1.9 KiB
Where is the options page?
The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do to this game?
The most noticeable change is the complete removal of freestanding technologies. The technology blueprints normally awarded from scanning those items have been shuffled into location checks throughout the AP item pool.
What is the goal of Subnautica when randomized?
There are four goals currently available. The Launch goal has you leave the planet. The Free goal has you cure the plague. Infected is achieved at maximum infection level. Drive asks you to repair the Aurora Drive Core.
What items and locations get shuffled?
Most of the technologies the player will need throughout the game will be shuffled. Location checks in Subnautica are data pads and technology lockers.
Optionally up to 50 Creatures to scan can be included as well, for each one added a random duplicate item is created.
As playing without Seaglide can be daunting, 2 of your Fragments of it can always be found in these locations: Grassy Plateaus South Wreck - Databox, Grassy Plateaus South Wreck - PDA, Grassy Plateaus West Wreck - Locker PDA, Grassy Plateaus West Wreck - Data Terminal, Safe Shallows Wreck - PDA, Kelp Forest Wreck - Databox, Kelp Forest Wreck - PDA, Lifepod 3 - Databox, Lifepod 3 - PDA, Lifepod 17 - PDA, Grassy Plateaus West Wreck - Beam PDA.
Which items can be in another player's world?
Most technologies may be shuffled into another player's world.
What does another world's item look like in Subnautica?
Location checks in Subnautica are data pads and technology lockers. Opening one of these will send an item to another player's world.
When the player receives a technology, what happens?
When the player receives a technology, the chat log displays a notification that the technology has been received.