big refactor + respond to mentions

This commit is contained in:
Holly McFarland 2021-03-26 18:57:10 -04:00
parent 7273f71132
commit 73e5b2cc85
1 changed files with 80 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -179,84 +179,90 @@ async def update_followers(c, me):
else: else:
log('No accounts to unfollow.') log('No accounts to unfollow.')
async def handle_status(c, status):
# Ignore all reblogs
if status.get('reblog'): return
status_id = status['id']
status_author = '@' + status['account']['acct']
status_text = status['content']
status_visibility = status['visibility']
# Reply unlisted or at the same visibility as the parent, whichever is
# more restrictive
# I realized after writing this that I don't /think/ it ever matters?
# I think replies behave the same on public and unlisted. But I'm not 100%
# sure so it stays.
reply_visibility = min(('unlisted', status_visibility), key=['direct', 'private', 'unlisted', 'public'].index)
media_ids = None
card_names = re.findall(r'\[\[(.*?)\]\]', status_text)
# ignore any statuses without cards in them
if not card_names: return
cards, media = await get_cards(card_names)
reply_text = status_author
# Just a personal preference thing. If I ask for one card, put the
# text on the same line as the mention. If I ask for more, start the
# list a couple of lines down.
if len(cards) == 1:
reply_text += ' ' + cards[0]
reply_text += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(cards)
if media:
media_ids = []
for image, desc in media:
media_ids.append((await c.upload_attachment(fileobj=image, params={}, description=desc))['id'])
except atoot.api.RatelimitError:
media_ids = None
reply_text += '\n\nMedia attachments are temporarily disabled due to API restrictions, they will return shortly.'
except Exception as e:
# Oops!
log(traceback.print_exc(), Severity.ERROR)
reply_text = f'{status_author} Sorry! You broke me somehow. Please let Holly know what you did!'
log('Sending reply...')
reply = await c.create_status(status=reply_text, media_ids=media_ids, in_reply_to_id=status_id, visibility=reply_visibility)
log(f'Reply sent! {reply["uri"]}')
except atoot.api.UnprocessedError as e:
log(f'Could not send reply!', Severity.ERROR)
log(traceback.format_exc(), Severity.ERROR)
error_msg = 'An error occured sending the reply. This most likely means that it would have been greater than 500 characters. If it was something else, please let Holly know!'
await c.create_status(status=f'{status_author} {error_msg}', in_reply_to_id=status_id, visibility=reply_visibility)
async def handle_follow(c, follow):
id = follow['account']['id']
log(f'Received follow from {id}, following back')
await c.account_follow(id)
async def listen(c, me): async def listen(c, me):
log('Listening...') log('Listening...')
async with c.streaming('user') as stream: async with c.streaming('user') as stream:
async for msg in stream: async for msg in stream:
status = json.loads(msg.json()['payload']) event = msg.json()['event']
try: payload = json.loads(msg.json()['payload'])
# Two events come in for each status on the timeline. I don't know why.
# One of them has the status nested deeper. Just ignore that one I guess.
if 'status' in status: continue
# Don't activate on boosts at all # We only care about these two events
if 'reblog' in status and status['reblog'] is not None: continue if event == 'update':
mentions_me = any((mentioned['id'] == me['id'] for mentioned in payload['mentions']))
status_id = status['id'] # Ignore any incoming status that mentions us
status_author = '@' + status['account']['acct'] # We're also going to get a ntification event, we'll handle it there
status_text = status['content'] if not mentions_me:
status_visibility = status['visibility'] await handle_status(c, payload)
except: elif event == 'notification':
try: if payload['type'] == 'follow':
if status['type'] == 'follow': await handle_follow(c, payload)
id = status['account']['id'] elif payload['type'] == 'mention':
log(f'Received follow from {id}, following back') await handle_status(c, payload['status'])
await c.account_follow(id)
log('Event came in that we don\'t know how to handle.', Severity.WARNING)
log(status, Severity.WARNING)
# Reply unlisted or at the same visibility as the parent, whichever is
# more restrictive
# I realized after writing this that I don't /think/ it ever matters?
# I think replies behave the same on public and unlisted. But I'm not 100%
# sure so it stays.
reply_visibility = min(('unlisted', status_visibility), key=['direct', 'private', 'unlisted', 'public'].index)
media_ids = None
card_names = re.findall(r'\[\[(.*?)\]\]', status_text)
# ignore any statuses without cards in them
if not card_names: continue
cards, media = await get_cards(card_names)
reply_text = status_author
# Just a personal preference thing. If I ask for one card, put the
# text on the same line as the mention. If I ask for more, start the
# list a couple of lines down.
if len(cards) == 1:
reply_text += ' ' + cards[0]
reply_text += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(cards)
if media:
media_ids = []
for image, desc in media:
media_ids.append((await c.upload_attachment(fileobj=image, params={}, description=desc))['id'])
except atoot.api.RatelimitError:
media_ids = None
reply_text += '\n\nMedia attachments are temporarily disabled due to API restrictions, they will return shortly.'
except Exception as e:
# Oops!
log(traceback.print_exc(), Severity.ERROR)
reply_text = f'{status_author} Sorry! You broke me somehow. Please let Holly know what you did!'
log('Sending reply...')
reply = await c.create_status(status=reply_text, media_ids=media_ids, in_reply_to_id=status_id, visibility=reply_visibility)
log(f'Reply sent! {reply["uri"]}')
except atoot.api.UnprocessedError as e:
log(f'Could not send reply!', Severity.ERROR)
log(traceback.format_exc(), Severity.ERROR)
error_msg = 'An error occured sending the reply. This most likely means that it would have been greater than 500 characters. If it was something else, please let Holly know!'
await c.create_status(status=f'{status_author} {error_msg}', in_reply_to_id=status_id, visibility=reply_visibility)
# #
async def repeat(interval, func, *args, **kwargs): async def repeat(interval, func, *args, **kwargs):