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Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Where is the options page?
The player options page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do in this game?
The goal of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk randomizer is to defeat all rival crews in each borough of New Amsterdam. REP is no longer earned from doing graffiti, and is instead earned by finding it randomly in the multiworld.
Items can be found by picking up any type of collectible, unlocking characters, taking pictures of Polo, and for every 5 graffiti spots tagged. The types of items that can be found are Music, Graffiti (M), Graffiti (L), Graffiti (XL), Skateboards, Inline Skates, BMX, Outfits, Characters, REP, and the Camera.
Several changes have been made to the game for a better experience as a randomizer:
- The prelude in the police station can be skipped.
- The map for each stage is always unlocked.
- The taxi is always unlocked, but you will still need to visit each stage's taxi stop before you can use them.
- No M, L, or XL graffiti is unlocked at the beginning.
- Optionally, graffiti can be depleted after a certain number of uses.
- All characters except Red are locked.
- One single REP count is used throughout the game, instead of having separate totals for each stage. REP requirements are the same as the original game, but added together in order. At least 960 REP is needed to finish the game.
The mod also adds two new apps to the phone, an "Encounter" app which lets you retry certain events early, and the "Archipelago" app which lets you view chat messages and change some options while playing.