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Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Where is the settings page?
The player settings page for this game contains all the options you need to configure and export a config file.
What does randomization do to this game?
The randomizer shuffles emblems and upgrade items into the AP item pool. The story mode is disabled, but stage select is available from the start. Levels can be locked behind gates requiring a certain number of emblems and a boss fight to unlock. Cannons Core will be locked behind a percentage of all available emblems, and completing Cannons Core will unlock the Biolizard boss. Progress towards unlocking Cannons Core and the next stage gate will be displayed on the Stage Select screen.
What is the goal of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle when randomized?
The goal is to unlock and complete Cannons Core Mission 1, then complete the Biolizard boss fight.
What items and locations get shuffled?
All 30 story stages leading up to Cannons Core will be shuffled and can be optionally placed behind emblem requirement gates. Chao Garden emblems can optionally be added to the randomizer. All emblems from the selected mission range and all 28 character upgrade items get shuffled. At most 180 emblems will be added to the item pool, after which remaining items added will be random collectables (rings, shields, etc). Traps can also be optionally included.
Which items can be in another player's world?
Any shuffled item can be in other players' worlds.
What does another world's item look like in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Emblems have no visualization in the randomizer and items all retain their original appearance. You won't know if an item belongs to another player until you collect.
When the player receives an emblem or item, what happens?
When the player collects an emblem or item, text will appear on screen to indicate who the item was for and what the item was. When collecting items in a level, the orignal item collection text will display and will likely not be correct.
How can I get started?
To get started playing Sonic Adventure 2: Battle in Archipelago, go to the setup guide for this game