wrote more comments

This commit is contained in:
Holly McFarland 2021-03-09 12:49:15 -05:00
parent 8d34e3c7d4
commit 2b09af66f3
2 changed files with 68 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
# Instead of card objects we just get a list of two dictionaries.
# I've decided to try to reuse at much code as possible by jerryrigging
# my own Face object that can be passed into my card parsing logic
# The only reason this class is here is as a "fake" Card class. It
# implements just enough of the Card interface for python's duck typing
# to let it through for my purposes.
# I wouldn't have to do any of this if Scrython wasn't so needlessly bizarre.
class Face:
def __init__(self, d):
self.d = d

View File

@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3.9
import os
import shutil
import os # Used exactly once to check for the config file
import shutil # Used exactly once to copy the sample config file
import asyncio
import re
import json
import requests
import io
import sys
import traceback
import atoot
import scrython
import nest_asyncio
import atoot # Asynchronous Mastodon API wrapper
import scrython # Scryfall API (similar to Gatherer but I prefer Scryfall)
import nest_asyncio # I cannot even begin to explain why I need this one.
nest_asyncio.apply() # It has something to do with Scrython using asyncio, which means I can't
# use it from within my asyncio code. And that's on purpose, I think.
# But this patches asyncio to allow that, somehow?
# I'm sorry, it's completely beyond me. Look it up.
import face
@ -44,6 +47,9 @@ async def get_cards(card_names):
log(f'Downloading image for {c.name()}...')
url = c.image_uris(0, 'normal')
async with session.get(url) as r:
# BytesIO stores the data in memory as a file-like object.
# We can turn around and upload it to fedi without ever
# touching the disk.
image = io.BytesIO(await r.read())
log(f'Done downloading image for {c.name()}!')
@ -91,24 +97,36 @@ async def get_cards(card_names):
return ret
# Responses list: One entry for each [[card name]] in parent, even if the
# response is just "No card named 'CARDNAME' was found."
responses = []
# Cards list: Only cards that were found successfully
cards = []
found = []
for name in card_names:
c = scrython.cards.Named(fuzzy=name)
cards.append(f'{c.name()} - {c.scryfall_uri()}')
responses.append(f'{c.name()} - {c.scryfall_uri()}')
except scrython.foundation.ScryfallError:
cards.append(f'No card named "{name}" was found.')
responses.append(f'No card named "{name}" was found.')
if 1 <= len(found) <= 4:
# download card images
# Download card images.
# A status can only have four images on it, so we can't necessarily include
# every card mentioned in the status.
# The reason I choose to include /no/ images in that case is that someone
# linking to more than 4 cards is probably talking about enough different things
# that it would be weird for the first four they happened to mention to have images.
# Like if someone's posting a decklist it would be weird for the first four cards to
# be treated as special like that.
if 1 <= len(cards) <= 4:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
images = list(zip(await asyncio.gather(
*(download_card_image(session, c) for c in found)
), (get_text_representation(c) for c in found)))
images = tuple(zip(
await asyncio.gather(
*(download_card_image(session, c) for c in cards)
(get_text_representation(c) for c in cards)
images = None
@ -119,13 +137,16 @@ async def update_followers(c, me):
accounts_following_me = set(map(lambda a: a['id'], await c.account_followers(me)))
accounts_i_follow = set(map(lambda a: a['id'], await c.account_following(me)))
# accounts that follow me that i don't follow
# Accounts that follow me that I don't follow
to_follow = accounts_following_me - accounts_i_follow
# accounts i follow that don't follow me
# Accounts I follow that don't follow me
to_unfollow = accounts_i_follow - accounts_following_me
if to_follow:
# Note that the bot listens for follows and tries to follow
# back instantly. This is /usually/ dead code but it's a failsafe
# in case someone followed while the bot was down or something.
log(f'{len(to_follow)} accounts to follow:')
for account in to_follow:
await c.account_follow(account)
@ -147,8 +168,8 @@ async def listen(c, me):
async for msg in stream:
status = json.loads(msg.json()['payload'])
# two events come in for the statuses, one of them has the status nested deeper
# just ignore that one
# Two events come in for each status on the timeline. I don't know why.
# One of them has the status nested deeper. Just ignore that one I guess.
if 'status' in status: continue
status_id = status['id']
@ -167,6 +188,11 @@ async def listen(c, me):
# Reply unlisted or at the same visibility as the parent, whichever is
# more restrictive
# I realized after writing this that I don't /think/ it ever matters?
# I think replies behave the same on public and unlisted. But I'm not 100%
# sure so it stays.
reply_visibility = min(('unlisted', status_visibility), key=['direct', 'private', 'unlisted', 'public'].index)
media_ids = None
@ -181,6 +207,9 @@ async def listen(c, me):
reply_text = status_author
# Just a personal preference thing. If I ask for one card, put the
# text on the same line as the mention. If I ask for more, start the
# list a couple of lines down.
if len(cards) == 1:
reply_text += ' ' + cards[0]
@ -191,11 +220,13 @@ async def listen(c, me):
for image, desc in media:
media_ids.append((await c.upload_attachment(fileobj=image, params={}, description=desc))['id'])
except Exception as e:
# Oops!
log(traceback.print_exc(), Severity.ERROR)
reply_text = f'{status_author} Sorry! You broke me somehow. Please let Holly know what you did!'
log('Sending reply...')
await c.create_status(status=reply_text, media_ids=media_ids, in_reply_to_id=status_id, visibility=reply_visibility)
log('Reply sent!')
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/55505152/2114129
async def repeat(interval, func, *args, **kwargs):