# Format: Name: (Advancement, Priority, Type, ItemCode, Pedestal Hint Text, Pedestal Credit Text, Sick Kid Credit Text, Zora Credit Text, Witch Credit Text, Flute Boy Credit Text, Hint Text)
item_table={'Bow':(True,False,None,0x0B,'You have\nchosen the\narcher class.','the stick and twine','arrow-slinging kid','arrow sling for sale','witch and robin hood','archer boy shoots again','the Bow'),
'Progressive Bow':(True,False,None,0x64,'You have\nchosen the\narcher class.','the stick and twine','arrow-slinging kid','arrow sling for sale','witch and robin hood','archer boy shoots again','a Bow'),
'Progressive Bow (Alt)':(True,False,None,0x65,'You have\nchosen the\narcher class.','the stick and twine','arrow-slinging kid','arrow sling for sale','witch and robin hood','archer boy shoots again','a Bow'),
'Book of Mudora':(True,False,None,0x1D,'This is a\nparadox?!','and the story book','the scholarly kid','moon runes for sale','drugs for literacy','book-worm boy can read again','the Book'),
'Hammer':(True,False,None,0x09,'stop\nhammer time!','and m c hammer','hammer-smashing kid','m c hammer for sale','stop... hammer time','stop, hammer time','the hammer'),
'Hookshot':(True,False,None,0x0A,'BOING!!!\nBOING!!!\nBOING!!!','and the tickle beam','tickle-monster kid','tickle beam for sale','witch and tickle boy','beam boy tickles again','the Hookshot'),
'Magic Mirror':(True,False,None,0x1A,'Isn\'t your\nreflection so\npretty?','the face reflector','the narcissistic kid','your face for sale','trades looking-glass','narcissistic boy is happy again','the Mirror'),
'Flute':(True,False,None,0x14,'Save the duck\nand fly to\nfreedom!','and the duck call','the duck-call kid','duck call for sale','duck-calls for trade','flute boy plays again','the Flute'),
'Pegasus Boots':(True,False,None,0x4B,'Gotta go fast!','and the sprint shoes','the running-man kid','sprint shoe for sale','shrooms for speed','gotta-go-fast boy runs again','the Boots'),
'Power Glove':(True,False,None,0x1B,'Now you can\nlift weak\nstuff!','and the grey mittens','body-building kid','lift glove for sale','fungus for gloves','body-building boy lifts again','the glove'),
'Cape':(True,False,None,0x19,'Wear this to\nbecome\ninvisible!','the camouflage cape','red riding-hood kid','red hood for sale','hood from a hood','dapper boy hides again','the cape'),
'Mushroom':(True,False,None,0x29,'I\'m a fun guy!\n\nI\'m a funghi!','and the legal drugs','the drug-dealing kid','legal drugs for sale','shroom swap','shroom boy sells drugs again','the mushroom'),
'Shovel':(True,False,None,0x13,'Can\n You\n Dig it?','and the spade','archaeologist kid','dirt spade for sale','can you dig it','shovel boy digs again','the shovel'),
'Lamp':(True,False,None,0x12,'Baby, baby,\nbaby.\nLight my way!','and the flashlight','light-shining kid','flashlight for sale','fungus for illumination','illuminated boy can see again','the lamp'),
'Magic Powder':(True,False,None,0x0D,'you can turn\nanti-faeries\ninto faeries','and the magic sack','the sack-holding kid','magic sack for sale','the witch and assistant','magic boy plays marbles again','the powder'),
'Moon Pearl':(True,False,None,0x1F,' Bunny Link\n be\n gone!','and the jaw breaker','fortune-telling kid','lunar orb for sale','shrooms for moon rock','moon boy plays ball again','the moon pearl'),
'Cane of Somaria':(True,False,None,0x15,'I make blocks\nto hold down\nswitches!','and the red blocks','the block-making kid','block stick for sale','block stick for trade','cane boy makes blocks again','the red cane'),
'Fire Rod':(True,False,None,0x07,'I\'m the hot\nrod. I make\nthings burn!','and the flamethrower','fire-starting kid','rage rod for sale','fungus for rage-rod','firestarter boy burns again','the fire rod'),
'Flippers':(True,False,None,0x1E,'fancy a swim?','and the toewebs','the swimming kid','finger webs for sale','shrooms let you swim','swimming boy swims again','the flippers'),
'Ice Rod':(True,False,None,0x08,'I\'m the cold\nrod. I make\nthings freeze!','and the freeze ray','the ice-bending kid','freeze ray for sale','fungus for ice-rod','ice-cube boy freezes again','the ice rod'),
'Titans Mitts':(True,False,None,0x1C,'Now you can\nlift heavy\nstuff!','and the golden glove','body-building kid','carry glove for sale','fungus for bling-gloves','body-building boy has gold again','the mitts'),
'Bombos':(True,False,None,0x0F,'Burn, baby,\nburn! Fear my\nring of fire!','and the swirly coin','coin-collecting kid','swirly coin for sale','shrooms for swirly-coin','medallion boy melts room again','Bombos'),
'Ether':(True,False,None,0x10,'This magic\ncoin freezes\neverything!','and the bolt coin','coin-collecting kid','bolt coin for sale','shrooms for bolt-coin','medallion boy sees floor again','Ether'),
'Quake':(True,False,None,0x11,'Maxing out the\nRichter scale\nis what I do!','and the wavy coin','coin-collecting kid','wavy coin for sale','shrooms for wavy-coin','medallion boy shakes dirt again','Quake'),
'Bottle':(True,False,None,0x16,'Now you can\nstore potions\nand stuff!','and the terrarium','the terrarium kid','terrarium for sale','special promotion','bottle boy has terrarium again','a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Red Potion)':(True,False,None,0x2B,'Hearty red goop!','and the red goo','the liquid kid','potion for sale','free samples','bottle boy has red goo again','a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Green Potion)':(True,False,None,0x2C,'Refreshing green goop!','and the green goo','the liquid kid','potion for sale','free samples','bottle boy has green goo again','a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Blue Potion)':(True,False,None,0x2D,'Delicious blue goop!','and the blue goo','the liquid kid','potion for sale','free samples','bottle boy has blue goo again','a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Fairy)':(True,False,None,0x3D,'Save me and I will revive you','and the captive','the tingle kid','hostage for sale','fairy dust and shrooms','bottle boy has friend again','a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Bee)':(True,False,None,0x3C,'I will sting your foes a few times','and the sting buddy','the beekeeper kid','insect for sale','shroom pollenation','bottle boy has mad bee again','a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Good Bee)':(True,False,None,0x48,'I will sting your foes a whole lot!','and the sparkle sting','the beekeeper kid','insect for sale','shroom pollenation','bottle boy has beetor again','a Bottle'),
'Master Sword':(True,False,'Sword',0x50,'I beat barries and pigs alike','and the master sword','sword-wielding kid','glow sword for sale','fungus for blue slasher','sword boy fights again','the Master Sword'),
'Tempered Sword':(True,False,'Sword',0x02,'I stole the\nblacksmith\'s\njob!','the tempered sword','sword-wielding kid','flame sword for sale','fungus for red slasher','sword boy fights again','the Tempered Sword'),
'Fighter Sword':(True,False,'Sword',0x49,'A pathetic\nsword rests\nhere!','the tiny sword','sword-wielding kid','tiny sword for sale','fungus for tiny slasher','sword boy fights again','the small sword'),
'Golden Sword':(True,False,'Sword',0x03,'The butter\nsword rests\nhere!','and the butter sword','sword-wielding kid','butter for sale','cap churned to butter','sword boy fights again','the Golden Sword'),
'Progressive Sword':(True,False,'Sword',0x5E,'a better copy\nof your sword\nfor your time','the unknown sword','sword-wielding kid','sword for sale','fungus for some slasher','sword boy fights again','a sword'),
'Progressive Glove':(True,False,None,0x61,'a way to lift\nheavier things','and the lift upgrade','body-building kid','some glove for sale','fungus for gloves','body-building boy lifts again','a glove'),
'Silver Arrows':(True,False,None,0x58,'Do you fancy\nsilver tipped\narrows?','and the ganonsbane','ganon-killing kid','ganon doom for sale','fungus for pork','archer boy shines again','the silver arrows'),
'Triforce':(True,False,None,0x6A,'\n YOU WIN!','and the triforce','victorious kid','victory for sale','fungus for the win','greedy boy wins game again','the Triforce'),
'Power Star':(True,False,None,0x6B,'a small victory','and the power star','star-struck kid','star for sale','see stars with shroom','mario powers up again','a Power Star'),
'Triforce Piece':(True,False,None,0x6C,'a small victory','and the thirdforce','triangular kid','triangle for sale','fungus for triangle','wise boy has triangle again','a Triforce Piece'),
'Single Arrow':(False,False,None,0x43,'a lonely arrow\nsits here.','and the arrow','stick-collecting kid','sewing needle for sale','fungus for arrow','archer boy sews again','an arrow'),
'Arrows (10)':(False,False,None,0x44,'This will give\nyou ten shots\nwith your bow!','and the arrow pack','stick-collecting kid','sewing kit for sale','fungus for arrows','archer boy sews again','ten arrows'),
'Arrow Upgrade (+10)':(False,False,None,0x54,'increase arrow\nstorage, low\nlow price','and the quiver','quiver-enlarging kid','arrow boost for sale','witch and more skewers','upgrade boy sews more again','arrow capacity'),
'Arrow Upgrade (+5)':(False,False,None,0x53,'increase arrow\nstorage, low\nlow price','and the quiver','quiver-enlarging kid','arrow boost for sale','witch and more skewers','upgrade boy sews more again','arrow capacity'),
'Single Bomb':(False,False,None,0x27,'I make things\ngo BOOM! But\njust once.','and the explosion','the bomb-holding kid','firecracker for sale','blend fungus into bomb','\'splosion boy explodes again','a bomb'),
'Bombs (3)':(False,False,None,0x28,'I make things\ngo triple\nBOOM!!!','and the explosions','the bomb-holding kid','firecrackers for sale','blend fungus into bombs','\'splosion boy explodes again','three bombs'),
'Bombs (10)':(False,False,None,0x31,'I make things\ngo BOOM! Ten\ntimes!','and the explosions','the bomb-holding kid','firecrackers for sale','blend fungus into bombs','\'splosion boy explodes again','ten bombs'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+10)':(False,False,None,0x52,'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price','and the bomb bag','boom-enlarging kid','bomb boost for sale','the shroom goes boom','upgrade boy explodes more again','bomb capacity'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+5)':(False,False,None,0x51,'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price','and the bomb bag','boom-enlarging kid','bomb boost for sale','the shroom goes boom','upgrade boy explodes more again','bomb capacity'),
'Blue Mail':(False,True,None,0x22,'Now you\'re a\nblue elf!','and the banana hat','the protected kid','banana hat for sale','the clothing store','tailor boy banana hatted again','the blue mail'),
'Red Mail':(False,True,None,0x23,'Now you\'re a\nred elf!','and the eggplant hat','well-protected kid','purple hat for sale','the nice clothing store','tailor boy fears nothing again','the red mail'),
'Progressive Armor':(False,True,None,0x60,'time for a\nchange of\nclothes?','and the unknown hat','the protected kid','new hat for sale','the clothing store','tailor boy has threads again','some armor'),
'Blue Boomerang':(True,False,None,0x0C,'No matter what\nyou do, blue\nreturns to you','and the bluemarang','the bat-throwing kid','bent stick for sale','fungus for puma-stick','throwing boy plays fetch again','the blue boomerang'),
'Red Boomerang':(True,False,None,0x2A,'No matter what\nyou do, red\nreturns to you','and the badmarang','the bat-throwing kid','air foil for sale','fungus for return-stick','magical boy plays fetch again','the red boomerang'),
'Blue Shield':(False,True,None,0x04,'Now you can\ndefend against\npebbles!','and the stone blocker','shield-wielding kid','shield for sale','fungus for shield','shield boy defends again','the blue shield'),
'Red Shield':(False,True,None,0x05,'Now you can\ndefend against\nfireballs!','and the shot blocker','shield-wielding kid','fire shield for sale','fungus for fire shield','shield boy defends again','the red shield'),
'Mirror Shield':(True,False,None,0x06,'Now you can\ndefend against\nlasers!','and the laser blocker','shield-wielding kid','face shield for sale','fungus for face shield','shield boy defends again','the mirror shield'),
'Progressive Shield':(True,False,None,0x5F,'have a better\nblocker in\nfront of you','and the new shield','shield-wielding kid','shield for sale','fungus for shield','shield boy defends again','a shield'),
'Bug Catching Net':(True,False,None,0x21,'Let\'s catch\nsome bees and\nfaeries!','and the bee catcher','the bug-catching kid','stick web for sale','fungus for butterflies','wrong boy catches bees again','the bug net'),
'Cane of Byrna':(True,False,None,0x18,'Use this to\nbecome\ninvincible!','and the bad cane','the spark-making kid','spark stick for sale','spark-stick for trade','cane boy encircles again','the blue cane'),
'Boss Heart Container':(False,False,None,0x3E,'Maximum health\nincreased!\nYeah!','and the full heart','the life-giving kid','love for sale','fungus for life','life boy feels love again','a heart'),
'Sanctuary Heart Container':(False,False,None,0x3F,'Maximum health\nincreased!\nYeah!','and the full heart','the life-giving kid','love for sale','fungus for life','life boy feels love again','a heart'),
'Piece of Heart':(False,False,None,0x17,'Just a little\npiece of love!','and the broken heart','the life-giving kid','little love for sale','fungus for life','life boy feels some love again','a heart piece'),
'Rupee (1)':(False,False,None,0x34,'Just pocket\nchange. Move\nright along.','the pocket change','poverty-struck kid','life lesson for sale','buying cheap drugs','destitute boy has snack again','a green rupee'),
'Rupees (5)':(False,False,None,0x35,'Just pocket\nchange. Move\nright along.','the pocket change','poverty-struck kid','life lesson for sale','buying cheap drugs','destitute boy has snack again','a blue rupee'),
'Rupees (20)':(False,False,None,0x36,'Just couch\ncash. Move\nright along.','and the couch cash','the piggy-bank kid','life lesson for sale','the witch buying drugs','destitute boy has lunch again','a red rupee'),
'Rupees (50)':(False,False,None,0x41,'A rupee pile!\nOkay?','and the rupee pile','the well-off kid','life lesson for sale','buying okay drugs','destitute boy has dinner again','fifty rupees'),
'Rupees (100)':(False,False,None,0x40,'A rupee stash!\nHell yeah!','and the rupee stash','the kind-of-rich kid','life lesson for sale','buying good drugs','affluent boy goes drinking again','one hundred rupees'),
'Rupees (300)':(False,False,None,0x46,'A rupee hoard!\nHell yeah!','and the rupee hoard','the really-rich kid','life lesson for sale','buying the best drugs','fat-cat boy is rich again','three hundred rupees'),
'Rupoor':(False,False,None,0x59,'a debt collector','and the toll-booth','the toll-booth kid','double loss for sale','witch stole your rupees','affluent boy steals rupees','a rupoor'),
'Red Clock':(False,True,None,0x5B,'a waste of time','the ruby clock','the ruby-time kid','red time for sale','for ruby time','moment boy travels time again','a red clock'),
'Blue Clock':(False,True,None,0x5C,'a bit of time','the sapphire clock','sapphire-time kid','blue time for sale','for sapphire time','moment boy time travels again','a blue clock'),
'Green Clock':(False,True,None,0x5D,'a lot of time','the emerald clock','the emerald-time kid','green time for sale','for emerald time','moment boy adjusts time again','a red clock'),
'Single RNG':(False,True,None,0x62,'something you don\'t yet have',None,None,None,None,'unknown boy somethings again','a new mystery'),
'Multi RNG':(False,True,None,0x63,'something you may already have',None,None,None,None,'unknown boy somethings again','a total mystery'),
'Magic Upgrade (1/2)':(True,False,None,0x4E,'Your magic\npower has been\ndoubled!','and the spell power','the magic-saving kid','wizardry for sale','mekalekahi mekahiney ho','magic boy saves magic again','half magic'),# can be required to beat mothula in an open seed in very very rare circumstance
'Magic Upgrade (1/4)':(True,False,None,0x4F,'Your magic\npower has been\nquadrupled!','and the spell power','the magic-saving kid','wizardry for sale','mekalekahi mekahiney ho','magic boy saves magic again','quarter magic'),# can be required to beat mothula in an open seed in very very rare circumstance
'Small Key (Eastern Palace)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA2,'A small key to Armos Knights','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Eastern Palace'),
'Big Key (Eastern Palace)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x9D,'A big key to Armos Knights','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Eastern Palace'),
'Compass (Eastern Palace)':(False,True,'Compass',0x8D,'Now you can find the Armos Knights!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Eastern Palace'),
'Map (Eastern Palace)':(False,True,'Map',0x7D,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Eastern Palace'),
'Small Key (Desert Palace)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA3,'A small key to the desert','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Desert Palace'),
'Big Key (Desert Palace)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x9C,'A big key to the desert','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Desert Palace'),
'Compass (Desert Palace)':(False,True,'Compass',0x8C,'Now you can find Lanmolas!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Desert Palace'),
'Map (Desert Palace)':(False,True,'Map',0x7C,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Desert Palace'),
'Small Key (Tower of Hera)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xAA,'A small key to Hera','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Tower of Hera'),
'Big Key (Tower of Hera)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x95,'A big key to Hera','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Tower of Hera'),
'Compass (Tower of Hera)':(False,True,'Compass',0x85,'Now you can find Moldorm!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Tower of Hera'),
'Map (Tower of Hera)':(False,True,'Map',0x75,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Tower of Hera'),
'Small Key (Escape)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA0,'A small key to the castle','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Hyrule Castle'),
'Big Key (Escape)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x9F,'A big key to the castle','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Hyrule Castle'),
'Compass (Escape)':(False,True,'Compass',0x8F,'Now you can find no boss!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Hyrule Castle'),
'Map (Escape)':(False,True,'Map',0x7F,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Hyrule Castle'),
'Small Key (Agahnims Tower)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA4,'A small key to Agahnim','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Castle Tower'),
'Big Key (Agahnims Tower)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x9B,'A big key to Agahnim','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Castle Tower'),
'Compass (Agahnims Tower)':(False,True,'Compass',0x8B,'Now you can find Aga1!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds null again','a compass to Castle Tower'),
'Map (Agahnims Tower)':(False,True,'Map',0x7B,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Castle Tower'),
'Small Key (Palace of Darkness)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA6,'A small key to darkness','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Palace of Darkness'),
'Big Key (Palace of Darkness)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x99,'A big key to darkness','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Palace of Darkness'),
'Compass (Palace of Darkness)':(False,True,'Compass',0x89,'Now you can find Helmasaur King!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Palace of Darkness'),
'Map (Palace of Darkness)':(False,True,'Map',0x79,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Palace of Darkness'),
'Small Key (Thieves Town)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xAB,'A small key to thievery','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Thieves\' Town'),
'Big Key (Thieves Town)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x94,'A big key to thievery','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Thieves\' Town'),
'Compass (Thieves Town)':(False,True,'Compass',0x84,'Now you can find Blind!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Thieves\' Town'),
'Map (Thieves Town)':(False,True,'Map',0x74,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Thieves\' Town'),
'Small Key (Skull Woods)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA8,'A small key to the woods','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Skull Woods'),
'Big Key (Skull Woods)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x97,'A big key to the woods','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Skull Woods'),
'Compass (Skull Woods)':(False,True,'Compass',0x87,'Now you can find Mothula!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Skull Woods'),
'Map (Skull Woods)':(False,True,'Map',0x77,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Skull Woods'),
'Small Key (Swamp Palace)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA5,'A small key to the swamp','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Swamp Palace'),
'Big Key (Swamp Palace)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x9A,'A big key to the swamp','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Swamp Palace'),
'Compass (Swamp Palace)':(False,True,'Compass',0x8A,'Now you can find Arrghus!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Swamp Palace'),
'Map (Swamp Palace)':(False,True,'Map',0x7A,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Swamp Palace'),
'Small Key (Ice Palace)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA9,'A small key to the iceberg','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Ice Palace'),
'Big Key (Ice Palace)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x96,'A big key to the iceberg','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Ice Palace'),
'Compass (Ice Palace)':(False,True,'Compass',0x86,'Now you can find Kholdstare!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Ice Palace'),
'Map (Ice Palace)':(False,True,'Map',0x76,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Ice Palace'),
'Small Key (Misery Mire)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xA7,'A small key to the mire','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Misery Mire'),
'Big Key (Misery Mire)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x98,'A big key to the mire','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Misery Mire'),
'Compass (Misery Mire)':(False,True,'Compass',0x88,'Now you can find Vitreous!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Misery Mire'),
'Map (Misery Mire)':(False,True,'Map',0x78,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Misery Mire'),
'Small Key (Turtle Rock)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xAC,'A small key to the pipe maze','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Turtle Rock'),
'Big Key (Turtle Rock)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x93,'A big key to the pipe maze','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Turtle Rock'),
'Compass (Turtle Rock)':(False,True,'Compass',0x83,'Now you can find Trinexx!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Turtle Rock'),
'Map (Turtle Rock)':(False,True,'Map',0x73,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Turtle Rock'),
'Small Key (Ganons Tower)':(False,False,'SmallKey',0xAD,'A small key to the evil tower','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key to Ganon\'s Tower'),
'Big Key (Ganons Tower)':(False,False,'BigKey',0x92,'A big key to the evil tower','and the big key','the big-unlock kid','big key for sale','face key fungus','key boy opens chest again','a big key to Ganon\'s Tower'),
'Compass (Ganons Tower)':(False,True,'Compass',0x82,'Now you can find Agahnim!','and the compass','the magnetic kid','compass for sale','magnetic fungus','compass boy finds boss again','a compass to Ganon\'s Tower'),
'Map (Ganons Tower)':(False,True,'Map',0x72,'A tightly folded map rests here','and the map','cartography kid','map for sale','a map to shrooms','map boy navigates again','a map to Ganon\'s Tower'),
'Small Key (Universal)':(False,True,None,0xAF,'A small key for any door','and the key','the unlocking kid','keys for sale','unlock the fungus','key boy opens door again','a small key'),
'Nothing':(False,False,None,0x5A,'Some Hot Air','and the Nothing','the zen kid','outright theft','shroom theft','empty boy is bored again','nothing'),
'Bee Trap':(False,False,None,0xB0,'We will sting your face a whole lot!','and the sting buddies','the beekeeper kid','insects for sale','shroom pollenation','bottle boy has mad bees again','friendship'),
'Red Potion':(False,False,None,0x2E,'Hearty red goop!','and the red goo','the liquid kid','potion for sale','free samples','bottle boy has red goo again','a red potion'),
'Green Potion':(False,False,None,0x2F,'Refreshing green goop!','and the green goo','the liquid kid','potion for sale','free samples','bottle boy has green goo again','a green potion'),
'Blue Potion':(False,False,None,0x30,'Delicious blue goop!','and the blue goo','the liquid kid','potion for sale','free samples','bottle boy has blue goo again','a blue potion'),
'Bee':(False,False,None,0x0E,'I will sting your foes a few times','and the sting buddy','the beekeeper kid','insect for sale','shroom pollenation','bottle boy has mad bee again','a bee'),
'Small Heart':(False,False,None,0x42,'Just a little\npiece of love!','and the heart','the life-giving kid','little love for sale','fungus for life','life boy feels some love again','a heart'),