
228 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Defines the rules by which locations can be accessed,
depending on the items received
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, FrozenSet
from BaseClasses import CollectionState
from .player_logic import WitnessPlayerLogic
from .locations import WitnessPlayerLocations
from . import StaticWitnessLogic, WitnessRegions
from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule
from . import WitnessWorld
laser_hexes = [
def _has_laser(laser_hex: str, world: "WitnessWorld", player: int,
redirect_required: bool) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]:
if laser_hex == "0x012FB" and redirect_required:
return lambda state: (
_can_solve_panel(laser_hex, world, world.player, world.player_logic, world.locat)(state)
and state.has("Desert Laser Redirection", player)
return _can_solve_panel(laser_hex, world, world.player, world.player_logic, world.locat)
def _has_lasers(amount: int, world: "WitnessWorld", redirect_required: bool) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]:
laser_lambdas = []
for laser_hex in laser_hexes:
has_laser_lambda = _has_laser(laser_hex, world, world.player, redirect_required)
return lambda state: sum(laser_lambda(state) for laser_lambda in laser_lambdas) >= amount
def _can_solve_panel(panel: str, world: "WitnessWorld", player: int, player_logic: WitnessPlayerLogic,
locat: WitnessPlayerLocations) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]:
Determines whether a panel can be solved
panel_obj = player_logic.REFERENCE_LOGIC.ENTITIES_BY_HEX[panel]
entity_name = panel_obj["checkName"]
if entity_name + " Solved" in locat.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE:
return lambda state: state.has(player_logic.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS[entity_name + " Solved"], player)
return make_lambda(panel, world)
def _can_move_either_direction(state: CollectionState, source: str, target: str, regio: WitnessRegions) -> bool:
entrance_forward = regio.created_entrances[source, target]
entrance_backward = regio.created_entrances[target, source]
return (
any(entrance.can_reach(state) for entrance in entrance_forward)
any(entrance.can_reach(state) for entrance in entrance_backward)
def _can_do_expert_pp2(state: CollectionState, world: "WitnessWorld") -> bool:
player = world.player
hedge_2_access = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 2nd Maze", "Keep", world.regio)
hedge_3_access = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 3rd Maze", "Keep", world.regio)
or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 3rd Maze", "Keep 2nd Maze", world.regio)
and hedge_2_access
hedge_4_access = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Maze", "Keep", world.regio)
or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Maze", "Keep 3rd Maze", world.regio)
and hedge_3_access
hedge_access = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Maze", "Keep Tower", world.regio)
and state.can_reach("Keep", "Region", player)
and hedge_4_access
backwards_to_fourth = (
state.can_reach("Keep", "Region", player)
and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Pressure Plate", "Keep Tower", world.regio)
and (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep", "Keep Tower", world.regio)
or hedge_access
shadows_shortcut = (
state.can_reach("Main Island", "Region", player)
and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 4th Pressure Plate", "Shadows", world.regio)
backwards_access = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 3rd Pressure Plate", "Keep 4th Pressure Plate", world.regio)
and (backwards_to_fourth or shadows_shortcut)
front_access = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Keep 2nd Pressure Plate", "Keep", world.regio)
and state.can_reach("Keep", "Region", player)
return front_access and backwards_access
def _can_do_theater_to_tunnels(state: CollectionState, world: "WitnessWorld") -> bool:
direct_access = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Tunnels", "Windmill Interior", world.regio)
and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Theater", "Windmill Interior", world.regio)
theater_from_town = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Town", "Windmill Interior", world.regio)
and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Theater", "Windmill Interior", world.regio)
or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Town", "Theater", world.regio)
tunnels_from_town = (
_can_move_either_direction(state, "Tunnels", "Windmill Interior", world.regio)
and _can_move_either_direction(state, "Town", "Windmill Interior", world.regio)
or _can_move_either_direction(state, "Tunnels", "Town", world.regio)
return direct_access or theater_from_town and tunnels_from_town
def _has_item(item: str, world: "WitnessWorld", player: int,
player_logic: WitnessPlayerLogic, locat: WitnessPlayerLocations) -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]:
if item in player_logic.REFERENCE_LOGIC.ALL_REGIONS_BY_NAME:
return lambda state: state.can_reach(item, "Region", player)
if item == "7 Lasers":
laser_req = world.options.mountain_lasers.value
return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, False)
if item == "7 Lasers + Redirect":
laser_req = world.options.mountain_lasers.value
return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, True)
if item == "11 Lasers":
laser_req = world.options.challenge_lasers.value
return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, False)
if item == "11 Lasers + Redirect":
laser_req = world.options.challenge_lasers.value
return _has_lasers(laser_req, world, True)
elif item == "PP2 Weirdness":
return lambda state: _can_do_expert_pp2(state, world)
elif item == "Theater to Tunnels":
return lambda state: _can_do_theater_to_tunnels(state, world)
The Witness: Event System & Item Classification System revamp (#2652) Two things have been happening. **Incorrect Events** Spoiler logs containing events that just straight up have an incorrect name and shouldn't be there. E.g. "Symmetry Island Yellow 3 solved - Monastery Laser Activation" when playing Laser Shuffle where this event should not exist, because Laser Activations are governed by the Laser items. Now to be clear - There are no logic issues with it. The event will be in the spoiler log, but it won't actually be used in the way that its name suggests. Basically, every panel in the game has exactly one event name. If the panel is referenced by another panel, it will reference the event instead. So, the Symmetry Laser Panel location will reference Symmetry Island Yellow 3, and an event is created for Symmetry Island Yellow 3. The only problem is the **name**: The canonical name for the event is related to "Symmetry Island Yellow 3" is "Monastery Laser Activation", because that's another thing that panel does sometimes. From now on, event names are tied to both the panel referencing and the panel being referenced. Only once the referincing panel actually references the dependent panel (during the dependency reduction process in generate_early), is the event actually created. This also removes some spoiler log clutter where unused events were just in the location list. **Item classifications** When playing shuffle_doors, there are a lot of doors in the game that are logically useless depending on settings. When that happens, they should get downgraded from progression to useful. The previous system for this was jank and terrible. Now there is a better system for it, and many items have been added to it. :)
2024-02-13 21:47:19 +00:00
if item in player_logic.USED_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX:
return _can_solve_panel(item, world, player, player_logic, locat)
prog_item = StaticWitnessLogic.get_parent_progressive_item(item)
return lambda state: state.has(prog_item, player, player_logic.MULTI_AMOUNTS[item])
def _meets_item_requirements(requirements: FrozenSet[FrozenSet[str]],
world: "WitnessWorld") -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]:
Checks whether item and panel requirements are met for
a panel
lambda_conversion = [
[_has_item(item, world, world.player, world.player_logic, world.locat) for item in subset]
for subset in requirements
return lambda state: any(
all(condition(state) for condition in sub_requirement)
for sub_requirement in lambda_conversion
def make_lambda(entity_hex: str, world: "WitnessWorld") -> Callable[[CollectionState], bool]:
Lambdas are created in a for loop so values need to be captured
entity_req = world.player_logic.REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX[entity_hex]
return _meets_item_requirements(entity_req, world)
def set_rules(world: "WitnessWorld"):
Sets all rules for all locations
for location in world.locat.CHECK_LOCATION_TABLE:
real_location = location
if location in world.locat.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE:
real_location = location[:-7]
associated_entity = world.player_logic.REFERENCE_LOGIC.ENTITIES_BY_NAME[real_location]
entity_hex = associated_entity["entity_hex"]
rule = make_lambda(entity_hex, world)
location = world.multiworld.get_location(location, world.player)
set_rule(location, rule)
world.multiworld.completion_condition[world.player] = lambda state: state.has('Victory', world.player)