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Saving Princess Setup Guide

Installation Procedures

Automated Installation

These instructions have only been tested on Windows and Ubuntu.

Once everything is set up, it is recommended to continue launching the game through this method, as it will check for any updates to the mod and automatically apply them. This is also the method used by the Automatic Connection described further below.

  1. Purchase and download Saving Princess
  2. Download and install the latest Archipelago release
  3. Launch ArchipelagoLauncher and click on "Saving Princess Client"
    • You will probably need to scroll down on the Clients column to see it
  4. Follow the prompts
    • On Linux, you will need one of either Wine or 7z for the automated installation

When launching the game, Windows machines will simply run the executable. For any other OS, the launcher defaults to trying to run the game through Wine. You can change this by modifying the launch_command in options.yaml or host.yaml, under the saving_princess_settings section.

Manual Windows Installation

Required software:


  1. Extract all files from Saving Princess.exe, as if it were a .7z file
    • Feel free to rename Saving Princess.exe to Saving Princess.exe.7z if needed
    • If installed through the itch app, you can find the installation directory from the game's page, pressing the cog button, then "Manage" and finally "Open folder in explorer"
  2. Extract all files from into the same directory as the files extracted in the previous step
    • This should include, at least, saving_princess_basepatch.bsdiff4 and gm-apclientpp.dll
  3. If you don't have, copy and rename its copy to
    • By keeping an unmodified copy of, you will have an easier time updating in the future
  4. Apply the saving_princess_basepatch.bsdiff4 patch using your patching software
  5. To launch the game, run Saving Princess v0_8.exe

Manual Linux Installation

These instructions have only been tested on Ubuntu.

The game does run mostly well through Wine, so it is possible to play on Linux, although there are some minor sprite displacement and sound issues from time to time.

You can follow the instructions for Windows with very few changes:

  • Using the p7zip-full package to decompress the file.
7z e 'Saving Princess.exe'
  • And the bsdiff package for patching.
bspatch saving_princess_basepatch.bsdiff4

Configuring your YAML file

What is a YAML file and why do I need one?

See the guide on setting up a basic YAML at the Archipelago setup guide: Basic Multiworld Setup Guide.

Where do I get a YAML file?

You can customize your options by visiting the Saving Princess Player Options Page.

Verifying your YAML file

If you would like to validate your config file to make sure it works, you may do so on the YAML Validator page. YAML validator page: YAML Validation page.

Joining a MultiWorld Game

Automatic Connection on

  1. Go to the room page of the MultiWorld you are going to join.
  2. Click on your slot name on the left side.
  3. Click the "Saving Princess Client" button in the prompt.
    • This launches the same client described in the Automated Installation section.
  4. Upon reaching the title screen, a connection attempt will automatically be started.

Note that this updates your Saving Princess saved connection details, which are described in the Manual Connection section.

Manual Connection

After launching the game, enter the Archipelago options menu through the in-game button with the Archipelago icon. From here, enter the different menus and type in the following details in their respective fields:

  • server:port (e.g.
    • If hosting on the website, this detail will be shown in your created room.
  • slot name (e.g. Player)
    • This is your player name, which you chose along with your player options.
  • password (e.g. 123456)
    • If the room does not have a password, it can be left empty.

This configuration persists through launches and even updates.

With your settings filled, start a connection attempt by pressing on the title screen's "CONNECT!" button.

Once connected, the button will become one of either "NEW GAME" or "CONTINUE". The game automatically keeps a save file for each seed and slot combination, so you do not need to manually move or delete save files.

All that's left is pressing on the button again to start playing. If you are waiting for a countdown, press "NEW GAME" when the countdown finishes.

Gameplay Questions

Do I need to save the game before I stop playing?

It is safe to close the game at any point while playing, your progress will be kept.

What happens if I lose connection?

If a disconnection occurs, you will see the HUD connection indicator go grey. From here, the game will automatically try to reconnect. You can tell it succeeded if the indicator regains its color.

If the game is unable to reconnect, save and restart.

Although you can keep playing while disconnected, you won't get any items until you reconnect, not even items found in your own game. Once reconnected, however, all of your progress will sync up.

I got an item, but it did not say who sent it to me

Items sent to you by yourself do not list the sender.

Additionally, if you get an item while already having the max for that item (for example, you have 9 ammo and get sent a Clip Extension), no message will be shown at all.

I pressed the release/collect button, but nothing happened

It is likely that you do not have release or collect permissions, or that there is nothing to release or collect. Another option is that your connection was interrupted.

If you would still like to use release or collect, refer to this section of the server commands page.

You may use the in-game console to execute the commands, if your slot has permissions to do so.

I am trying to configure my controller, but the menu keeps closing itself

Steam Input will make your controller behave as a keyboard and mouse even while not playing any Steam games.

To fix this, simply close Steam while playing Saving Princess.

Another option is to disable Steam Input under Steam -> Settings -> Controller -> External Gamepad Settings