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Dark Souls III Randomizer Setup Guide
Required Software
Optional Software
- Dark Souls III Maptracker Pack, for use with Poptracker
General Concept
**This mod can ban you permanently from the FromSoftware servers if used online.** The Dark Souls III AP Client is a dinput8.dll triggered when launching Dark Souls III. This .dll file will launch a command prompt where you can read information about your run and write any command to interact with the Archipelago server.This client has only been tested with the Official Steam version of the game at version 1.15. It does not matter which DLCs are installed. However, you will have to downpatch your Dark Souls III installation from current patch.
Downpatching Dark Souls III
To downpatch DS3 for use with Archipelago, use the following instructions from the speedsouls wiki database.
- Launch Steam (in online mode).
- Press the Windows Key + R. This will open the Run window.
- Open the Steam console by typing the following string: steam://open/console , Steam should now open in Console Mode.
- Insert the string of the depot you wish to download. For the AP supported v1.15, you will want to use: download_depot 374320 374321 4471176929659548333.
- Steam will now download the depot. Note: There is no progress bar of the download in Steam, but it is still downloading in the background.
- Turn off auto-updates in Steam by right-clicking Dark Souls III in your library > Properties > Updates > set "Automatic Updates" to "Only update this game when I launch it" (or change the value for AutoUpdateBehavior to 1 in "\Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_374320.acf").
- Back up your existing game folder in "\Steam\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III".
- Return back to Steam console. Once the download is complete, it should say so along with the temporary local directory in which the depot has been stored. This is usually something like "\Steam\steamapps\content\app_XXXXXX\depot_XXXXXX". Back up this game folder as well.
- Delete your existing game folder in "\Steam\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III", then replace it with your game folder in "\Steam\steamapps\content\app_XXXXXX\depot_XXXXXX".
- Back up and delete your save file "DS30000.sl2" in AppData. AppData is hidden by default. To locate it, press Windows Key + R, type %appdata% and hit enter or: open File Explorer > View > Hidden Items and follow "C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII\numbers".
- If you did all these steps correctly, you should be able to confirm your game version in the upper left corner after launching Dark Souls III.
Installing the Archipelago mod
Get the dinput8.dll from the Dark Souls III AP Client and add it at the root folder of your game (e.g. "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game")
Joining a MultiWorld Game
- Run Steam in offline mode, both to avoid being banned and to prevent Steam from updating the game files
- Launch Dark Souls III
- Type in "/connect {SERVER_IP}:{SERVER_PORT} {SLOT_NAME}" in the "Windows Command Prompt" that opened
- Once connected, create a new game, choose a class and wait for the others before starting
- You can quit and launch at anytime during a game
Where do I get a config file?
The Player Options page on the website allows you to configure your personal options and export them into a config file.