393 lines
19 KiB
393 lines
19 KiB
import copy, random, sys, logging, os
from enum import Enum, unique
from ..utils import log
from ..utils.parameters import infinity
from ..rando.ItemLocContainer import getLocListStr, getItemListStr, getItemLocStr, ItemLocation
from ..logic.helpers import Bosses
# used to specify whether we want to come back from locations
class ComebackCheckType(Enum):
Undefined = 0
# do not check whether we should come back
NoCheck = 1
# come back with the placed item
JustComeback = 2
# come back without the placed item
ComebackWithoutItem = 3
# collection of stateless services to be used mainly by fillers
class RandoServices(object):
def __init__(self, graph, restrictions, cache=None):
self.restrictions = restrictions
self.settings = restrictions.settings
self.areaGraph = graph
self.cache = cache
self.log = log.get('RandoServices')
# collect an item/loc with logic in a container from a given AP
# return new AP
def collect(self, ap, container, itemLoc, pickup=True):
if pickup == True:
# walk the graph to update AP
if self.cache:
self.currentLocations(ap, container)
container.collect(itemLoc, pickup=pickup)
self.log.debug("COLLECT "+itemLoc.Item.Type+" at "+itemLoc.Location.Name)
return itemLoc.Location.accessPoint if pickup == True else ap
# gives all the possible theoretical locations for a given item
def possibleLocations(self, item, ap, emptyContainer, bossesKilled=True):
assert len(emptyContainer.currentItems) == 0, "Invalid call to possibleLocations. emptyContainer had collected items"
self.log.debug('possibleLocations. item='+item.Type)
if bossesKilled:
itemLambda = lambda it: it.Type != item.Type
itemLambda = lambda it: it.Type != item.Type and it.Category != 'Boss'
allBut = emptyContainer.getItems(itemLambda)
self.log.debug('possibleLocations. allBut='+getItemListStr(allBut))
emptyContainer.sm.addItems([it.Type for it in allBut])
ret = [loc for loc in self.currentLocations(ap, emptyContainer, post=True) if self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(item, loc, emptyContainer)]
return ret
# gives current accessible locations within a container from an AP, given an optional item.
# post: checks post available?
# diff: max difficulty to use (None for max diff from settings)
def currentLocations(self, ap, container, item=None, post=False, diff=None):
if self.cache is not None:
request = self.cache.request('currentLocations', ap, container, None if item is None else item.Type, post, diff)
ret = self.cache.get(request)
if ret is not None:
return ret
sm = container.sm
if diff is None:
diff = self.settings.maxDiff
itemType = None
if item is not None:
itemType = item.Type
ret = sorted(self.getAvailLocs(container, ap, diff),
key=lambda loc: loc.Name)
if post is True:
ret = [loc for loc in ret if self.locPostAvailable(sm, loc, itemType)]
if item is not None:
if self.cache is not None:
self.cache.store(request, ret)
return ret
def locPostAvailable(self, sm, loc, item):
if loc.PostAvailable is None:
return True
result = sm.withItem(item, loc.PostAvailable) if item is not None else loc.PostAvailable(sm)
return result.bool == True and result.difficulty <= self.settings.maxDiff
def getAvailLocs(self, container, ap, diff):
sm = container.sm
locs = container.unusedLocations
return self.areaGraph.getAvailableLocations(locs, sm, diff, ap)
# gives current accessible APs within a container from an AP, given an optional item.
def currentAccessPoints(self, ap, container, item=None):
if self.cache is not None:
request = self.cache.request('currentAccessPoints', ap, container, None if item is None else item.Type)
ret = self.cache.get(request)
if ret is not None:
return ret
sm = container.sm
if item is not None:
itemType = item.Type
nodes = sorted(self.areaGraph.getAvailableAccessPoints(self.areaGraph.accessPoints[ap],
sm, self.settings.maxDiff),
key=lambda ap: ap.Name)
if item is not None:
if self.cache is not None:
self.cache.store(request, nodes)
return nodes
def isSoftlockPossible(self, container, ap, item, loc, comebackCheck):
sm = container.sm
# usually early game
if comebackCheck == ComebackCheckType.NoCheck:
return False
# some specific early/late game checks
if loc.Name == 'Bomb' or loc.Name == 'Mother Brain':
return False
# if the loc forces us to go to an area we can't come back from
comeBack = loc.accessPoint == ap or \
self.areaGraph.canAccess(sm, loc.accessPoint, ap, self.settings.maxDiff, item.Type if item is not None else None)
if not comeBack:
self.log.debug("KO come back from " + loc.accessPoint + " to " + ap + " when trying to place " + ("None" if item is None else item.Type) + " at " + loc.Name)
return True
# else:
# self.log.debug("OK come back from " + loc.accessPoint + " to " + ap + " when trying to place " + item.Type + " at " + loc.Name)
if item is not None and comebackCheck == ComebackCheckType.ComebackWithoutItem and self.isProgression(item, ap, container):
# we know that loc is avail and post avail with the item
# if it is not post avail without it, then the item prevents the
# possible softlock
if not self.locPostAvailable(sm, loc, None):
return True
# item allows us to come back from a softlock possible zone
comeBackWithout = self.areaGraph.canAccess(sm, loc.accessPoint,
if not comeBackWithout:
return True
return False
def fullComebackCheck(self, container, ap, item, loc, comebackCheck):
sm = container.sm
tmpItems = []
# draygon special case: there are two locations, and we can
# place one item, but we might need both the item and the boss
# dead to get out
if loc.SolveArea == "Draygon Boss" and Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Draygon').bool == False:
# temporary kill draygon
ret = self.locPostAvailable(sm, loc, item.Type if item is not None else None) and not self.isSoftlockPossible(container, ap, item, loc, comebackCheck)
for tmp in tmpItems:
return ret
def isProgression(self, item, ap, container):
sm = container.sm
# no need to test nothing items
if item.Category == 'Nothing':
return False
if self.cache is not None:
request = self.cache.request('isProgression', item.Type, ap, container)
ret = self.cache.get(request)
if ret is not None:
return ret
oldLocations = self.currentLocations(ap, container)
ret = any(self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(item, loc, container) for loc in oldLocations)
if ret == True:
newLocations = [loc for loc in self.currentLocations(ap, container, item) if loc not in oldLocations]
ret = len(newLocations) > 0 and any(self.restrictions.isItemLocMatching(item, loc) for loc in newLocations)
self.log.debug('isProgression. item=' + item.Type + ', newLocs=' + str([loc.Name for loc in newLocations]))
if ret == False and len(newLocations) > 0 and self.restrictions.split == 'Major':
# in major/minor split, still consider minor locs as
# progression if not all types are distributed
ret = not sm.haveItem('Missile').bool \
or not sm.haveItem('Super').bool \
or not sm.haveItem('PowerBomb').bool
if self.cache is not None:
self.cache.store(request, ret)
return ret
def getPlacementLocs(self, ap, container, comebackCheck, itemObj, locs):
return [loc for loc in locs if (itemObj is None or self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(itemObj, loc, container)) and self.fullComebackCheck(container, ap, itemObj, loc, comebackCheck)]
def processEarlyMorph(self, ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs):
morph = container.getNextItemInPool('Morph')
if morph is not None:
self.log.debug("processEarlyMorph. morph not placed yet")
morphLocItem = next((item for item in itemLocDict if item.Type == morph.Type), None)
if morphLocItem is not None:
morphLocs = itemLocDict[morphLocItem]
itemLocDict[morphLocItem] = morphLocs
elif len(curLocs) >= 2:
self.log.debug("processEarlyMorph. early morph placement check")
# we have to place morph early, it's still not placed, and not detected as placeable
# let's see if we can place it anyway in the context of a combo
morphLocs = self.getPlacementLocs(ap, container, comebackCheck, morph, curLocs)
if len(morphLocs) > 0:
# copy our context to do some destructive checks
containerCpy = copy.copy(container)
# choose a morph item location in that context
morphItemLoc = ItemLocation(
# acquire morph in new context and see if we can still open new locs
newAP = self.collect(ap, containerCpy, morphItemLoc)
(ild, poss) = self.getPossiblePlacements(newAP, containerCpy, comebackCheck)
if poss:
# it's possible, only offer morph as possibility
itemLocDict[morph] = morphLocs
def processLateMorph(self, container, itemLocDict):
morphLocItem = next((item for item in itemLocDict if item.Type == 'Morph'), None)
if morphLocItem is None or len(itemLocDict) == 1:
# no morph, or it is the only possibility: nothing to do
morphLocs = self.restrictions.lateMorphCheck(container, itemLocDict[morphLocItem])
if morphLocs is not None:
itemLocDict[morphLocItem] = morphLocs
del itemLocDict[morphLocItem]
def processNoComeback(self, ap, container, itemLocDict):
comebackDict = {}
for item,locList in itemLocDict.items():
comebackLocs = [loc for loc in locList if self.fullComebackCheck(container, ap, item, loc, ComebackCheckType.JustComeback)]
if len(comebackLocs) > 0:
comebackDict[item] = comebackLocs
if len(comebackDict) > 0:
def processPlacementRestrictions(self, ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs):
if self.restrictions.isEarlyMorph():
self.processEarlyMorph(ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs)
elif self.restrictions.isLateMorph():
self.processLateMorph(container, itemLocDict)
if comebackCheck == ComebackCheckType.NoCheck:
self.processNoComeback(ap, container, itemLocDict)
# main logic function to be used by fillers. gives possible locations for each item.
# ap: AP to check from
# container: our item/loc container
# comebackCheck: how to check for comebacks (cf ComebackCheckType)
# return a dictionary with Item instances as keys and locations lists as values
def getPossiblePlacements(self, ap, container, comebackCheck):
curLocs = self.currentLocations(ap, container)
self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. nCurLocs='+str(len(curLocs)))
self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. curLocs='+getLocListStr(curLocs))
self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. comebackCheck='+str(comebackCheck))
sm = container.sm
poolDict = container.getPoolDict()
itemLocDict = {}
possibleProg = False
nonProgList = None
def getLocList(itemObj):
nonlocal curLocs
return self.getPlacementLocs(ap, container, comebackCheck, itemObj, curLocs)
def getNonProgLocList():
nonlocal nonProgList
if nonProgList is None:
nonProgList = [loc for loc in self.currentLocations(ap, container) if self.fullComebackCheck(container, ap, None, loc, comebackCheck)]
self.log.debug("nonProgLocList="+str([loc.Name for loc in nonProgList]))
return [loc for loc in nonProgList if self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(itemObj, loc, container)]
for itemType,items in sorted(poolDict.items()):
itemObj = items[0]
cont = True
prog = False
if self.isProgression(itemObj, ap, container):
cont = False
prog = True
elif not possibleProg:
cont = False
if cont: # ignore non prog items if a prog item has already been found
# check possible locations for this item type
# self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. itemType=' + itemType + ', curLocs='+str([loc.Name for loc in curLocs]))
locations = getLocList(itemObj) if prog else getNonProgLocList()
if len(locations) == 0:
if prog and not possibleProg:
possibleProg = True
itemLocDict = {} # forget all the crap ones we stored just in case
# self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. itemType=' + itemType + ', locs='+str([loc.Name for loc in locations]))
for item in items:
itemLocDict[item] = locations
self.processPlacementRestrictions(ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs)
return (itemLocDict, possibleProg)
def printItemLocDict(self, itemLocDict):
if self.log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
debugDict = {}
for item, locList in itemLocDict.items():
if item.Type not in debugDict:
debugDict[item.Type] = [loc.Name for loc in locList]
# same as getPossiblePlacements, without any logic check
def getPossiblePlacementsNoLogic(self, container):
poolDict = container.getPoolDict()
itemLocDict = {}
def getLocList(itemObj, baseList):
return [loc for loc in baseList if self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(itemObj, loc, container)]
for itemType,items in sorted(poolDict.items()):
itemObj = items[0]
locList = getLocList(itemObj, container.unusedLocations)
for item in items:
itemLocDict[item] = locList
return (itemLocDict, False)
# check if bosses are blocking the last remaining locations.
# accurate most of the time, still a heuristic
def onlyBossesLeft(self, ap, container):
if self.settings.maxDiff == infinity:
return False
self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft, diff=' + str(self.settings.maxDiff) + ", ap="+ap)
sm = container.sm
bossesLeft = container.getAllItemsInPoolFromCategory('Boss')
if len(bossesLeft) == 0:
return False
def getLocList():
curLocs = self.currentLocations(ap, container)
self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft, curLocs=' + getLocListStr(curLocs))
return self.getPlacementLocs(ap, container, ComebackCheckType.JustComeback, None, curLocs)
prevLocs = getLocList()
self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft. prevLocs="+getLocListStr(prevLocs))
# fake kill remaining bosses and see if we can access the rest of the game
if self.cache is not None:
for boss in bossesLeft:
self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft. kill '+boss.Name)
# get bosses locations and newly accessible locations (for bosses that open up locs)
newLocs = getLocList()
self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft. newLocs="+getLocListStr(newLocs))
locs = newLocs + container.getLocs(lambda loc: loc.isBoss() and not loc in newLocs)
self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft. locs="+getLocListStr(locs))
ret = (len(locs) > len(prevLocs) and len(locs) == len(container.unusedLocations))
# restore bosses killed state
for boss in bossesLeft:
self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft. revive '+boss.Name)
if self.cache is not None:
self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft? " +str(ret))
return ret
def canEndGame(self, container):
return not any(loc.Name == 'Mother Brain' for loc in container.unusedLocations)
def can100percent(self, ap, container):
if not self.canEndGame(container):
return False
curLocs = self.currentLocations(ap, container, post=True)
return len(curLocs) == len(container.unusedLocations)
def findStartupProgItemPair(self, ap, container):
(itemLocDict, isProg) = self.getPossiblePlacements(ap, container, ComebackCheckType.NoCheck)
assert not isProg
items = list(itemLocDict.keys())
for item in items:
cont = copy.copy(container)
loc = random.choice(itemLocDict[item])
itemLoc1 = ItemLocation(item, loc)
self.log.debug("itemLoc1 attempt: "+getItemLocStr(itemLoc1))
newAP = self.collect(ap, cont, itemLoc1)
if self.cache is not None:
(ild, isProg) = self.getPossiblePlacements(newAP, cont, ComebackCheckType.NoCheck)
if isProg:
item2 = random.choice(list(ild.keys()))
itemLoc2 = ItemLocation(item2, random.choice(ild[item2]))
self.log.debug("itemLoc2: "+getItemLocStr(itemLoc2))
return (itemLoc1, itemLoc2)
return None