Archipelago/worlds/dark_souls_3/docs/en_Dark Souls

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Dark Souls III

Where is the settings page?

The player settings page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.

What does randomization do to this game?

In Dark Souls III, all unique items you can earn from a static corpse, a chest or the death of a Boss/NPC are randomized. An option is available from the settings page to also randomize the upgrade materials, the Estus shards and the consumables. Another option is available to randomize the level of the generated weapons(from +0 to +10/+5)

To beat the game you need to collect the 4 "Cinders of a Lord" randomized in the multiworld and kill the final boss "Soul of Cinder"

What Dark Souls III items can appear in other players' worlds?

Every unique item from Dark Souls III can appear in other player's worlds, such as a piece of armor, an upgraded weapon, or a key item.

What does another world's item look like in Dark Souls III?

In Dark Souls III, items which need to be sent to other worlds appear as a Prism Stone.