2.1 KiB
Bumper Stickers
Where is the options page?
The player options page for Bumper Stickers contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do to this game?
Playing this in Archipelago is a very different experience from Classic mode. You start with a very small board and a set of tasks. Completing those tasks will give you a larger board and more, harder tasks. In addition, special types of bumpers exist that must be cleared in order to progress.
What is the goal of Bumper Stickers when randomized?
The goal is to complete all of the tasks for all five levels.
Which items can be in another player's world?
The main objects are:
- Treasure Bumpers, which are worth double points and send a check.
- Bonus Boosters, which permanently increase your score multiplier and send a check.
Some utilities are also available:
- Paint Cans allow you to change the color of any bumper. Receiving a Starting Paint Can will give you one to use immediately, plus start you with one more when a new board starts.
- Turners allow you to change the direction of any bumper. Receiving a Starting Turner will give you one to use immediately, plus start you with one more when a new board starts.
- Task Skips allow you to skip one step of any level task. Careful; these do not replenish!
There are also traps, if you want to enable them:
- Hazard Bumpers start popping up on Level 2. They cannot be cleared for five turns; after that, they remain immobile, but are colored and can be cleared, as well as painted.
- Rainbow Traps change the color of all bumpers on the field.
- Spinner Traps change the direction of all bumpers on the field.
- Killer Traps end your board immediately.
The rest of checks are either score bonuses, or simply nothing.
What is considered a location check in Bumper Stickers?
Every step of a task completed sends a check. Every Treasure Bumper and Bonus Booster will also send a check, whether or not it completes a task.
When the player receives an item, what happens?
A notification will briefly appear at the bottom of the screen informing you of what you have received.