47 lines
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47 lines
2.3 KiB
import random
import sys
import unittest
from .. import StardewOptions, options
from ..regions import stardew_valley_regions, mandatory_connections, randomize_connections, RandomizationFlag
connections_by_name = {connection.name for connection in mandatory_connections}
regions_by_name = {region.name for region in stardew_valley_regions}
class TestRegions(unittest.TestCase):
def test_region_exits_lead_somewhere(self):
for region in stardew_valley_regions:
with self.subTest(region=region):
for exit in region.exits:
assert exit in connections_by_name, f"{region.name} is leading to {exit} but it does not exist."
def test_connection_lead_somewhere(self):
for connection in mandatory_connections:
with self.subTest(connection=connection):
assert connection.destination in regions_by_name, \
f"{connection.name} is leading to {connection.destination} but it does not exist."
class TestEntranceRando(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pelican_town_entrance_randomization(self):
for option, flag in [(options.EntranceRandomization.option_pelican_town, RandomizationFlag.PELICAN_TOWN),
(options.EntranceRandomization.option_non_progression, RandomizationFlag.NON_PROGRESSION)]:
with self.subTest(option=option, flag=flag):
seed = random.randrange(sys.maxsize)
rand = random.Random(seed)
world_options = StardewOptions({options.EntranceRandomization.internal_name: option})
_, randomized_connections = randomize_connections(rand, world_options)
for connection in mandatory_connections:
if flag in connection.flag:
assert connection.name in randomized_connections, \
f"Connection {connection.name} should be randomized but it is not in the output. Seed = {seed}"
assert connection.reverse in randomized_connections, \
f"Connection {connection.reverse} should be randomized but it is not in the output. Seed = {seed}"
assert len(set(randomized_connections.values())) == len(
randomized_connections.values()), f"Connections are duplicated in randomization. Seed = {seed}"