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Documentation for a card object. These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.

In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the scryfallJson variable (card.scryfallJson).


All classes accept the following parameters.

Param Required [y/n] Input type Description
format No String The format to return. Defaults to JSON.
pretty No Boolean Makes the returned JSON prettier. The library may not work properly with this setting.

Classes |Name|Description| |.ArtifactTypes()|Returns all unique types of artifacts printed.| |.CardNames()|Returns all unique card names printed.| |.CreatureTypes()|Returns all unique creature types printed.| |.LandTypes()|Returns all unique land types printed.| |.Loyalties()|Returns all unique starting loyalties printed.| |.PlaneswalkerTypes()|Returns all unique planeswalker types printed.| |.Powers()|Returns all unique power values printed.| |.SpellTypes()|Returns all unique spell types printed.| |.Toughnesses()|Returns all unique toughness values printed.| |.Watermarks()|Returns the name of all unique watermarks printed.| |.WordBanks()|Returns all unique words ever printed on a card.|


All attributes are listed assuming the following catalog = scrython.catalog.<Class>() is the current usage.

Name Data type returned Description
catalog.object() String Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)
catalog.uri() String The API URI for the endpoint you've called.
catalog.total_values() Integer The number of items in data(). List A list of all types returned by the endpoint.