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Berserker's Multiworld

A Multiworld implementation for the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Randomizer.
For setup and instructions there's a Wiki.
Downloads can be found at Releases, including compiled windows binaries.

Additions/Changes compared to Bonta's V31


  • Available in precompiled form and guided setup for Windows 64Bit on the Releases page
  • Compatible with Python 3.7 and 3.8. Forward Checks for Python 4.0 are done
  • Update modules if they are too old to prevent crashes and other possible issues.
  • Autoinstall missing modules
  • Allow newer versions of modules than specified, as they will usually not break compatibility
  • Uses "V32" MSU
  • Has support for binary patching to allow legal distribution of multiworld rom files
  • Various performance improvements (over 100% faster in most cases)
  • Various fixes
  • Overworld Glitches Logic
  • Newer Entrance Randomizer Logic, allowing more potential item and boss locations
  • New Goal: local triforce hunt - Keeps triforce pieces local to your world

  • Allows you to generate a Multiworld with individual player mystery weights. Since weights can also be set to 100%, this also allows for individual settings for each player in a regular multiworld. Basis is a .yaml file that sets these weights. You can find an easy.yaml in this project folder to get started
  • Additional instructions are at the start of the file. Open with a text editor
  • Configuration options can be found in the host.yaml file
  • Allows a new Mode called "Meta-Mystery", allowing certain mystery settings to apply to all players
    • For example, everyone gets the same but random goal

  • Supports automatic port-forwarding, can be enabled in host.yaml
  • Added commands /hint and !hint. See host.yaml for more information
  • Updates have been made to the following commands:
    • !players now displays the number of connected players, expected total player count, and which players are missing
    • forfeit now works when a player is no longer connected
    • /send, /hint, and various other commands now use "fuzzy text matching". It is no longer required to enter a location, player name or item name perfectly
  • Some item groups also exist, so /hint Bottles lists all bottle varieties

  • Defaults to generating a non-race ROM (Bonta's only makes race ROMs at this time). If a race ROM is desired, pass --create-race as argument to it
  • When an error is generated due to a broken .yaml file, it now mentions in the error trace which file, line, and character is the culprit
  • Option for progressive items, allowing you to turn them off (see easy.yaml for more information)
  • Option for "timer", allows you to configure a timer to display in game and/or options for timed one hit knock out
  • Option for "dungeon_counters", allowing you to configure the dungeon item counter
  • Option for "glitch_boots", allowing to run glitched modes without automatic boots
  • Supports new Meta-Mystery mode. Read meta.yaml for details.
  • Added dungeonssimple and dungeonsfull entrance randomizer modes
  • Option for local items, allowing certain items to appear in your world only and not in other players' worlds
  • Option for linked options
  • Added 'l' to dungeon_items to have a local-world keysanity

  • Has a Webbrowser based UI now
  • Awaits a QUsb2Snes connection when started, latching on when available
  • Completely redesigned command interface, with !help and /help
  • Running it with a patch file will patch out the multiworld rom and then automatically connect to the host that created the multiworld
  • Cheating is now controlled by the server and can be disabled in host.yaml
  • Automatically starts QUsb2Snes, if it isn't running
  • Better reconnect to both snes and server