Karla's cell, if the invading Alva is killed
ID: Alva Gauntlets - B3 near, by Karla's cell, after killing AlvaIn the main Jailer cell block on the floor close to Karla's cell, if the invading Alva is killed
ID: Alva Helm - B3 near, by Karla's cell, after killing AlvaIn the main Jailer cell block on the floor close to Karla's cell, if the invading Alva is killed
ID: Alva Leggings - B3 near, by Karla's cell, after killing AlvaIn the main Jailer cell block on the floor close to Karla's cell, if the invading Alva is killed
ID: Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring - drop from B1 towards pitDropping down from the Jailbreaker's Key shortcut at the end of the top corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon
ID: Covetous Gold Serpent Ring - Siegward's cellIn the Old Cell where Siegward is rescued
ID: Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1 - pit lift, middle platformOn one of the platforms in elevator shaft of the shortcut elevator from the Giant Slave area to the Irithyll Dungeon bonfire
ID: Dark Clutch Ring - stairs between pit and B3, mimicDropped by the mimic found going past the Giant Slave to the sewer with the rats and the basilisks, up the first flight of stairs, on the left side
ID: Dragon Torso Stone - B3, outside liftOn the balcony corpse in the Path of the Dragon pose
ID: Dragonslayer Lightning Arrow - pit, mimic in hallDropped by the mimic in the side corridor from where the Giant Slave is standing, before the long ladder
ID: Dung Pie - B3, by path from pitIn the room with the Giant Hound Rats
ID: Dung Pie - pit, miniboss dropDrop from the Giant Slave
ID: Dusk Crown Ring - B3 far, right cellIn the cell in the main Jailer cell block to the left of the Profaned Capital exit
ID: Ember - B3 centerAt the center pillar in the main Jailer cell block
ID: Ember - B3 far rightIn the main Jailer cell block, on the left side coming from the Profaned Capital
ID: Estus Shard - mimic on path from B2 to pitDropped by the mimic in the room after the outside area of Irithyll Dungeon overlooking Profaned Capital
ID: Fading Soul - B1 near, main hallOn the top corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon, close to the first Jailer
ID: Great Magic Shield - B2 near, mob drop in far left cellOne-time drop from the Infested Corpse in the bottom corridor on the bonfire side of Irithyll Dungeon, in the closest cell
ID: Homeward Bone - path from B2 to pitIn the part of Irithyll Dungeon overlooking the Profaned Capital, after exiting the last jail cell corridor
ID: Jailbreaker's Key - B1 far, cell after gateIn the cell of the top corridor opposite to the bonfire in Irithyll Dungeon
ID: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - B2 far, by liftTaking the elevator up from the area you can use Path of the Dragon, before the one-way door
ID: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - B2, hall by stairsAt the end of the bottom corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon
ID: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - just before Profaned CapitalIn the open area before the bridge leading into Profaned Capital from Irithyll Dungeon
ID: Large Titanite Shard - B1 far, rightmost cellIn a cell on the far end of the top corridor opposite to the bonfire in Irithyll Dungeon, nearby the Jailer
ID: Large Titanite Shard - B1 near, by doorAt the end of the top corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon, before the Jailbreaker's Key door
ID: Large Titanite Shard - B3 near, right cornerIn the main Jailer cell block, to the left of the hallway leading to the Path of the Dragon area
ID: Large Titanite Shard - after bonfire, second cell on leftIn the second cell on the right after Irithyll Dungeon bonfire
ID: Large Titanite Shard - pit #1On the floor where the Giant Slave is standing
ID: Large Titanite Shard - pit #2On the floor where the Giant Slave is standing
ID: Lightning Blade - B3 lift, middle platformOn the middle platform riding the elevator up from the Path of the Dragon area
ID: Lightning Bolt - awning over pitOn the wooden overhangs above the Giant Slave. Can be reached by dropping down after climbing the long ladder around the area where the Giant stands.
ID: Murakumo - Alva dropDropped by Alva, Seeker of the Spurned when he invades in the cliffside path to Irithyll Dungeon
ID: Old Cell Key - stairs between pit and B3In a chest found going past the Giant Slave to the sewer with the rats and the basilisks, up the stairs to the end, on the right side
ID: Old Sorcerer Boots - B2 near, middle cellIn one of the cells on the bottom corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon, close to the bonfire, with many Infested Corpses
ID: Old Sorcerer Coat - B2 near, middle cellIn one of the cells on the bottom corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon, close to the bonfire, with many Infested Corpses
ID: Old Sorcerer Gauntlets - B2 near, middle cellIn one of the cells on the bottom corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon, close to the bonfire, with many Infested Corpses
ID: Old Sorcerer Hat - B2 near, middle cellIn one of the cells on the bottom corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon, close to the bonfire, with many Infested Corpses
ID: Pale Pine Resin - B1 far, cell with broken wallIn the jail cell with the broken wall in the top corridor opposite to the bonfire in Irithyll Dungeon, near the passive Wretch on the wall
ID: Pickaxe - path from pit to B3Passing by the Giant Slave, before the tunnel with the rats and basilisks
ID: Prisoner Chief's Ashes - B2 near, locked cell by stairsIn the cell at the far end of the bottom corridor on the bonfire side in Irithyll Dungeon
ID: Profaned Coal - B3 far, left cellIn the room with the Wretches next to the main Jailer cell block, guarded by a Wretch
ID: Profaned Flame - pitOn the floor where the Giant Slave is standing
ID: Rusted Coin - after bonfire, first cell on leftIn the first cell on the left from the Irithyll dungeon bonfire
ID: Rusted Gold Coin - after bonfire, last cell on rightIn the third cell on the right from the Irithyll Dungeon bonfire
ID: Simple Gem - B2 far, cell by stairsIn the cell near the bottom corridor opposite to the bonfire in Irithyll Dungeon, adjacent to the room with three Jailers and Cage Spiders
ID: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - balcony above pitUnder whether the Giant Slave is resting his head
ID: Soul of a Weary Warrior - by drop to pitAt the end of the room with many peasant hollows after the Estus Shard mimic
ID: Soul of a Weary Warrior - stairs between pit and B3Going past the Giant Slave to the sewer with the rats and the basilisks, up the first flight of stairs
ID: Titanite Chunk - balcony above pit, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard where the Giant Slave is resting his head
ID: Titanite Chunk - pit, miniboss dropDrop from the Giant Slave
ID: Titanite Scale - B2 far, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard on the bottom corridor opposite from the bonfire in Irithyll Dungeon where a Wretch attacks you
ID: Titanite Scale - B3 far, mimic in hallDropped by the mimic in the main Jailer cell block
ID: Titanite Slab - SiegwardGiven by Siegward after unlocking Old Cell or on quest completion
ID: Xanthous Ashes - B3 far, right cellIn the cell in the main Jailer cell block to the left of the Profaned Capital exit
KFF: Soul of the LordsDropped by Soul of Cinder
LC: Black Firebomb - dark room lowerIn the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows, against the wall on the lowest level
LC: Braille Divine Tome of Lothric - wyvern roomIn the room next to the second Pus of Man wyvern
LC: Caitha's Chime - chapel, drop onto roofDropping down from the chapel balcony where the Red Tearstone Ring is found, and then dropping down again towards the Lothric knights
LC: Dark Stoneplate Ring+1 - wyvern room, balconyThrough the room next to the second Pus of Man wyvern, on the balcony outside
LC: Ember - by Dragon Barracks bonfireNear the Dragon Barracks bonfire
LC: Ember - dark room mid, pus of man mob dropDropped by the first Pus of Man wyvern
LC: Ember - main hall, left of stairsTo the left of the stairs past the Dragon Barracks grate
LC: Ember - plaza centerIn the area where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire
LC: Ember - plaza, by gateOn the railing near the area where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire, before the gate
LC: Ember - wyvern room, wyvern foot mob dropDropped by the second Pus of Man wyvern
LC: Gotthard Twinswords - by Grand Archives door, after PC and AL bossesBefore the door to the Grand Archives after Aldrich and Yhorm are killed
LC: Grand Archives Key - by Grand Archives door, after PC and AL bossesBefore the door to the Grand Archives after Aldrich and Yhorm are killed
LC: Greatlance - overlooking Dragon Barracks bonfireGuarded by a pensive Lothric Knight after the Dragon Barracks bonfire and continuing up the stairs
LC: Hood of PrayerIn a chest right after the Lothric Castle bonfire
LC: Irithyll Rapier - basement, miniboss dropDropped by the Boreal Outrider Knight in the basement
LC: Knight's Ring - altarClimbing the ladder to the rooftop outside the Dragonslayer Armour fight, past the Large Hollow Soldier, down into the room with the tables
LC: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - dark room midIn the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows, up the ladder
LC: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - moat, right pathFound on the ledge after dropping into the area with the Pus of Man transforming hollows and making the entire loop
LC: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier - plaza left, by pillarIn the building to the left of the area where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire, against a pillar
LC: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - ascent, last turretRather than going up the stairs to the Dragon Barracks bonfire, continue straight down the stairs and forwards
LC: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - main hall, by leverOn a ledge to the right of the lever opening the grate
LC: Life Ring+2 - dark room mid, out door opposite wyvern, drop downPast the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows and Pus of Man wyvern, around to the front, dropping down past where the Titanite Chunk is
LC: Lightning Urn - moat, right path, first roomStarting the loop from where the Pus of Man hollows transform, behind some crates in the first room
LC: Lightning Urn - plazaIn the area where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire
LC: Pale Pine Resin - dark room upper, by mimicIn the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows, next to the mimic in the far back left
LC: Raw Gem - plaza leftOn a balcony to the left of the area where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire, where the Hollow Soldier throws Undead Hunter Charms
LC: Red Tearstone Ring - chapel, drop onto roofFrom the chapel to the right of the Dragonslayer Armour fight, on the balcony to the left
LC: Refined Gem - plazaIn the area where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire
LC: Robe of Prayer - ascent, chest at beginningIn a chest right after the Lothric Castle bonfire
LC: Rusted Coin - chapelIn the chapel to the right of the Dragonslayer Armour fight
LC: Sacred Bloom Shield - ascent, behind illusory wallUp the ladder where the Winged Knight is waiting, past an illusory wall
LC: Skirt of Prayer - ascent, chest at beginningIn a chest right after the Lothric Castle bonfire
LC: Sniper Bolt - moat, right path endHanging from the arch passed under on the way to the Dragon Barracks bonfire. Can be accessed by dropping into the area with the Pus of Man transforming hollows and making the entire loop, but going left at the end
LC: Sniper Crossbow - moat, right path endHanging from the arch passed under on the way to the Dragon Barracks bonfire. Can be accessed by dropping into the area with the Pus of Man transforming hollows and making the entire loop, but going left at the end
LC: Soul of Dragonslayer ArmourDropped by Dragonslayer Armour
LC: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - by lift bottomGuarded by a buffed Lothric Knight straight from the Dancer bonfire
LC: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - wyvern room, balconyOn a ledge accessible after the second Pus of Man wyvern is defeated
LC: Spirit Tree Crest Shield - basement, chestIn a chest in the basement with the Outrider Knight
LC: Sunlight Medal - by lift topNext to the shortcut elevator outside of the Dragonslayer Armour fight that goes down to the start of the area
LC: Sunlight Straight Sword - wyvern room, mimicDropped by the mimic in the room next to the second Pus of Man wyvern
LC: Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2 - chapel, drop onto roofDropping down from the chapel balcony where the Red Tearstone Ring is found, out on the edge
LC: Titanite Chunk - altar roofClimbing the ladder to the rooftop outside the Dragonslayer Armour fight, overlooking the tree
LC: Titanite Chunk - ascent, final turretRather than going up the stairs to the Dragon Barracks bonfire, continue straight down the stairs, then right
LC: Titanite Chunk - ascent, first balconyRight after the Lothric Castle bonfire, out on the balcony
LC: Titanite Chunk - ascent, turret before barricadesFrom the Lothric Castle bonfire, up the stairs, straight, and then down the stairs behind the barricade
LC: Titanite Chunk - dark room mid, out door opposite wyvernFrom the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows, past the Pus of Man Wyvern and back around the front, before the Crystal Lizard
LC: Titanite Chunk - dark room mid, pus of man mob dropDropped by the first Pus of Man wyvern
LC: Titanite Chunk - down stairs after bossDown the stairs to the right after Dragonslayer Armour
LC: Titanite Chunk - moat #1In the center of the area where the Pus of Man hollows transform
LC: Titanite Chunk - moat #2In the center of the area where the Pus of Man hollows transform
LC: Titanite Chunk - moat, near ledgeDropping down from the bridge where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire on the near side to the bonfire
LC: Titanite Chunk - wyvern room, wyvern foot mob dropDropped by the second Pus of Man wyvern
LC: Titanite Scale - altarIn a chest climbing the ladder to the rooftop outside the Dragonslayer Armour fight, continuing the loop past the Red-Eyed Lothric Knight
LC: Titanite Scale - basement, chestIn a chest in the basement with the Outrider Knight
LC: Titanite Scale - chapel, chestIn a chest in the chapel to the right of the Dragonslayer Armour fight
LC: Titanite Scale - dark room mid, out door opposite wyvernPassing through the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows and the Pus of Man wyvern around to the front, overlooking the area where the wyverns breathe fire
LC: Titanite Scale - dark room, upper balconyIn the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows, at the very top on a balcony to the right
LC: Titanite Scale - dark room, upper, mimicDropped by the crawling mimic at the top of the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows
LC: Twinkling Titanite - ascent, side roomIn the room where the Winged Knight drops down
LC: Twinkling Titanite - basement, chest #1In a chest in the basement with the Outrider Knight
LC: Twinkling Titanite - basement, chest #2In a chest in the basement with the Outrider Knight
LC: Twinkling Titanite - dark room mid, out door opposite wyvern, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard after the room with the firebomb-throwing hollows around the front
LC: Twinkling Titanite - moat, left sideBehind one of the Pus of Man transforming hollows, to the left of the bridge to the wyvern fire-breathing area
LC: Twinkling Titanite - moat, right path, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard near the thieves after dropping down to the area with the Pus of Man transforming hollows
LC: Undead Bone Shard - moat, far ledgeDropping down from the bridge where the Pus of Man wyverns breathe fire on the far side from the bonfire
LC: Winged Knight Armor - ascent, behind illusory wallIn the area where the Winged Knight drops down, up the ladder and past the illusory wall
LC: Winged Knight Gauntlets - ascent, behind illusory wallIn the area where the Winged Knight drops down, up the ladder and past the illusory wall
LC: Winged Knight Helm - ascent, behind illusory wallIn the area where the Winged Knight drops down, up the ladder and past the illusory wall
LC: Winged Knight Leggings - ascent, behind illusory wallIn the area where the Winged Knight drops down, up the ladder and past the illusory wall
PC: Blooming Purple Moss Clump - walkway above swampAt the right end of the plank before dropping down into the Profaned Capital toxic pool
PC: Cinders of a Lord - Yhorm the GiantDropped by Yhorm the Giant
PC: Court Sorcerer Gloves - chapel, second floorOn the second floor of the Monstrosity of Sin building in front of the Monstrosity of Sin
PC: Court Sorcerer Hood - chapel, second floorOn the second floor of the Monstrosity of Sin building in front of the Monstrosity of Sin
PC: Court Sorcerer Robe - chapel, second floorOn the second floor of the Monstrosity of Sin building in front of the Monstrosity of Sin
PC: Court Sorcerer Trousers - chapel, second floorOn the second floor of the Monstrosity of Sin building in front of the Monstrosity of Sin
PC: Court Sorcerer's Staff - chapel, mimic on second floorDropped by the mimic on the second floor of the Monstrosity of Sin building
PC: Cursebite Ring - swamp, below hallsIn the inner cave of the Profaned Capital toxic pool
PC: Eleonora - chapel ground floor, kill mobDropped by the Monstrosity of Sin on the first floor, furthest away from the door
PC: Ember - palace, far roomTo the right of the Profaned Flame, in the room with the many Jailers looking at the mimics
PC: Flame Stoneplate Ring+1 - chapel, drop from roof towards entranceDropping down from the roof connected to the second floor of the Monstrosity of Sin building, above the main entrance to the building
PC: Greatshield of Glory - palace, mimic in far roomDropped by the left mimic surrounded by the Jailers to the right of the Profaned Flame
PC: Jailer's Key Ring - hall past chapelPast the Profaned Capital Court Sorcerer, in the corridor overlooking the Irithyll Dungeon Giant Slave area
PC: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - bridge, far endOn the way from the Profaned Capital bonfire toward the Profaned Flame, crossing the bridge without dropping down
PC: Logan's Scroll - chapel roof, NPC dropDropped by the court sorcerer above the toxic pool
PC: Magic Stoneplate Ring+2 - tower baseAt the base of the Profaned Capital structure, going all the way around the outside wall clockwise
PC: Onislayer Greatarrow - bridgeItem on the bridge descending from the Profaned Capital bonfire into the Profaned Flame building
PC: Onislayer Greatbow - drop from bridgeFrom the bridge leading from the Profaned Capital bonfire to Yhorm, onto the ruined pillars shortcut to the right, behind you after the first dropdown.
PC: Pierce Shield - SiegwardDropped by Siegward upon death or quest completion, and sold by Patches while Siegward is in the well.
PC: Poison Arrow - chapel roofAt the far end of the roof with the Court Sorcerer
PC: Poison Gem - swamp, below hallsIn the inner cave of the Profaned Capital toxic pool
PC: Purging Stone - chapel ground floorAt the back of the room with the three Monstrosities of Sin on the first floor
PC: Purging Stone - swamp, by chapel ladderIn the middle of the Profaned Capital toxic pool, near the ladder to the Court Sorcerer
PC: Rubbish - chapel, down stairs from second floorHanging corpse visible from Profaned Capital accessible from the second floor of the building with the Monstrosities of Sin, in the back right
PC: Rusted Coin - below bridge #1Among the rubble before the steps leading up to the Profaned Flame
PC: Rusted Coin - below bridge #2Among the rubble before the steps leading up to the Profaned Flame
PC: Rusted Coin - tower exteriorTreasure visible on a ledge in the Profaned Capital bonfire. Can be accessed by climbing a ladder outside the main structure.
PC: Rusted Gold Coin - halls above swampIn the corridors leading to the Profaned Capital toxic pool
PC: Rusted Gold Coin - palace, mimic in far roomDropped by the right mimic surrounded by the Jailers to the right of the Profaned Flame
PC: Shriving Stone - swamp, by chapel doorAt the far end of the Profaned Capital toxic pool, to the left of the door leading to the Monstrosities of Sin
PC: Siegbräu - Siegward after killing bossGiven by Siegward after helping him defeat Yhorm the Giant. You must talk to him before Emma teleports you.
PC: Soul of Yhorm the GiantDropped by Yhorm the Giant
PC: Storm Ruler - SiegwardDropped by Siegward upon death or quest completion.
PC: Storm Ruler - boss roomTo the right of Yhorm's throne
PC: Twinkling Titanite - halls above swamp, lizard #1Dropped by the second Crystal Lizard in the corridors before the Profaned Capital toxic pool
PC: Twinkling Titanite - halls above swamp, lizard #2Dropped by the first Crystal Lizard in the corridors before the Profaned Capital toxic pool
PC: Undead Bone Shard - by bonfireOn the corpse of Laddersmith Gilligan next to the Profaned Capital bonfire
PC: Wrath of the Gods - chapel, drop from roofDropping down from the roof of the Monstrosity of Sin building where the Court Sorcerer is
PW1: Black Firebomb - snowfield lower, path to bonfireDropping down after the first snow overhang and following the wall on the left, past the rotting bed descending toward the second bonfire
PW1: Blessed Gem - snowfield, behind towerBehind the Millwood Knight tower in the first area, approach from the right side
PW1: Budding Green Blossom - settlement courtyard, ledgeAfter sliding down the slope on the way to Corvian Settlement, dropping down hugging the left wall
PW1: Captain's Ashes - snowfield tower, 6FAt the very top of the Millwood Knight tower after climbing up the second ladder
PW1: Chillbite Ring - FriedeGiven by Sister Friede while she is sitting in the Ariandel Chapel, or on the stool after she moves.
PW1: Contraption Key - library, NPC dropDropped by Sir Vilhelm
PW1: Crow Quills - settlement loop, jump into courtyardCrossing the bridge after Corvian Settlement bonfire, follow the left edge past another bridge until a dropdown point looping back to the bonfire. Go right and jump past some barrels onto the central platform.
PW1: Crow Talons - settlement roofs, near bonfireAfter climbing the ladder onto Corvian Settlement rooftops, dropping down on a bridge to the left, into the building, then looping around onto its roof.
PW1: Dark Gem - settlement back, egg buildingDropping down to the right of the gate guarded by a Corvian Knight in Corvian Settlement, inside of the last building on the right
PW1: Ember - roots above depthsIn the tree branch area after climbing down the rope bridge, hugging a right wall past a Follower Javelin wielder
PW1: Ember - settlement main, left building after bridgeCrossing the bridge after Corvian Settlement bonfire, in the building to the left.
PW1: Ember - settlement, building near bonfireIn the first building in Corvian Settlement next to the bonfire building
PW1: Ethereal Oak Shield - snowfield tower, 3FIn the Millwood Knight tower on a Millwood Knight corpse, after climbing the first ladder, then going down the staircase
PW1: Follower Javelin - snowfield lower, path back upDropping down after the first snow overhang, follow the right wall around and up a slope, past the Followers
PW1: Follower Sabre - roots above depthsOn a tree branch after climbing down the rope bridge. Rather than hugging a right wall toward a Follower Javelin wielder, drop off to the left.
PW1: Frozen Weapon - snowfield lower, egg zoneDropping down after the first snow overhang, in the rotting bed along the left side
PW1: Heavy Gem - snowfield villageBefore the Millwood Knight tower, on the far side of one of the ruined walls targeted by the archer
PW1: Hollow Gem - beside chapelTo the right of the entrance to the Ariandel
PW1: Homeward Bone - depths, up hillIn the Depths of the Painting, up a hill next to the giant crabs.
PW1: Homeward Bone - snowfield village, outcroppingDropping down after the first snow overhang and following the cliff on the right, making a sharp right after a ruined wall segment before approaching the Millwood Knight tower
PW1: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - settlement hall roofOn top of the chapel with the Corvian Knight to the left of Vilhelm's building
PW1: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - snowfield tower, 6FAt the very top of the Millwood Knight tower after climbing up the second ladder, on a Millwood Knight corpse
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - below snowfield village overhangUp the slope to the left of the Millwood Knight tower, dropping down after a snow overhang, then several more ledges.
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - settlement backIn Corvian Settlement, on the ground before the ladder climbing onto the rooftops
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - settlement courtyard, cliffAfter sliding down the slope on the way to Corvian Settlement, on a cliff to the right and behind
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - settlement loop, by bonfireCrossing the bridge after Corvian Settlement bonfire, follow the left edge past another bridge until a dropdown point looping back to the bonfire. On the corpse in a hole in the wall leading back to the bonfire.
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - settlement roofs, balconyAfter climbing the ladder onto Corvian Settlement rooftops, dropping down on a bridge to the left, on the other side of the bridge.
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - settlement, by ladder to bonfireTo the right of the ladder leading up to Corvian Settlement bonfire.
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - snowfield lower, by cliffDropping down after the first snow overhang, between the forest and the cliff edge, before where the large wolf drops down
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - snowfield lower, path back upDropping down after the first snow overhang, follow the right wall around and up a slope, past the Followers
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - snowfield lower, path to villageDropping down after the first snow overhang and following the cliff on the right, on a tree past where the large wolf jumps down
PW1: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - snowfield upperGoing straight after the first bonfire, to the left of the caving snow overhand
PW1: Large Titanite Shard - lizard under bridge nearDropped by a Crystal Lizard after the Rope Bridge Cave on the way to Corvian Settlement
PW1: Large Titanite Shard - settlement loop, lizardCrossing the bridge after Corvian Settlement bonfire, follow the left edge past another bridge until a dropdown point looping back to the bonfire. Hug the bonfire building's outer wall along the right side.
PW1: Large Titanite Shard - snowfield lower, left from fallDropping down after the first snow overhang, guarded by a Tree Woman overlooking the rotting bed along the left wall
PW1: Millwood Battle Axe - snowfield tower, 5FIn the Milkwood Knight tower, either dropping down from rafters after climbing the second ladder or making a risky jump
PW1: Millwood Greatarrow - snowfield village, loop back to lowerDropping down after the first snow overhang and following the cliff on the right, making the full loop around, up the slope leading towards where the large wolf drops down
PW1: Millwood Greatbow - snowfield village, loop back to lowerDropping down after the first snow overhang and following the cliff on the right, making the full loop around, up the slope leading towards where the large wolf drops down
PW1: Onyx Blade - library, NPC dropDropped by Sir Vilhelm
PW1: Poison Gem - snowfield upper, forward from bonfireFollowing the left wall from the start, guarded by a Giant Fly
PW1: Rime-blue Moss Clump - below bridge farIn a small alcove to the right after climbing down the rope bridge
PW1: Rime-blue Moss Clump - snowfield upper, overhangOn the first snow overhang at the start. It drops down at the same time you do.
PW1: Rime-blue Moss Clump - snowfield upper, starting caveIn the starting cave
PW1: Rusted Coin - right of libraryTo the right of Vilhelm's building
PW1: Rusted Coin - snowfield lower, straight from fallDropping down after the first snow overhang, shortly straight ahead
PW1: Rusted Gold Coin - settlement roofs, roof near second ladderAfter climbing the second ladder on the Corvian Settlement rooftops, immediately dropping off the bridge to the right, on a rooftop
PW1: Shriving Stone - below bridge nearAfter the Rope Bridge Cave bonfire, dropping down before the bridge, following the ledge all the way to the right
PW1: Simple Gem - settlement, lowest level, behind gateCrossing the bridge after Corvian Settlement bonfire, follow the left edge until a bridge, then drop down on the right side. Guarded by a Sewer Centipede.
PW1: Slave Knight Armor - settlement roofs, drop by ladderIn Corvian Settlement, rather than climbing up a ladder leading to a bridge to the roof of the chapel with the Corvian Knight, dropping down a hole to the left of the ladder into the building below.
PW1: Slave Knight Gauntlets - settlement roofs, drop by ladderIn Corvian Settlement, rather than climbing up a ladder leading to a bridge to the roof of the chapel with the Corvian Knight, dropping down a hole to the left of the ladder into the building below.
PW1: Slave Knight Hood - settlement roofs, drop by ladderIn Corvian Settlement, rather than climbing up a ladder leading to a bridge to the roof of the chapel with the Corvian Knight, dropping down a hole to the left of the ladder into the building below.
PW1: Slave Knight Leggings - settlement roofs, drop by ladderIn Corvian Settlement, rather than climbing up a ladder leading to a bridge to the roof of the chapel with the Corvian Knight, dropping down a hole to the left of the ladder into the building below.
PW1: Snap Freeze - depths, far end, mob dropIn the Depths of the Painting, past the giant crabs, guarded by a special Tree Woman. Killing her drops down a very long nearby ladder.
PW1: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - settlement hall, raftersIn the rafters of the chapel with the Corvian Knight to the left of Vilhelm's building. Can drop down from the windows exposed to the roof.
PW1: Soul of a Weary Warrior - snowfield tower, 1FAt the bottom of the Millwood Knight tower on a Millwood Knight corpse
PW1: Titanite Slab - CorvianGiven by the Corvian NPC in the building next to Corvian Settlement bonfire.
PW1: Titanite Slab - depths, up secret ladderIn the Depths of the Painting, past the giant crabs, killing a special Tree Woman drops down a very long nearby ladder. Climb the ladder and also the ladder after that one.
PW1: Twinkling Titanite - roots, lizardDropped by a Crystal Lizard in the tree branch area after climbing down the rope bridge, before the ledge with the Follower Javelin wielder
PW1: Twinkling Titanite - settlement roofs, lizard before hallDropped by a Crystal Lizard on a bridge in Corvian Settlement before the rooftop of the chapel with the Corvian Knight inside.
PW1: Twinkling Titanite - snowfield tower, 3F lizardDropped by a Crystal Lizard in the Millwood Knight tower, climbing up the first ladder and descending the stairs down
PW1: Valorheart - boss dropDropped by Champion's Gravetender
PW1: Way of White Corona - settlement hall, by altarIn the chapel with the Corvian Knight to the left of Vilhelm's building, in front of the altar.
PW1: Young White Branch - right of libraryTo the right of Vilhelm's building
PW2: Blood Gem - B2, centerOn the lower level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, in the middle
PW2: Dung Pie - B1On the higher level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, on a wooden beam overlooking the lower level
PW2: Earth Seeker - pit caveIn the area after Snowy Mountain Pass with the giant tree and Earth Seeker Millwood Knight, in the cave
PW2: Ember - pass, central alcoveAfter the Snowy Mountain Pass bonfire, going left of the bell stuck in the ground, in a small alcove along the left wall
PW2: Floating Chaos - NPC dropDropped by Livid Pyromancer Dunnel when he invades while embered, whether boss is defeated or not. On the second level of Priscilla's building above the Gravetender fight, accessed from the lowest level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, past an illusory wall nearly straight left of the mechanism that moves the statue, then carefully dropping down tree branches.
PW2: Follower Shield - pass, far cliffsideAfter the Snowy Mountain Pass bonfire, going left of the bell stuck in the ground, on the cliff ledge past the open area, to the left
PW2: Follower Torch - pass, far side pathOn the way to the Ariandel Chapel basement, where the first wolf enemies reappear, going all the way down the slope on the edge of the map. Guarded by a Follower
PW2: Homeward Bone - rotundaOn the second level of Priscilla's building above the Gravetender fight. Can be accessed from the lowest level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, past an illusory wall nearly straight left of the mechanism that moves the statue, then carefully dropping down tree branches.
PW2: Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - pit, by treeIn the area after Snowy Mountain Pass with the giant tree and Earth Seeker Millwood Knight, by the tree
PW2: Large Titanite Shard - pass, far side pathOn the way to the Ariandel Chapel basement, where the first wolf enemies reappear, going partway down the slope on the edge of the map
PW2: Large Titanite Shard - pass, just before B1On the way to Ariandel Chapel basement, past the Millwood Knights and before the first rotten tree that can be knocked down
PW2: Prism Stone - pass, tree by beginningUp the slope and to the left after the Snowy Mountain Pass, straight ahead by a tree
PW2: Pyromancer's Parting Flame - rotundaOn the second level of Priscilla's building above the Gravetender fight. Can be accessed from the lowest level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, past an illusory wall nearly straight left of the mechanism that moves the statue, then carefully dropping down tree branches.
PW2: Quakestone Hammer - pass, side path near B1On the way to Ariandel Chapel basement, rather than going right past the two Millwood Knights, go left, guarded by a very strong Millwood Knight
PW2: Soul of Sister FriedeDropped by Sister Friede
PW2: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - pit edge #1In the area after Snowy Mountain Pass with the giant tree and Earth Seeker Millwood Knight, along the edge
PW2: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - pit edge #2In the area after Snowy Mountain Pass with the giant tree and Earth Seeker Millwood Knight, along the edge
PW2: Titanite Chunk - pass, by kickable treeAfter the Snowy Mountain Pass bonfire, on a ledge to the right of the slope with the bell stuck in the ground, behind a tree
PW2: Titanite Chunk - pass, cliff overlooking bonfireOn a cliff overlooking the Snowy Mountain Pass bonfire. Requires following the left wall
PW2: Titanite Slab - boss dropOne-time drop after killing Father Ariandel and Friede (phase 2) for the first time.
PW2: Twinkling Titanite - B3, lizard #1Dropped by a Crystal Lizard past an illusory wall nearly straight left of the mechanism that moves the statue in the lowest level of the Ariandel Chapel basement
PW2: Twinkling Titanite - B3, lizard #2Dropped by a Crystal Lizard past an illusory wall nearly straight left of the mechanism that moves the statue in the lowest level of the Ariandel Chapel basement
PW2: Vilhelm's Armor - B2, along wallOn the lower level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, along a wall to the left of the contraption that turns the statue
PW2: Vilhelm's Gauntlets - B2, along wallOn the lower level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, along a wall to the left of the contraption that turns the statue
PW2: Vilhelm's HelmOn the lower level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, along a wall to the left of the contraption that turns the statue
PW2: Vilhelm's Leggings - B2, along wallOn the lower level of the Ariandel Chapel basement, along a wall to the left of the contraption that turns the statue
RC: Antiquated Plain Garb - wall hidden, before bossIn the chapel before the Midir fight in the Ringed Inner Wall building.
RC: Black Witch Garb - streets gardenGuarded by Alva (invades whether embered or not), partway down the stairs from Shira, across the bridge, and past the Ringed Knight.
RC: Black Witch Hat - streets gardenGuarded by Alva (invades whether embered or not), partway down the stairs from Shira, across the bridge, and past the Ringed Knight.
RC: Black Witch Trousers - streets gardenGuarded by Alva (invades whether embered or not), partway down the stairs from Shira, across the bridge, and past the Ringed Knight.
RC: Black Witch Veil - swamp near right, by sunken churchTo the left of the submerged building with 4 Ringed Knights, near a spear-wielding knight.
RC: Black Witch Wrappings - streets gardenGuarded by Alva (invades whether embered or not), partway down the stairs from Shira, across the bridge, and past the Ringed Knight.
RC: Blessed Gem - grave, down lowest stairsIn Shared Grave, after dropping down near Gael's flag and dropping down again, behind you. Or from the bonfire, go back through the side tunnel with the skeletons and down the stairs after that.
RC: Blindfold Mask - grave, NPC dropDropped by Moaning Knight (invades whether embered or not, or boss defeated or not) in Shared Grave.
RC: Blood of the Dark Soul - end boss dropDropped by Slave Knight Gael
RC: Budding Green Blossom - church pathOn the way to the Halflight building.
RC: Budding Green Blossom - wall top, flowers by stairsIn a patch of flowers to the right of the stairs leading up to the first Judicator along the left wall of the courtyard are Mausoleum Lookout.
RC: Budding Green Blossom - wall top, in flower clusterAlong the left wall of the courtyard after Mausoleum Lookout, in a patch of flowers.
RC: Chloranthy Ring+3 - wall hidden, drop onto statueFrom the mid level of the Ringed Inner Wall elevator that leads to the Midir fight, dropping back down toward the way to Filianore, onto a platform with a Gwyn statue. Try to land on the platform rather than the statue.
RC: Church Guardian Shiv - swamp far left, in buildingInside of the building at the remote end of the muck pit surrounded by praying Hollow Clerics.
RC: Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3 - streets, by LappGoing up the very long ladder from the muck pit, then up some stairs, to the left, and across the bridge, in a building past the Ringed Knights. Also where Lapp can be found to tell him of the Purging Monument.
RC: Crucifix of the Mad King - ashes, NPC dropDropped by Shira, who invades you (ember not required) in the far-future version of her room
RC: Dark Gem - swamp near, by stairsIn the middle of the muck pit, close to the long stairs.
RC: Divine Blessing - streets monument, mob dropDropped by the Judicator near the Purging Monument area. Requires solving "Show Your Humanity" puzzle.
RC: Divine Blessing - wall top, mob dropDropped by the Judicator after the Mausoleum Lookup bonfire.
RC: Dragonhead Greatshield - lower cliff, under bridgeDown a slope to the right of the bridge where Midir first assaults you, past a sword-wielding Ringed Knight, under the bridge.
RC: Dragonhead Shield - streets monument, across bridgeFound in Purging Monument area, across the bridge from the monument. Requires solving "Show Your Humanity" puzzle.
RC: Ember - wall hidden, statue roomFrom the mid level of the Ringed Inner Wall elevator that leads to the Midir fight, in the room with the illusory statue.
RC: Ember - wall top, by statueAlong the left wall of the courtyard after Mausoleum Lookout, in front of a tall monument.
RC: Ember - wall upper, balconyOn the balcony attached to the room with the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire.
RC: Filianore's Spear Ornament - mid boss dropDropped by Halflight, Spear of the Church
RC: Filianore's Spear Ornament - wall hidden, by ladderNext the ladder leading down to the chapel before the Midir fight in the Ringed Inner Wall building.
RC: Havel's Ring+3 - streets high, drop from building oppositeDropping down from the building where Silver Knight Ledo invades. The building is up the very long ladder from the muck pit, down the path all the way to the right.
RC: Hidden Blessing - swamp center, mob dropDropped by Judicator patrolling the muck pit.
RC: Hidden Blessing - wall top, tomb under platformIn a tomb underneath the platform with the first Judicator, accessed by approaching from Mausoleum Lookout bonfire.
RC: Hollow Gem - wall upper, path to towerHeading down the cursed stairs after Ringed Inner Wall bonfire and another short flight of stairs, hanging on a balcony.
RC: Iron Dragonslayer Armor - swamp far, miniboss dropDropped by Dragonslayer Armour at the far end of the muck pit.
RC: Iron Dragonslayer Gauntlets - swamp far, miniboss dropDropped by Dragonslayer Armour at the far end of the muck pit.
RC: Iron Dragonslayer Helm - swamp far, miniboss dropDropped by Dragonslayer Armour at the far end of the muck pit.
RC: Iron Dragonslayer Leggings - swamp far, miniboss dropDropped by Dragonslayer Armour at the far end of the muck pit.
RC: Lapp's Armor - LappLeft at Lapp's final location in Shared Grave after his quest is complete, or sold by Shrine Handmaid upon killing Lapp.
RC: Lapp's Gauntlets - LappLeft at Lapp's final location in Shared Grave after his quest is complete, or sold by Shrine Handmaid upon killing Lapp.
RC: Lapp's Helm - LappLeft at Lapp's final location in Shared Grave after his quest is complete, or sold by Shrine Handmaid upon killing Lapp.
RC: Lapp's Leggings - LappLeft at Lapp's final location in Shared Grave after his quest is complete, or sold by Shrine Handmaid upon killing Lapp.
RC: Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - streets monument, across bridgeFound in Purging Monument area, on the other side of the bridge leading to the monument. Requires solving "Show Your Humanity" puzzle.
RC: Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - streets, far stairsToward the bottom of the stairs leading down to the muck pit.
RC: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - lower cliff, endToward the end of the upper path attacked Midir's fire-breathing.
RC: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - swamp center, by peninsulaIn the muck pit approaching where the Judicator patrols from the stairs.
RC: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - wall lower, past two illusory wallsIn the Ringed Inner Wall building coming from Shared Grave, past two illusory walls on the right side of the ascending stairs.
RC: Large Soul of a Weary Warrior - wall top, right of small tombIn the open toward the end of the courtyard after the Mausoleum Lookout bonfire, on the right side of the small tomb.
RC: Ledo's Great Hammer - streets high, opposite building, NPC dropDropped by Silver Knight Ledo (invades whether embered or not, or boss defeated or not) in the building down the path to the right after climbing the very long ladder from the muck area.
RC: Lightning Arrow - wall lower, past three illusory wallsIn the Ringed Inner Wall building coming from Shared Grave, past three illusory walls on the right side of the ascending stairs.
RC: Lightning Gem - grave, room after first dropIn Shared Grave, in the first room encountered after falling down from the crumbling stairs and continuing upward.
RC: Mossfruit - streets near left, path to gardenPartway down the stairs from Shira, across the bridge.
RC: Mossfruit - streets, far left alcoveNear the bottom of the stairs before the muck pit, in an alcove to the left.
RC: Preacher's Right Arm - swamp near right, by towerIn the muck pit behind a crystal-covered structure, close to the Ringed City Streets shortcut entrance.
RC: Prism Stone - swamp near, railing by bonfireOn the balcony of the path leading up to Ringed City Streets bonfire from the muck pit.
RC: Purging Stone - wall top, by door to upperAt the end of the path from Mausoleum Lookup to Ringed Inner Wall, just outside the door.
RC: Ring of the Evil Eye+3 - grave, mimicDropped by mimic in Shared Grave. In one of the rooms after dropping down near Gael's flag and then dropping down again.
RC: Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords - church path, mob dropDropped by Ringed Knight with paired greatswords before Filianore building.
RC: Ringed Knight Spear - streets, down far right hallIn a courtyard guarded by a spear-wielding Ringed Knight. Can be accessed from a hallway filled with cursed clerics on the right side going down the long stairs, or by climbing up the long ladder from the muck pit and dropping down past the Locust Preacher.
RC: Ringed Knight Straight Sword - swamp near, tower on peninsulaOn a monument next to the Ringed City Streets building. Can be easily accessed after unlocking the shortcut by following the left wall inside and then outside the building.
RC: Ritual Spear Fragment - church pathTo the right of the Paired Greatswords Ringed Knight on the way to Halflight.
RC: Rubbish - lower cliff, middleIn the middle of the upper path attacked Midir's fire-breathing, after the first alcove.
RC: Rubbish - swamp far, by crystalIn the remote end of the muck pit, next to a massive crystal structure between a giant tree and the building with praying Hollow Clerics, guarded by several Locust Preachers.
RC: Ruin Armor - wall top, under stairs to bonfireUnderneath the stairs leading down from Mausoleum Lookout.
RC: Ruin Gauntlets - wall top, under stairs to bonfireUnderneath the stairs leading down from Mausoleum Lookout.
RC: Ruin Helm - wall top, under stairs to bonfireUnderneath the stairs leading down from Mausoleum Lookout.
RC: Ruin Leggings - wall top, under stairs to bonfireUnderneath the stairs leading down from Mausoleum Lookout.
RC: Sacred Chime of Filianore - ashes, NPC dropGiven by Shira after accepting her request to kill Midir, or dropped by her in post-Filianore Ringed City.
RC: Shira's Armor - Shira's room after killing ashes NPCFound in Shira's room in Ringed City after killing her in post-Filianore Ringed City.
RC: Shira's Crown - Shira's room after killing ashes NPCFound in Shira's room in Ringed City after killing her in post-Filianore Ringed City.
RC: Shira's Gloves - Shira's room after killing ashes NPCFound in Shira's room in Ringed City after killing her in post-Filianore Ringed City.
RC: Shira's Trousers - Shira's room after killing ashes NPCFound in Shira's room in Ringed City after killing her in post-Filianore Ringed City.
RC: Shriving Stone - wall tower, bottom floor centerIn the cylindrical building before the long stairs with many Harald Legion Knights, in the center structure on the first floor.
RC: Siegbräu - LappGiven by Lapp within the Ringed Inner Wall.
RC: Simple Gem - grave, up stairs after first dropIn Shared Grave, following the path after falling down from the crumbling stairs and continuing upward.
RC: Soul of Darkeater MidirDropped by Darkeater Midir
RC: Soul of Slave Knight GaelDropped by Slave Knight Gael
RC: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - swamp far, behind crystalBehind a crystal structure at the far end of the muck pit, close to the building with the praying Hollow Clerics before Dragonslayer Armour.
RC: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - swamp near left, nookIn the muck pit behind all of the Hollow Clerics near the very long ladder.
RC: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - wall top, under dropAfter dropping down onto the side path on the right side of the Mausoleum Lookout courtyard to where the Crystal Lizard is, behind you.
RC: Soul of a Weary Warrior - lower cliff, by first alcoveIn front of the first alcove providing shelter from Midir's fire-breathing on the way to Shared Grave.
RC: Soul of a Weary Warrior - swamp centerIn the middle of the muck pit where the Judicator is patrolling.
RC: Soul of a Weary Warrior - swamp right, by sunken churchIn between where the Judicator patrols in the muck pit and the submerged building with the 4 Ringed Knights. Provides some shelter from his arrows.
RC: Spears of the Church - hidden boss dropDropped by Darkeater Midir
RC: Titanite Chunk - streets high, building oppositeDown a path past the room where Silver Knight Ledo invades. The building is up the very long ladder from the muck pit, down the path all the way to the right.
RC: Titanite Chunk - streets, near left dropNear the top of the stairs by Shira, dropping down in an alcove to the left.
RC: Titanite Chunk - swamp center, peninsula edgeAlong the edge of the muck pit close to where the Judicator patrols.
RC: Titanite Chunk - swamp far left, up hillUp a hill at the edge of the muck pit with the Hollow Clerics.
RC: Titanite Chunk - swamp near left, by spire topAt the edge of the muck pit, on the opposite side of the wall from the very long ladder.
RC: Titanite Chunk - swamp near right, behind rockAt the very edge of the muck pit, to the left of the submerged building with 4 Ringed Knights.
RC: Titanite Chunk - wall top, among gravesAlong the right edge of the courtyard after Mausoleum Lookout in a cluster of graves.
RC: Titanite Chunk - wall upper, courtyard alcoveIn the courtyard where the first Ringed Knight is seen, along the right wall into an alcove.
RC: Titanite Scale - grave, lizard past first dropDropped by the Crystal Lizard right after the crumbling stairs in Shared Grave.
RC: Titanite Scale - lower cliff, first alcoveIn the first alcove providing shelter from Midir's fire-breathing on the way to Shared Grave.
RC: Titanite Scale - lower cliff, lower pathAfter dropping down from the upper path attacked by Midir's fire-breathing to the lower path.
RC: Titanite Scale - lower cliff, path under bridgePartway down a slope to the right of the bridge where Midir first assaults you.
RC: Titanite Scale - swamp far, by minibossIn the area at the far end of the muck pit with the Dragonslayer Armour.
RC: Titanite Scale - swamp far, lagoon entranceIn the area at the far end of the muck pit with the Dragonslayer Armour.
RC: Titanite Scale - upper cliff, bridgeOn the final bridge where Midir attacks before you knock him off.
RC: Titanite Scale - wall lower, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard on the stairs going up from Shared Grave to Ringed Inner Wall elevator.
RC: Titanite Scale - wall top, behind spawnBehind you at the very start of the level.
RC: Titanite Slab - ashes, NPC dropGiven by Shira after defeating Midir, or dropped by her in post-Filianore Ringed City.
RC: Titanite Slab - ashes, mob dropDropped by the Ringed Knight wandering around near Gael's arena
RC: Titanite Slab - mid boss dropDropped by Halflight, Spear of the Church
RC: Twinkling Titanite - church path, left of boss doorDropping down to the left of the door leading to Halflight.
RC: Twinkling Titanite - grave, lizard past first dropDropped by the Crystal Lizard right after the crumbling stairs in Shared Grave.
RC: Twinkling Titanite - streets high, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard which runs across the bridge after climbing the very long ladder up from the muck pit.
RC: Twinkling Titanite - swamp near leftAt the left edge of the muck pit coming from the stairs, guarded by a Preacher Locust.
RC: Twinkling Titanite - swamp near right, on sunken churchFollowing the sloped roof of the submerged building with the 4 Ringed Knights, along the back wall
RC: Twinkling Titanite - wall top, lizard on side pathDropped by the first Crystal Lizard on the side path on the right side of the Mausoleum Lookout courtyard
RC: Twinkling Titanite - wall tower, jump from chandelierIn the cylindrical building before the long stairs with many Harald Legion Knights. Carefully drop down to the chandelier in the center, then jump to the second floor. The item is on a ledge.
RC: Violet Wrappings - wall hidden, before bossIn the chapel before the Midir fight in the Ringed Inner Wall building.
RC: White Birch Bow - swamp far left, up hillUp a hill at the edge of the muck pit with the Hollow Clerics.
RC: White Preacher Head - swamp near, nook right of stairsPast the balcony to the right of the Ringed City Streets bonfire room entrance. Can be accessed by dropping down straight after from the bonfire, then around to the left.
RC: Wolf Ring+3 - street gardens, NPC dropDropped by Alva (invades whether embered or not, or boss defeated or not), partway down the stairs from Shira, across the bridge, and past the Ringed Knight.
RC: Young White Branch - swamp far left, by white tree #1Next to a small birch tree at the edge of the muck pit, between the hill with the aggressive Hollow Clerics and the building with the praying Hollow Clerics outside.
RC: Young White Branch - swamp far left, by white tree #2Next to a small birch tree at the edge of the muck pit, between the hill with the aggressive Hollow Clerics and the building with the praying Hollow Clerics outside.
RC: Young White Branch - swamp far left, by white tree #3Next to a small birch tree at the edge of the muck pit, between the hill with the aggressive Hollow Clerics and the building with the praying Hollow Clerics outside.
RS: Blue Bug Pellet - broken stairs by OrbeckOn the broken stairs leading down from Orbeck's area, on the opposite side from Orbeck
RS: Blue Sentinels - HoraceGiven by Horace the Hushed by first "talking" to him, or upon death.
RS: Braille Divine Tome of Carim - drop from bridge to Halfway FortressDropping down before the bridge leading up to Halfway Fortress from Road of Sacrifices, guarded by the maggot belly dog
RS: Brigand Armor - beneath roadIn the middle of the path where the Madwoman waits in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Brigand Axe - beneath roadAt the start of the path leading down to the Madwoman in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Brigand Gauntlets - beneath roadIn the middle of the path where the Madwoman waits in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Brigand Hood - beneath roadIn the middle of the path where the Madwoman waits in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Brigand Trousers - beneath roadIn the middle of the path where the Madwoman waits in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Brigand Twindaggers - beneath roadAt the end of the path guarded by the Madwoman in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Butcher Knife - NPC drop beneath roadDropped by the Butcher Knife-wielding madwoman near the start of Road of Sacrifices
RS: Chloranthy Ring+2 - road, drop across from carriageFound dropping down from the first Storyteller Corvian on the left side rather than the right side. You can then further drop down to where the madwoman is, after healing.
RS: Conjurator Boots - deep waterIn the deep water part of the Crucifixion Woods crab area, between a large tree and the keep wall
RS: Conjurator Hood - deep waterIn the deep water part of the Crucifixion Woods crab area, between a large tree and the keep wall
RS: Conjurator Manchettes - deep waterIn the deep water part of the Crucifixion Woods crab area, between a large tree and the keep wall
RS: Conjurator Robe - deep waterIn the deep water part of the Crucifixion Woods crab area, between a large tree and the keep wall
RS: Crystal Gem - stronghold, lizardDropped by the Crystal Lizard in the building before Crystal Sage
RS: Ember - right of Halfway Fortress entranceOn the ledge with the Corvian with the Storyteller Staff, to the right of the Halfway Fortress entrance
RS: Ember - right of fire behind stronghold left roomBehind the building before Crystal Sage, approached from Crucifixion Woods bonfire. Can drop down on left side or go under bridge on right side
RS: Estus Shard - left of fire behind stronghold left roomBehind the building leading to Crystal Sage, approached from Crucifixion Woods bonfire. Can drop down on left side of go under bridge on right side
RS: Exile Greatsword - NPC drop by Farron KeepDropped by the greatsword-wielding Exile Knight before the ladder down to Farron Keep
RS: Fading Soul - woods by Crucifixion Woods bonfireDropping down from the Crucifixion Woods bonfire toward the Halfway Fortress, guarded by dogs
RS: Fallen Knight Armor - water's edge by Farron KeepOn the edge of the water surrounding the building where you descend into Farron Keep
RS: Fallen Knight Gauntlets - water's edge by Farron KeepOn the edge of the water surrounding the building where you descend into Farron Keep
RS: Fallen Knight Helm - water's edge by Farron KeepOn the edge of the water surrounding the building where you descend into Farron Keep
RS: Fallen Knight Trousers - water's edge by Farron KeepOn the edge of the water surrounding the building where you descend into Farron Keep
RS: Farron Coal - keep perimeterAt the end of the Farron Keep Perimeter building on Crucifixion Woods side, behind the Black Knight
RS: Golden Falcon Shield - path from stronghold right room to Farron KeepHalfway up the stairs to the sorcerer in the building before Crystal Sage, entering from the stairs leading up from the crab area, go straight and follow the path down
RS: Grass Crest Shield - water by Crucifixion Woods bonfireDropping down into the crab area from Crucifixion Woods, on the other side of a tree from the greater crab
RS: Great Club - NPC drop by Farron KeepDropped by the club-wielding Exile Knight before the ladder down to Farron Keep
RS: Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome - deep waterIn the deep water part of the Crucifixion Woods crab area, between a large tree and the keep wall
RS: Great Swamp Ring - miniboss drop, by Farron KeepDropped by Greater Crab in Crucifixion Woods close to the Farron Keep outer wall
RS: Green Blossom - by deep waterIn the Crucifixion Woods crab area out in the open, close to the edge of the deep water area
RS: Green Blossom - water beneath strongholdIn the Crucifixion Woods crab area close to the Crucifixion Woods bonfire, along the left wall of the water area, to the right of the entrance to the building before Crystal Sage
RS: Heretic's Staff - stronghold left roomIn the building before Crystal Sage, entering from near Crucifixion Woods, in a corner under the first stairwell and balcony
RS: Heysel Pick - Heysel dropDropped by Heysel when she invades in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Homeward Bone - balcony by Farron KeepAt the far end of the building where you descend into Farron Keep, by the balcony
RS: Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler - left of stairs to Farron KeepIn the area before you descend into Farron Keep, before the stairs to the far left
RS: Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1 - waterOn a tree by the greater crab near the Crucifixion Woods bonfire, after the Grass Crest Shield tree
RS: Morne's Ring - drop from bridge to Halfway FortressDropping down before the bridge leading up to Halfway Fortress from Road of Sacrifices, guarded by the maggot belly dog
RS: Ring of Sacrifice - stronghold, drop from right room balconyDrop down from the platform behind the sorcerer in the building before Crystal Sage, entering from the stairs leading up from the crab area
RS: Sage Ring - water beneath strongholdIn an alcove under the building before Crystal Sage, guarded by a Lycanthrope, accessible from the swamp or from dropping down
RS: Sellsword Armor - keep perimeter balconyIn the Farron Keep Perimeter building on Crucifixion Woods side, on the balcony on the right side overlooking the Black Knight
RS: Sellsword Gauntlet - keep perimeter balconyIn the Farron Keep Perimeter building on Crucifixion Woods side, on the balcony on the right side overlooking the Black Knight
RS: Sellsword Helm - keep perimeter balconyIn the Farron Keep Perimeter building on Crucifixion Woods side, on the balcony on the right side overlooking the Black Knight
RS: Sellsword Trousers - keep perimeter balconyIn the Farron Keep Perimeter building on Crucifixion Woods side, on the balcony on the right side overlooking the Black Knight
RS: Sellsword Twinblades - keep perimeterIn the Farron Keep Perimeter building on Crucifixion Woods side, behind and to the right of the Black Knight
RS: Shriving Stone - road, by startDropping down to the left of the first Corvian enemy in Road of Sacrifices
RS: Sorcerer Gloves - water beneath strongholdIn an alcove under the building before Crystal Sage, guarded by a Lycanthrope, accessible from the swamp or from dropping down
RS: Sorcerer Hood - water beneath strongholdIn an alcove under the building before Crystal Sage, guarded by a Lycanthrope, accessible from the swamp or from dropping down
RS: Sorcerer Robe - water beneath strongholdIn an alcove under the building before Crystal Sage, guarded by a Lycanthrope, accessible from the swamp or from dropping down
RS: Sorcerer Trousers - water beneath strongholdIn an alcove under the building before Crystal Sage, guarded by a Lycanthrope, accessible from the swamp or from dropping down
RS: Soul of a Crystal SageDropped by Crystal Sage
RS: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - drop along wall from Halfway FortressFrom Halfway Fortress, hug the right wall and drop down twice on the way to the crab area
RS: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - right of door to stronghold leftOut in the open to the right of the building before Crystal Sage, as entered from Crucifixion Woods bonfire
RS: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - road, by wagonTo the right of the overturned wagon descending from the Road of Sacrifices bonfire
RS: Titanite Shard - road, on bridge after you go underCrossing the bridge you go under after the first Road of Sacrifices bonfire, after a sleeping Corvian and another Corvian guarding the pickup
RS: Titanite Shard - water by Halfway FortressDropping down into the Crucifixion Woods crab area right after Halfway Fortress, on the left wall heading toward the Black Knight building, guarded by dog
RS: Titanite Shard - woods, left of path from Halfway FortressHugging the left wall from Halfway Fortress to Crystal Sage, behind you after the first dropdown
RS: Titanite Shard - woods, surrounded by enemiesHugging the left wall from Halfway Fortress to the Crystal Sage bonfire, after a dropdown surrounded by seven Poisonhorn bugs
RS: Twin Dragon Greatshield - woods by Crucifixion Woods bonfireIn the middle of the area with the Poisonhorn bugs and Lycanthrope Hunters, following the wall where the bugs guard a Titanite Shard
RS: Xanthous Crown - Heysel dropDropped by Heysel when she invades in Road of Sacrifices
SL: Black Iron Greatshield - ruins basement, NPC dropDropped by Knight Slayer Tsorig in Smouldering Lake
SL: Black Knight Sword - ruins main lower, illusory wall in far hallOn the far exit of the Demon Ruins main hall, past an illusory wall, guarded by a Black Knight
SL: Bloodbite Ring+1 - behind ballistaBehind the ballista, overlooking Smouldering Lake
SL: Chaos Gem - antechamber, lizard at end of long hallDropped by the Crystal Lizard found from the Antechamber bonfire, toward the Demon Cleric and to the right, then all the way down
SL: Chaos Gem - lake, far end by mobIn Smouldering Lake along the wall underneath the ballista, all the way to the left past two crabs
SL: Dragonrider Bow - by ladder from ruins basement to ballistaAfter climbing up the ladder after the Black Knight in Demon Ruins, falling back down to a ledge
SL: Ember - ruins basement, in lavaIn the lava pit under the Black Knight, by Knight Slayer Tsorig
SL: Ember - ruins main lower, path to antechamberGoing down the stairs from the Antechamber bonfire, to the right, at the end of the short hallway to the next right
SL: Ember - ruins main upper, hall end by holeIn the Demon Ruins, hugging the right wall from the Demon Ruins bonfire, or making a jump from the illusory hall corridor from Antechamber bonfire
SL: Ember - ruins main upper, just after entranceBehind the first Demon Cleric from the Demon Ruins bonfire
SL: Estus Shard - antechamber, illusory wallBehind an illusory wall and Smouldering Writhing Flesh-filled corridor from Antechamber bonfire
SL: Flame Stoneplate Ring+2 - ruins main lower, illusory wall in far hallOn the far exit of the Demon Ruins main hall, past an illusory wall, past the Black Knight, hidden in a corner
SL: Fume Ultra Greatsword - ruins basement, NPC dropDropped by Knight Slayer Tsorig in Smouldering Lake
SL: Homeward Bone - path to ballistaIn the area targeted by the ballista after the long ladder guarded by the Black Knight, before the Bonewheel Skeletons
SL: Izalith Pyromancy Tome - antechamber, room near bonfireIn the room straight down from the Antechamber bonfire, past a Demon Cleric, surrounded by many Ghrus.
SL: Izalith Staff - ruins basement, second illusory wall behind chestPast an illusory wall to the left of the Large Hound Rat in Demon Ruins, and then past another illusory wall, before the basilisk area
SL: Knight Slayer's Ring - ruins basement, NPC dropDropped by Knight Slayer Tsorig after invading in the Catacombs
SL: Large Titanite Shard - lake, by entranceIn the middle of Smouldering Lake, close to the Abandoned Tomb
SL: Large Titanite Shard - lake, by minibossIn the middle of Smouldering Lake, under the Carthus Sandworm
SL: Large Titanite Shard - lake, by tree #1In the middle of Smouldering Lake, by a tree before the hallway to the pit
SL: Large Titanite Shard - lake, by tree #2In the middle of Smouldering Lake, by a tree before the hallway to the pit
SL: Large Titanite Shard - lake, straight from entranceIn the middle of Smouldering Lake, in between Abandoned Tomb and Demon Ruins
SL: Large Titanite Shard - ledge by Demon Ruins bonfireOn a corpse hanging off the ledge outside the Demon Ruins bonfire
SL: Large Titanite Shard - ruins basement, illusory wall in upper hallIn a chest past an illusory wall to the left of the Large Hound Rat in Demon Ruins, before the basilisk area
SL: Large Titanite Shard - side lake #1In the Smouldering Lake pit where Horace can be found, following the right wall from Abandoned Tomb
SL: Large Titanite Shard - side lake #2In the Smouldering Lake pit where Horace can be found, following the right wall from Abandoned Tomb
SL: Lightning Stake - lake, miniboss dropDropped by the giant Carthus Sandworm
SL: Llewellyn Shield - Horace dropDropped by Horace the Hushed upon death or quest completion.
SL: Quelana Pyromancy Tome - ruins main lower, illusory wall in grey roomAt the far end of the Demon Ruins main hall to the right, where the rats are, then another right and past the illusory wall
SL: Sacred Flame - ruins basement, in lavaIn the lava pit under the Black Knight, by Knight Slayer Tsorig
SL: Shield of Want - lake, by minibossIn the middle of Smouldering Lake, under the Carthus Sandworm
SL: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - ruins basement, above lavaNext to the Black Knight in Demon Ruins
SL: Soul of the Old Demon KingDropped by Old Demon King in Smouldering Lake
SL: Speckled Stoneplate Ring - lake, ballista breaks bricksBehind a destructible wall in Smouldering Lake which the ballista has to destroy
SL: Titanite Chunk - path to side lake, lizardDropped by the second Crystal Lizard in the cave leading to the pit where Horace can be found in Smouldering Lake
SL: Titanite Scale - ruins basement, path to lavaIn the area with Basilisks on the way to the ballista
SL: Toxic Mist - ruins main lower, in lavaAt the far end of the Demon Ruins main hall to the right, where the rats are, then another right and past the illusory wall, in the middle of the lava pit.
SL: Twinkling Titanite - path to side lake, lizardDropped by the first Crystal Lizard in the cave leading to the pit where Horace can be found in Smouldering Lake
SL: Undead Bone Shard - lake, miniboss dropDropped by the giant Carthus Sandworm
SL: Undead Bone Shard - ruins main lower, left after stairsIn the close end of the Demon Ruins main hall, right below a Smouldering Writhing Flesh
SL: White Hair Talisman - ruins main lower, in lavaAt the far end of the Demon Ruins main hall to the right, where the rats are, then another right and past the illusory wall, at the far end of the lava pit.
SL: Yellow Bug Pellet - side lakeIn the Smouldering Lake pit where Horace can be found, following the right wall from Abandoned Tomb
UG: Ashen Estus Ring - swamp, path opposite bonfireIn the coffin similar to your initial spawn location, guarded by Corvians
UG: Black Knight Glaive - boss arenaIn the Champion Gundyr boss area
UG: Blacksmith Hammer - shrine, Andre's roomWhere Andre sits in Firelink Shrine
UG: Chaos Blade - environs, left of shrineWhere Sword Master is in Firelink Shrine
UG: Coiled Sword Fragment - shrine, dead bonfireIn the dead Firelink Shrine bonfire
UG: Ember - shopSold by Untended Graves Handmaid
UG: Eyes of a Fire Keeper - shrine, Irina's roomBehind an illusory wall, in the same location Irina sits in Firelink Shrine
UG: Hidden Blessing - cemetery, behind coffinBehind the coffin that had a Titanite Shard in Cemetery of Ash
UG: Hornet Ring - environs, right of main path after killing FK bossOn a cliffside to the right of the main path leading up to dark Firelink Shrine, after Abyss Watchers is defeated.
UG: Life Ring+3 - shrine, behind big throneBehind Prince Lothric's throne
UG: Priestess Ring - shopSold or dropped by Untended Graves Handmaid. Killing her is not recommended
UG: Ring of Steel Protection+1 - environs, behind bell towerBehind Bell Tower to the right
UG: Shriving Stone - swamp, by bonfireAt the very start of the area
UG: Soul of Champion GundyrDropped by Champion Gundyr
UG: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - environs, above shrine entranceAbove the Firelink Shrine entrance, up the stairs/slope from either left or right of the entrance
UG: Soul of a Crestfallen Knight - swamp, centerClose to where Ashen Estus Flask was in Cemetery of Ash
UG: Titanite Chunk - swamp, left path by fountainIn a path to the left of where Ashen Estus Flask was in Cemetery of Ash
UG: Titanite Chunk - swamp, right path by fountainIn a path to the right of where Ashen Estus Flask was in Cemetery of Ash
UG: Wolf Knight Armor - shop after killing FK bossSold by Untended Graves Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
UG: Wolf Knight Gauntlets - shop after killing FK bossSold by Untended Graves Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
UG: Wolf Knight Helm - shop after killing FK bossSold by Untended Graves Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
UG: Wolf Knight Leggings - shop after killing FK bossSold by Untended Graves Handmaid after defeating Abyss Watchers
US: Alluring Skull - foot, behind carriageGuarded by two dogs after the Foot of the High Wall bonfire
US: Alluring Skull - on the way to tower, behind buildingAfter the ravine bridge leading to Eygon and the Giant's tower, wrapping around the building to the right.
US: Alluring Skull - tower village building, upstairsUp the stairs of the building with Cage Spiders after the Fire Demon, before the dogs
US: Bloodbite Ring - miniboss in sewerDropped by the large rat in the sewers with grave access
US: Blue Wooden Shield - graveyard by white treeAfter Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, in the back of the Giant's arrow area. Guarded by a flamberge-wielding thrall.
US: Caduceus Round Shield - right after stable exitAfter exiting the building across the bridge to the right of the first Undead Settlement building, to the left
US: Caestus - sewerIn the tunnel with the Giant Hound Rat and Grave Key door, from the ravine bridge toward Dilapidated Bridge bonfire
US: Charcoal Pine Bundle - first building, bottom floorDown the stairs in the first building
US: Charcoal Pine Bundle - first building, middle floorOn the bottom floor of the first building
US: Charcoal Pine Resin - hanging corpse roomIn the building after the burning tree and Cathedral Evangelist, in the room with the many hanging corpses
US: Chloranthy Ring - tower village, jump from roofAt the end of the Fire Demon loop, in the tower where you have to drop down after the roof
US: Cleric Blue Robe - graveyard by white treeAfter Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, in the back of the Giant's arrow area. Guarded by a flamberge-wielding thrall.
US: Cleric Gloves - graveyard by white treeAfter Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, in the back of the Giant's arrow area. Guarded by a flamberge-wielding thrall.
US: Cleric Hat - graveyard by white treeAfter Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, in the back of the Giant's arrow area. Guarded by a flamberge-wielding thrall.
US: Cleric Trousers - graveyard by white treeAfter Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, in the back of the Giant's arrow area. Guarded by a flamberge-wielding thrall.
US: Cornyx's Garb - by Cornyx's cage after Cuculus questAppears next to Cornyx's cage after defeating Old Demon King with Cuculus surviving
US: Cornyx's Garb - kill CornyxDropped by Cornyx
US: Cornyx's Skirt - by Cornyx's cage after Cuculus questAppears next to Cornyx's cage after defeating Old Demon King with Cuculus surviving
US: Cornyx's Skirt - kill CornyxDropped by Cornyx
US: Cornyx's Wrap - by Cornyx's cage after Cuculus questAppears next to Cornyx's cage after defeating Old Demon King with Cuculus surviving
US: Cornyx's Wrap - kill CornyxDropped by Cornyx
US: Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2 - tower village, drop down from roofAt the back of a roof near the end of the Fire Demon loop, dropping down past where Flynn's Ring is
US: Ember - behind burning treeBehind the burning tree with the Cathedral Evangelist
US: Ember - bridge on the way to towerOn the ravine bridge leading toward Eygon and the Giant's tower
US: Ember - by stairs to bossNext to the stairs leading up to Curse-Rotted Greatwood fight, near a tree guarded by a dog
US: Ember - by white treeNear the Birch Tree where giant shoots arrows
US: Ember - tower basement, minibossIn the room with the Outrider Knight
US: Estus Shard - under burning treeIn front of the burning tree guarded by the Cathedral Evangelist
US: Fading Soul - by white treeNear the Birch Tree where giant shoots arrows
US: Fading Soul - outside stableIn the thrall area to the right of the bridge to the right of the burning tree with the Cathedral Evangelist
US: Fire Clutch Ring - wooden walkway past stableFrom the area bombarded by firebombs above the Cliff Underside bonfire
US: Fire Gem - tower village, miniboss dropDropped by the Fire Demon you fight with Siegward
US: Firebomb - stable roofIn the thrall area across the bridge from the first Undead Settlement building, on a rooftop overlooking the Cliff Underside area.
US: Flame Stoneplate Ring - hanging corpse by Mound-Maker transportOn a hanging corpse in the area with the Pit of Hollows cage manservant, after the thrall area, overlooking the entrance to the Giant's tower.
US: Flynn's Ring - tower village, rooftopOn the roof toward the end of the Fire Demon loop, past the Cathedral Evangelists
US: Great Scythe - building by white tree, balconyOn the balcony of the building before Curse-Rotted Greatwood, coming from Dilapidated Bridge bonfire
US: Hand Axe - by CornyxNext to Cornyx's cell
US: Hawk Ring - Giant ArcherDropped by Giant, either by killing him or collecting all of the birch tree items locations in the base game.
US: Heavy Gem - HawkwoodGiven or dropped by Hawkwood after defeating Curse-Rotted Greatwood or Crystal Sage
US: Heavy Gem - chasm, lizardDrop by Crystal Lizard in ravine accessible by Grave Key or dropping down near Eygon.
US: Homeward Bone - foot, drop overlookUnder Foot of the High Wall bonfire, around where Yoel can be first met
US: Homeward Bone - stable roofIn the thrall area across the bridge from the first Undead Settlement building, on a roof overlooking the ravine bridge.
US: Homeward Bone - tower village, jump from roofAt the end of the loop from the Siegward Demon fight, after dropping down from the roof onto the tower with Chloranthy Ring, to the right of the tower entrance
US: Homeward Bone - tower village, right at startUnder Foot of the High Wall bonfire, around where Yoel can be first met
US: Human Pine Resin - tower village building, chest upstairsIn a chest after Fire Demon. Cage Spiders activate open opening it.
US: Irithyll Straight Sword - miniboss drop, by Road of SacrificesDropped by the Boreal Outright Knight before Road of Sacrifices
US: Kukri - hanging corpse above burning treeHanging corpse high above the burning tree with the Cathedral Evangelist. Must be shot down with an arrow or projective.
US: Large Club - tower village, by minibossIn the Fire Demon area
US: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - across from Foot of the High WallOn the opposite tower from the Foot of the High Wall bonfire
US: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - around corner by Cliff UndersideAfter going up the stairs from Curse-Rotted Greatwood to Cliff Underside area, on a cliff edge to the right
US: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - by white treeNear the Birch Tree where giant shoots arrows
US: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - hanging corpse room, over stairsOn a hanging corpse in the building after the burning tree. Can be knocked down by dropping onto the stairs through the broken railing.
US: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - on the way to tower, by wellAfter the ravine bridge leading toward Eygon and the Giant's tower, next to the well to the right
US: Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse - stableIn the building with stables across the bridge and to the right from the first Undead Settlement building
US: Life Ring+1 - tower on the way to villageOn the wooden rafters near where Siegward is waiting for Fire Demon
US: Loincloth - by Velka statueNext to the Velka statue. Requires Grave Key or dropping down near Eygon and backtracking through the skeleton area.
US: Loretta's Bone - first building, hanging corpse on balconyOn a hanging corpse after the first building, can be knocked down by rolling into it
US: Mirrah Gloves - tower village, jump from roofAt the end of the Fire Demon loop, in the tower where you have to drop down after the roof
US: Mirrah Trousers - tower village, jump from roofAt the end of the Fire Demon loop, in the tower where you have to drop down after the roof
US: Mirrah Vest - tower village, jump from roofAt the end of the Fire Demon loop, in the tower where you have to drop down after the roof
US: Mortician's Ashes - graveyard by white treeIn the area past the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, where the Giant is shooting arrows, at the close end of the graveyard
US: Mound-makers - HodrickGiven by Hodrick if accessing the Pit of Hollows before fighting Curse-Rotted Greatwood, or dropped after invading him with Sirris.
US: Northern Armor - tower village, hanging corpseHanging corpse in the Fire Demon fight area, can be knocked down by rolling into it
US: Northern Gloves - tower village, hanging corpseHanging corpse in the Fire Demon fight area, can be knocked down by rolling into it
US: Northern Helm - tower village, hanging corpseHanging corpse in the Fire Demon fight area, can be knocked down by rolling into it
US: Northern Trousers - tower village, hanging corpseHanging corpse in the Fire Demon fight area, can be knocked down by rolling into it
US: Old Sage's Blindfold - kill CornyxDropped by Cornyx
US: Pale Tongue - tower village, hanging corpseHanging corpse in the Fire Demon fight area, can be knocked down by rolling into it
US: Partizan - hanging corpse above Cliff UndersideOn a hanging corpse on the path from Cliff Underside to Cornyx's cage. Must be shot down with an arrow or projective.
US: Plank Shield - outside stable, by NPCIn the thrall area across the bridge from the first Undead Settlement building, on a cliff edge overlooking the ravine bridge.
US: Poisonbite Ring+1 - graveyard by white tree, near wellBehind the well in the back of area where the Giant shoots arrows, nearby where the flamberge-wielding thrall drops down.
US: Pyromancy Flame - CornyxGiven by Cornyx in Firelink Shrine or dropped.
US: Red Bug Pellet - tower village building, basementOn the floor of the building after the Fire Demon encounter
US: Red Hilted Halberd - chasm cryptIn the skeleton area accessible from Grave Key or dropping down from near Eygon
US: Red and White Shield - chasm, hanging corpseOn a hanging corpse in the ravine accessible with the Grave Key or dropping down near Eygon, to the entrance of Irina's prison. Must be shot down with an arrow or projective.
US: Reinforced Club - by white treeNear the Birch Tree where giant shoots arrows
US: Repair Powder - first building, balconyOn the balcony of the first Undead Settlement building
US: Rusted Coin - awning above Dilapidated BridgeOn a wooden ledge near the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire. Must be jumped to from near Cathedral Evangelist enemy
US: Saint's Talisman - chasm, by ladderFrom the ravine accessible via Grave Key or dropping near Eygon, before ladder leading up to Irina of Carim
US: Sharp Gem - lizard by Dilapidated BridgeDrop by Crystal Lizard near Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
US: Siegbräu - SiegwardGiven by Siegward after helping him defeat the Fire Demon.
US: Small Leather Shield - first building, hanging corpse by entranceHanging corpse in the first building, to the right of the entrance
US: Soul of a Nameless Soldier - top of towerAt the top of the tower where Giant shoots arrows
US: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - back alley, past cratesAfter exiting the building after the burning tree on the way to the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire. Hidden behind some crates between two buildings on the right.
US: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - chasm cryptIn the skeleton area accessible Grave Key or dropping down from near Eygon
US: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - pillory past stableIn the area bombarded by firebombs above the Cliff Underside bonfire
US: Soul of an Unknown Traveler - portcullis by burning treeBehind a grate to the left of the burning tree and Cathedral Evangelist
US: Soul of the Rotted GreatwoodDropped by Curse Rotted Greatwood
US: Spotted Whip - by Cornyx's cage after Cuculus questAppears next to Cornyx's cage after defeating Old Demon King with Cuculus surviving
US: Sunset Armor - pit of hollows after killing Hodrick w/SirrisFound in Pit of Hollows after completing Sirris' questline.
US: Sunset Gauntlets - pit of hollows after killing Hodrick w/SirrisFound in Pit of Hollows after completing Sirris' questline.
US: Sunset Helm - Pit of Hollows after killing Hodrick w/SirrisFound in Pit of Hollows after completing Sirris' questline.
US: Sunset Leggings - pit of hollows after killing Hodrick w/SirrisFound in Pit of Hollows after completing Sirris' questline.
US: Titanite Shard - back alley, side pathOn a side path to the right of the Cathedral Evangelist before the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire
US: Titanite Shard - back alley, up ladderNext to the Cathedral Evangelist close to the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire
US: Titanite Shard - chasm #1In the ravine accessible from Grave Key or dropping down from near Eygon
US: Titanite Shard - chasm #2In the ravine accessible from Grave Key or dropping down from near Eygon
US: Titanite Shard - lower path to Cliff UndersideAt the end of the cliffside path next to Cliff Underside bonfire, guarded by a Hollow Peasant wielding a four-pronged plow.
US: Titanite Shard - porch after burning treeIn front of the building after the burning tree and Cathedral Evangelist
US: Tower Key - kill IrinaDropped by Irina of Carim
US: Transposing Kiln - boss dropDropped by Curse Rotted Greatwood
US: Undead Bone Shard - by white treeIn the area past the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, where the Giant is shooting arrows, jumping to the floating platform on the right
US: Wargod Wooden Shield - Pit of HollowsIn the Pit of Hollows
US: Warrior of Sunlight - hanging corpse room, drop through holeDropping through a hole in the floor in the first building after the burning tree.
US: Whip - back alley, behind wooden wallIn one of the houses between building after the burning tree and the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire
US: Young White Branch - by white tree #1Near the Birch Tree where giant shoots arrows
US: Young White Branch - by white tree #2Near the Birch Tree where giant shoots arrows