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The Messenger

What does randomization do in this game?

All items and upgrades that can be picked up by the player in the game are randomized. The player starts in the Tower of Time HQ with the past section finished, all area portals open, and with the cloud step, and climbing claws already obtained. You'll be forced to do sections of the game in different ways with your current abilities. Currently, logic assumes you already have all shop upgrades.

What items can appear in other players' worlds?

  • The player's movement items
  • Quest and pedestal items
  • Music Box notes
  • The Phobekins
  • Time shards
  • Power Seals

Where can I find items?

You can find items wherever items can be picked up in the original game. This includes:

  • Shopkeeper dialog where the player originally gains movement items
  • Quest Item pickups
  • Music Box notes
  • Phobekins
  • Power seals

What are the item name groups?

When you attempt to hint for items in Archipelago you can use either the name for the specific item, or the name of a group of items. Hinting for a group will choose a random item from the group that you do not currently have and hint for it. The groups you can use for The Messenger are:

  • Notes - This covers the music notes
  • Keys - An alternative name for the music notes
  • Crest - The Sun and Moon Crests
  • Phobekin - Any of the Phobekins
  • Phobe - An alternative name for the Phobekins
  • Shuriken - The windmill shuriken

Other changes

  • The player can return to the Tower of Time HQ at any point by selecting the button from the options menu
    • This can cause issues if used at specific times. Current known:
      • During Boss fights
      • After Courage Note collection (Corrupted Future chase)
        • This is currently an expected action in logic. If you do need to teleport during this chase sequence, it is recommended to quit to title and reload the save
  • After reaching ninja village a teleport option is added to the menu to reach it quickly
  • Toggle Windmill Shuriken button is added to option menu once the item is received

Currently known issues

  • Necro cutscene will sometimes not play correctly, but will still reward the item
  • Ruxxtin Coffin cutscene will sometimes not play correctly, but will still reward the item
  • If you receive the Fairy Bottle while in Quillshroom Marsh, The Decurse Queen cutscene will not play. You can exit to Searing Crags and re-enter to get it to play correctly.
  • If you defeat Barma'thazël, the cutscene afterward will not play correctly since that is what normally transitions you to 2nd quest. The game will not kill you if you fall here, so you can teleport to HQ at any point after defeating him.
  • Sometimes upon teleporting back to HQ, Ninja will run left and enter a different portal than the one entered by the player.
  • Text entry menus don't accept controller input
  • Opening the shop chest in power seal hunt mode from the tower of time HQ will soft lock the game.

What do I do if I have a problem?

If you believe something happened that isn't intended, please get the log.txtfrom the folder of your game installation and send a bug report either on github or the Archipelago Discord Server