
288 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Defines progression, junk and event items for The Witness
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Set, TYPE_CHECKING
from BaseClasses import Item, MultiWorld, ItemClassification
from .locations import ID_START, WitnessPlayerLocations
from .player_logic import WitnessPlayerLogic
from .static_logic import ItemDefinition, DoorItemDefinition, ProgressiveItemDefinition, ItemCategory, \
StaticWitnessLogic, WeightedItemDefinition
from .utils import build_weighted_int_list
from . import WitnessWorld
class ItemData:
ItemData for an item in The Witness
ap_code: Optional[int]
definition: ItemDefinition
classification: ItemClassification
local_only: bool = False
class WitnessItem(Item):
Item from the game The Witness
game: str = "The Witness"
class StaticWitnessItems:
Class that handles Witness items independent of world settings
item_data: Dict[str, ItemData] = {}
item_groups: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
# Useful items that are treated specially at generation time and should not be automatically added to the player's
# item list during get_progression_items.
special_usefuls: List[str] = ["Puzzle Skip"]
def __init__(self):
for item_name, definition in StaticWitnessLogic.all_items.items():
ap_item_code = definition.local_code + ID_START
classification: ItemClassification = ItemClassification.filler
local_only: bool = False
if definition.category is ItemCategory.SYMBOL:
classification = ItemClassification.progression
StaticWitnessItems.item_groups.setdefault("Symbols", []).append(item_name)
elif definition.category is ItemCategory.DOOR:
classification = ItemClassification.progression
StaticWitnessItems.item_groups.setdefault("Doors", []).append(item_name)
elif definition.category is ItemCategory.LASER:
classification = ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing
StaticWitnessItems.item_groups.setdefault("Lasers", []).append(item_name)
elif definition.category is ItemCategory.USEFUL:
classification = ItemClassification.useful
elif definition.category is ItemCategory.FILLER:
if item_name in ["Energy Fill (Small)"]:
local_only = True
classification = ItemClassification.filler
elif definition.category is ItemCategory.TRAP:
classification = ItemClassification.trap
elif definition.category is ItemCategory.JOKE:
classification = ItemClassification.filler
StaticWitnessItems.item_data[item_name] = ItemData(ap_item_code, definition,
classification, local_only)
def get_item_to_door_mappings() -> Dict[int, List[int]]:
output: Dict[int, List[int]] = {}
for item_name, item_data in {name: data for name, data in StaticWitnessItems.item_data.items()
if isinstance(data.definition, DoorItemDefinition)}.items():
item = StaticWitnessItems.item_data[item_name]
output[item.ap_code] = [int(hex_string, 16) for hex_string in item_data.definition.panel_id_hexes]
return output
class WitnessPlayerItems:
Class that defines Items for a single world
def __init__(self, world: "WitnessWorld", logic: WitnessPlayerLogic, locat: WitnessPlayerLocations):
"""Adds event items after logic changes due to options"""
self._world: "WitnessWorld" = world
self._multiworld: MultiWorld = world.multiworld
self._player_id: int = world.player
self._logic: WitnessPlayerLogic = logic
self._locations: WitnessPlayerLocations = locat
# Duplicate the static item data, then make any player-specific adjustments to classification.
self.item_data: Dict[str, ItemData] = copy.deepcopy(StaticWitnessItems.item_data)
# Remove all progression items that aren't actually in the game.
self.item_data = {
name: data for (name, data) in self.item_data.items()
if data.classification not in
{ItemClassification.progression, ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing}
# Adjust item classifications based on game settings.
eps_shuffled = self._world.options.shuffle_EPs
come_to_you = self._world.options.elevators_come_to_you
difficulty = self._world.options.puzzle_randomization
for item_name, item_data in self.item_data.items():
if not eps_shuffled and item_name in {"Monastery Garden Entry (Door)",
"Monastery Shortcuts",
"Quarry Boathouse Hook Control (Panel)",
"Windmill Turn Control (Panel)"}:
# Downgrade doors that only gate progress in EP shuffle.
item_data.classification = ItemClassification.useful
elif not come_to_you and not eps_shuffled and item_name in {"Quarry Elevator Control (Panel)",
"Swamp Long Bridge (Panel)"}:
# These Bridges/Elevators are not logical access because they may leave you stuck.
item_data.classification = ItemClassification.useful
elif item_name in {"River Monastery Garden Shortcut (Door)",
"Monastery Laser Shortcut (Door)",
"Orchard Second Gate (Door)",
"Jungle Bamboo Laser Shortcut (Door)",
"Caves Elevator Controls (Panel)"}:
# Downgrade doors that don't gate progress.
item_data.classification = ItemClassification.useful
elif item_name == "Keep Pressure Plates 2 Exit (Door)" and not (difficulty == "none" and eps_shuffled):
# PP2EP requires the door in vanilla puzzles, otherwise it's unnecessary
item_data.classification = ItemClassification.useful
# Build the mandatory item list.
self._mandatory_items: Dict[str, int] = {}
# Add progression items to the mandatory item list.
progression_dict = {
name: data for (name, data) in self.item_data.items()
if data.classification in {ItemClassification.progression, ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing}
for item_name, item_data in progression_dict.items():
if isinstance(item_data.definition, ProgressiveItemDefinition):
num_progression = len(self._logic.MULTI_LISTS[item_name])
self._mandatory_items[item_name] = num_progression
self._mandatory_items[item_name] = 1
# Add setting-specific useful items to the mandatory item list.
for item_name, item_data in {name: data for (name, data) in self.item_data.items()
if data.classification == ItemClassification.useful}.items():
if item_name in StaticWitnessItems.special_usefuls:
elif item_name == "Energy Capacity":
self._mandatory_items[item_name] = NUM_ENERGY_UPGRADES
elif isinstance(item_data.classification, ProgressiveItemDefinition):
self._mandatory_items[item_name] = len(item_data.mappings)
self._mandatory_items[item_name] = 1
# Add event items to the item definition list for later lookup.
for event_location in self._locations.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE:
location_name = logic.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS[event_location]
self.item_data[location_name] = ItemData(None, ItemDefinition(0, ItemCategory.EVENT),
ItemClassification.progression, False)
def get_mandatory_items(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
Returns the list of items that must be in the pool for the game to successfully generate.
return self._mandatory_items.copy()
def get_filler_items(self, quantity: int) -> Dict[str, int]:
Generates a list of filler items of the given length.
if quantity <= 0:
return {}
output: Dict[str, int] = {}
remaining_quantity = quantity
# Add joke items.
output.update({name: 1 for (name, data) in self.item_data.items()
if data.definition.category is ItemCategory.JOKE})
remaining_quantity -= len(output)
# Read trap configuration data.
trap_weight = self._world.options.trap_percentage / 100
filler_weight = 1 - trap_weight
# Add filler items to the list.
filler_items: Dict[str, float]
filler_items = {name: data.definition.weight if isinstance(data.definition, WeightedItemDefinition) else 1
for (name, data) in self.item_data.items() if data.definition.category is ItemCategory.FILLER}
filler_items = {name: base_weight * filler_weight / sum(filler_items.values())
for name, base_weight in filler_items.items() if base_weight > 0}
# Add trap items.
if trap_weight > 0:
trap_items = {name: data.definition.weight if isinstance(data.definition, WeightedItemDefinition) else 1
for (name, data) in self.item_data.items() if data.definition.category is ItemCategory.TRAP}
filler_items.update({name: base_weight * trap_weight / sum(trap_items.values())
for name, base_weight in trap_items.items() if base_weight > 0})
# Get the actual number of each item by scaling the float weight values to match the target quantity.
int_weights: List[int] = build_weighted_int_list(filler_items.values(), remaining_quantity)
output.update(zip(filler_items.keys(), int_weights))
return output
def get_early_items(self) -> List[str]:
Returns items that are ideal for placing on extremely early checks, like the tutorial gate.
output: Set[str] = set()
if self._world.options.shuffle_symbols:
if self._world.options.shuffle_doors:
output = {"Dots", "Black/White Squares", "Symmetry"}
output = {"Dots", "Black/White Squares", "Symmetry", "Shapers", "Stars"}
if self._world.options.shuffle_discarded_panels:
if self._world.options.puzzle_randomization == "sigma_expert":
Witness: Bugfixes in response to beta tests (#1473) * Make all Keep Pressure Plates logically required for the Laser Panel * Added more Tutorial checks * Added the remaining two Shipwreck Boat EPs to the exclude list for normal * Improved itempool filling system, added warning if usefuls had to be eaten * Moved creation of said warning string to utils * Fixed logic bug causing broken seeds on Mountain Floor 2 * Hints system change * Expert Logic Fix * Fixed typo * Better wording * Added missing games to junk hints * Made sure Entrance names are unique * Fixed missing Obelisk Side * Disable Non Randomized + EP Shuffle fix * Fixed disable_non_randomized precompleted EPs being 'disabled' instead of 'precompleted' * Fixed if/elif error * Tutorial Gate Open local symbol item becomes local_early_item in expert instead * Bump required client version. There is a beta client that sends 0.3.9. * Removed print statement, oops * Fixed itempool manipulation in pre_fill * Replaced string concats with fstrings * Improved make_warning_string function signature Co-authored-by: black-sliver <> * Improved performance on removing multiple items from multiworld itempool * Comment * Fixed errors with the code * Made removal from itempool not fail unit test for multiple references * Moved all item creation to create_items, got rid of itempool modifying system * Colored Squares is no longer a good item, that's outdated * Removed double if * React to from_pool: false by removing a junk item * Fixed warning if only Fnc Brain was removed * Make use of string truthiness instead * Made reading of plandoed items safer --------- Co-authored-by: black-sliver <>
2023-03-02 23:08:24 +00:00
# Replace progressive items with their parents.
output = {StaticWitnessLogic.get_parent_progressive_item(item) for item in output}
# Remove items that are mentioned in any plando options. (Hopefully, in the future, plando will get resolved
# before create_items so that we'll be able to check placed items instead of just removing all items mentioned
# regardless of whether or not they actually wind up being manually placed.
for plando_setting in self._multiworld.plando_items[self._player_id]:
if plando_setting.get("from_pool", True):
for item_setting_key in [key for key in ["item", "items"] if key in plando_setting]:
if type(plando_setting[item_setting_key]) is str:
output -= {plando_setting[item_setting_key]}
elif type(plando_setting[item_setting_key]) is dict:
output -= {item for item, weight in plando_setting[item_setting_key].items() if weight}
# Assume this is some other kind of iterable.
for inner_item in plando_setting[item_setting_key]:
if type(inner_item) is str:
output -= {inner_item}
elif type(inner_item) is dict:
output -= {item for item, weight in inner_item.items() if weight}
# Sort the output for consistency across versions if the implementation changes but the logic does not.
return sorted(list(output))
def get_door_ids_in_pool(self) -> List[int]:
Returns the total set of all door IDs that are controlled by items in the pool.
output: List[int] = []
for item_name, item_data in {name: data for name, data in self.item_data.items()
if isinstance(data.definition, DoorItemDefinition)}.items():
output += [int(hex_string, 16) for hex_string in item_data.definition.panel_id_hexes]
return output
def get_symbol_ids_not_in_pool(self) -> List[int]:
Returns the item IDs of symbol items that were defined in the configuration file but are not in the pool.
return [data.ap_code for name, data in StaticWitnessItems.item_data.items()
if name not in self.item_data.keys() and data.definition.category is ItemCategory.SYMBOL]
def get_progressive_item_ids_in_pool(self) -> Dict[int, List[int]]:
output: Dict[int, List[int]] = {}
for item_name, quantity in {name: quantity for name, quantity in self._mandatory_items.items()}.items():
item = self.item_data[item_name]
if isinstance(item.definition, ProgressiveItemDefinition):
# Note: we need to reference the static table here rather than the player-specific one because the child
# items were removed from the pool when we pruned out all progression items not in the settings.
output[item.ap_code] = [StaticWitnessItems.item_data[child_item].ap_code
for child_item in item.definition.child_item_names]
return output