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The Witness Randomizer Setup

Required Software

Optional Software

Joining a MultiWorld Game

This Randomizer can be very "moody" if you don't do everything in the correct order. It is recommended to do every single one of these steps when you connect to a world.

  1. Launch The Witness
  2. Start a fresh save (unless you have absolutely no other choice)
  3. Do not move
  4. Launch The Witness Archipalego Randomizer
  5. Enter the Archipelago address, slot name and password
  6. Press "Randomize"
  7. Wait for the randomization to fully finish before moving in-game

That's it! Have fun!

Archipelago Text Client

It is recommended to have Archipelago's Text Client open on the side to keep track of what items you receive and send, as The Witness has no in-game messages.
Or use the Auto-Tracker!


The Witness has a fully functional map tracker that supports auto-tracking.

  1. Download The Witness Map- and Auto-Tracker and PopTracker.
  2. Open PopTracker, and load the Witness pack.
  3. Click on the "AP" symbol at the top.
  4. Enter the AP address, slot name and password.

The rest should take care of itself! Items and checks will be marked automatically, and it even knows your settings - It will hide checks & adjust logic accordingly.