190 lines
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190 lines
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from typing import Dict
from Options import Toggle, Option, Range, Choice, DeathLink, ItemSet, OptionSet, PerGameCommonOptions
from dataclasses import dataclass
from .MuseDashCollection import MuseDashCollections
class AllowJustAsPlannedDLCSongs(Toggle):
"""Whether [Muse Plus] DLC Songs, and all the albums included in it, can be chosen as randomised songs.
Note: The [Just As Planned] DLC contains all [Muse Plus] songs."""
display_name = "Allow [Muse Plus] DLC Songs"
class DLCMusicPacks(OptionSet):
"""Which non-[Muse Plus] DLC packs can be chosen as randomised songs."""
display_name = "DLC Packs"
default = {}
valid_keys = [dlc for dlc in MuseDashCollections.DLC]
class StreamerModeEnabled(Toggle):
"""In Muse Dash, an option named 'Streamer Mode' removes songs which may trigger copyright issues when streaming.
If this is enabled, only songs available under Streamer Mode will be available for randomization."""
display_name = "Streamer Mode Only Songs"
class StartingSongs(Range):
"""The number of songs that will be automatically unlocked at the start of a run."""
range_start = 3
range_end = 10
default = 5
display_name = "Starting Song Count"
class AdditionalSongs(Range):
"""The total number of songs that will be placed in the randomization pool.
- This does not count any starting songs or the goal song.
- The final song count may be lower due to other settings.
range_start = 15
range_end = 500 # Note will probably not reach this high if any other settings are done.
default = 40
display_name = "Additional Song Count"
class DifficultyMode(Choice):
"""Ensures that at any chosen song has at least 1 value falling within these values.
- Any: All songs are available
- Easy: 1, 2 or 3
- Medium: 4, 5
- Hard: 6, 7
- Expert: 8, 9
- Master: 10+
- Manual: Uses the provided minimum and maximum range.
display_name = "Song Difficulty"
option_Any = 0
option_Easy = 1
option_Medium = 2
option_Hard = 3
option_Expert = 4
option_Master = 5
option_Manual = 6
default = 0
# Todo: Investigate options to make this non randomizable
class DifficultyModeOverrideMin(Range):
"""Ensures that 1 difficulty has at least 1 this value or higher per song.
- Difficulty Mode must be set to Manual."""
display_name = "Manual Difficulty Min"
range_start = 1
range_end = 11
default = 4
# Todo: Investigate options to make this non randomizable
class DifficultyModeOverrideMax(Range):
"""Ensures that 1 difficulty has at least 1 this value or lower per song.
- Difficulty Mode must be set to Manual."""
display_name = "Manual Difficulty Max"
range_start = 1
range_end = 11
default = 8
class GradeNeeded(Choice):
"""Completing a song will require a grade of this value or higher in order to unlock items.
The grades are as follows:
- Silver S (SS): >= 95% accuracy
- Pink S (S): >= 90% accuracy
- A: >= 80% or a Full Combo
- B: >= 70%
- C: >= 60%
display_name = "Grade Needed"
option_Any = 0
option_C = 1
option_B = 2
option_A = 3
option_PinkS = 4
option_SilverS = 5
default = 0
class AdditionalItemPercentage(Range):
"""The percentage of songs that will have 2 items instead of 1 when completing them.
- Starting Songs will always have 2 items.
- Locations will be filled with duplicate songs if there are not enough items.
display_name = "Additional Item %"
range_start = 50
default = 80
range_end = 100
class MusicSheetCountPercentage(Range):
"""Collecting enough Music Sheets will unlock the goal song needed for completion.
This option controls how many are in the item pool, based on the total number of songs."""
range_start = 10
range_end = 40
default = 20
display_name = "Music Sheet Percentage"
class MusicSheetWinCountPercentage(Range):
"""The percentage of Music Sheets in the item pool that are needed to unlock the winning song."""
range_start = 50
range_end = 100
default = 80
display_name = "Music Sheets Needed to Win"
class TrapTypes(Choice):
"""This controls the types of traps that can be added to the pool.
- VFX Traps consist of visual effects that play over the song. (i.e. Grayscale.)
- SFX Traps consist of changing your sfx setting to one possibly more annoying sfx.
Traps last the length of a song, or until you die.
Note: SFX traps are only available if [Just as Planned] DLC songs are enabled.
display_name = "Available Trap Types"
option_None = 0
option_VFX = 1
option_SFX = 2
option_All = 3
default = 3
class TrapCountPercentage(Range):
"""This controls how many traps to add into the pool, based the total number of songs."""
range_start = 0
range_end = 35
default = 15
display_name = "Trap Percentage"
class IncludeSongs(ItemSet):
"""Any song listed here will be guaranteed to be included as part of the seed.
- Difficulty options will be skipped for these songs.
- If there being too many included songs, songs will be randomly chosen without regard for difficulty.
- If you want these songs immediately, use start_inventory instead.
verify_item_name = True
display_name = "Include Songs"
class ExcludeSongs(ItemSet):
"""Any song listed here will be excluded from being a part of the seed."""
verify_item_name = True
display_name = "Exclude Songs"
class MuseDashOptions(PerGameCommonOptions):
allow_just_as_planned_dlc_songs: AllowJustAsPlannedDLCSongs
dlc_packs: DLCMusicPacks
streamer_mode_enabled: StreamerModeEnabled
starting_song_count: StartingSongs
additional_song_count: AdditionalSongs
additional_item_percentage: AdditionalItemPercentage
song_difficulty_mode: DifficultyMode
song_difficulty_min: DifficultyModeOverrideMin
song_difficulty_max: DifficultyModeOverrideMax
grade_needed: GradeNeeded
music_sheet_count_percentage: MusicSheetCountPercentage
music_sheet_win_count_percentage: MusicSheetWinCountPercentage
available_trap_types: TrapTypes
trap_count_percentage: TrapCountPercentage
death_link: DeathLink
include_songs: IncludeSongs
exclude_songs: ExcludeSongs