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Where is the options page?
The player options page for Meritous contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do to this game?
The PSI Enhancement Tiles have become general-purpose Item Caches, and all upgrades and artifacts are added to the multiworld item pool. Optionally, the progression-critical PSI Keys can also be added to the pool, as well as monster evolution traps which (in vanilla) trigger when bosses are defeated.
What is the goal of Meritous when randomized?
At minimum, you will need to get the PSI Keys, defeat the three bosses, retrieve the Cursed Seal, and return it to the entrance. Depending on your selected goal, you may also have to defeat the final boss, or you may also need to explore every last room of the Atlas Dome and retrieve the Agate Knife before getting the Cursed Seal and defeating the final boss' true form.
Which items can be in another player's world?
Every item added to the multiworld pool (as outlined above) can be distributed to other players' worlds.
What is considered a location check in Meritous?
The Alpha, Beta, and Gamma item caches each have 24 checks to buy, increasing in cost each time. Reward chests obtained from clearing ambush rooms will contain up to 24 location checks, thereafter always awarding a cache of PSI Crystals. If enabled, PSI Key Pedestals will contain checks, which must be unlocked by eliminating a certain percentage of monsters. If enabled, defeating bosses will result in an automatic check.
Which notable items are not randomized?
The Cursed Seal and Agate Knife will always be in the farthest-away room from the Entrance and the final room explored, respectively.
What does another world's item look like in Meritous?
There is no visual representation of other players' items in Meritous. You will be buying checks from item caches and opening chests in ambush rooms blindly.
When the player receives an item, what happens?
A sound will play, and a notification will briefly appear on the lower half of the screen informing you of what you have received.