
284 lines
8.8 KiB

from functools import lru_cache
from math import floor
from typing import List, Collection, FrozenSet, Tuple, Dict, Any, Set
from pkgutil import get_data
from random import random
def weighted_sample(world_random: random, population: List, weights: List[float], k: int):
positions = range(len(population))
indices = []
while True:
needed = k - len(indices)
if not needed:
for i in world_random.choices(positions, weights, k=needed):
if weights[i]:
weights[i] = 0.0
return [population[i] for i in indices]
def build_weighted_int_list(inputs: Collection[float], total: int) -> List[int]:
Converts a list of floats to a list of ints of a given length, using the Largest Remainder Method.
# Scale the inputs to sum to the desired total.
scale_factor: float = total / sum(inputs)
scaled_input = [x * scale_factor for x in inputs]
# Generate whole number counts, always rounding down.
rounded_output: List[int] = [floor(x) for x in scaled_input]
rounded_sum = sum(rounded_output)
# If the output's total is insufficient, increment the value that has the largest remainder until we meet our goal.
remainders: List[float] = [real - rounded for real, rounded in zip(scaled_input, rounded_output)]
while rounded_sum < total:
max_remainder = max(remainders)
if max_remainder == 0:
# Consume the remainder and increment the total for the given target.
max_remainder_index = remainders.index(max_remainder)
remainders[max_remainder_index] = 0
rounded_output[max_remainder_index] += 1
rounded_sum += 1
return rounded_output
def define_new_region(region_string: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Set[Tuple[str, FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]]]]]:
Returns a region object by parsing a line in the logic file
region_string = region_string[:-1]
line_split = region_string.split(" - ")
region_name_full = line_split.pop(0)
region_name_split = region_name_full.split(" (")
region_name = region_name_split[0]
region_name_simple = region_name_split[1][:-1]
options = set()
for _ in range(len(line_split) // 2):
connected_region = line_split.pop(0)
corresponding_lambda = line_split.pop(0)
(connected_region, parse_lambda(corresponding_lambda))
region_obj = {
"name": region_name,
"shortName": region_name_simple,
"panels": list()
return region_obj, options
def parse_lambda(lambda_string) -> FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]]:
Turns a lambda String literal like this: a | b & c
into a set of sets like this: {{a}, {b, c}}
The lambda has to be in DNF.
if lambda_string == "True":
return frozenset([frozenset()])
split_ands = set(lambda_string.split(" | "))
lambda_set = frozenset({frozenset(a.split(" & ")) for a in split_ands})
return lambda_set
class lazy(object):
def __init__(self, func, name=None):
self.func = func = name if name is not None else func.__name__
self.__doc__ = func.__doc__
def __get__(self, instance, class_):
if instance is None:
res = self.func(class_)
setattr(class_,, res)
return res
res = self.func(instance)
setattr(instance,, res)
return res
def get_adjustment_file(adjustment_file: str) -> List[str]:
data = get_data(__name__, adjustment_file).decode('utf-8')
return [line.strip() for line in data.split("\n")]
def get_disable_unrandomized_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Exclusions/Disable_Unrandomized.txt")
def get_early_caves_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Early_Caves.txt")
def get_early_caves_start_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Early_Caves_Start.txt")
def get_symbol_shuffle_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Symbol_Shuffle.txt")
def get_complex_doors() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Complex_Doors.txt")
def get_simple_doors() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Simple_Doors.txt")
def get_complex_door_panels() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Complex_Door_Panels.txt")
def get_complex_additional_panels() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Complex_Additional_Panels.txt")
def get_simple_panels() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Simple_Panels.txt")
def get_simple_additional_panels() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Simple_Additional_Panels.txt")
def get_boat() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Boat.txt")
def get_laser_shuffle() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Laser_Shuffle.txt")
def get_audio_logs() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Audio_Logs.txt")
def get_ep_all_individual() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/EP_Shuffle/EP_All.txt")
def get_ep_obelisks() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/EP_Shuffle/EP_Sides.txt")
def get_obelisk_keys() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Obelisk_Keys.txt")
def get_ep_easy() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/EP_Shuffle/EP_Easy.txt")
def get_ep_no_eclipse() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/EP_Shuffle/EP_NoEclipse.txt")
def get_vault_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Exclusions/Vaults.txt")
def get_discard_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Exclusions/Discards.txt")
def get_caves_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Caves.txt")
def get_beyond_challenge_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Beyond_Challenge.txt")
def get_bottom_floor_discard_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Bottom_Floor_Discard.txt")
def get_bottom_floor_discard_nondoors_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Bottom_Floor_Discard_NonDoors.txt")
def get_mountain_upper_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Mountain_Upper.txt")
def get_challenge_vault_box_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Challenge_Vault_Box.txt")
def get_path_to_challenge_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Path_To_Challenge.txt")
def get_mountain_lower_exclusion_list() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Postgame/Mountain_Lower.txt")
def get_elevators_come_to_you() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("settings/Door_Shuffle/Elevators_Come_To_You.txt")
def get_sigma_normal_logic() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("WitnessLogic.txt")
def get_sigma_expert_logic() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("WitnessLogicExpert.txt")
def get_vanilla_logic() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("WitnessLogicVanilla.txt")
def get_items() -> List[str]:
return get_adjustment_file("WitnessItems.txt")
def dnf_remove_redundancies(dnf_requirement: FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]]) -> FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]]:
"""Removes any redundant terms from a logical formula in disjunctive normal form.
This means removing any terms that are a superset of any other term get removed.
This is possible because of the boolean absorption law: a | (a & b) = a"""
to_remove = set()
for option1 in dnf_requirement:
for option2 in dnf_requirement:
if option2 < option1:
return dnf_requirement - to_remove
def dnf_and(dnf_requirements: List[FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]]]) -> FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]]:
performs the "and" operator on a list of logical formula in disjunctive normal form, represented as a set of sets.
A logical formula might look like this: {{a, b}, {c, d}}, which would mean "a & b | c & d".
These can be easily and-ed by just using the boolean distributive law: (a | b) & c = a & c | a & b.
current_overall_requirement = frozenset({frozenset()})
for next_dnf_requirement in dnf_requirements:
new_requirement: Set[FrozenSet[str]] = set()
for option1 in current_overall_requirement:
for option2 in next_dnf_requirement:
new_requirement.add(option1 | option2)
current_overall_requirement = frozenset(new_requirement)
return dnf_remove_redundancies(current_overall_requirement)