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Dark Souls III Randomizer Setup Guide

Required Software

Optional Software

General Concept

The Dark Souls III AP Client is a dinput8.dll triggered when launching Dark Souls III. This .dll file will launch a command prompt where you can read information about your run and write any command to interact with the Archipelago server.

Installation Procedures

**This mod can ban you permanently from the FromSoftware servers if used online.** This client has only been tested with the Official Steam version of the game (v1.15/1.35) not matter which DLCs are installed.

Get the dinput8.dll from the Dark Souls III AP Client and add it at the root folder of your game (e.g. "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game")

Joining a MultiWorld Game

  1. Run DarkSoulsIII.exe or run the game through Steam
  2. Type in "/connect {SERVER_IP}:{SERVER_PORT} {SLOT_NAME}" in the "Windows Command Prompt" that opened
  3. Once connected, create a new game, choose a class and wait for the others before starting
  4. You can quit and launch at anytime during a game

Where do I get a config file?

The Player Settings page on the website allows you to configure your personal settings and export them into a config file